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Transport Idea

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Hello Again friends,

With Rocket finally adding dogs to this game (Day-Z), I feel that I can contribute some ideas from my own personnel experience. As someone who owns and trains huskies to transport people and goods via sled, I feel that this should be incorporated into the game (Day-Z) as it would add extra transport options to the game.

If you train your dog well and have it like you, you should be able to attach a sled (rare spawn, stables) to it and ride it around Chernarus. I can see it now: squads of dogs and people escaping zombies! Now that's a zombie apocalypse (no pun intended). It would be like mad max, except with more dogs. To balance this addition, the speed of dog sleds should be limited to 20 mph on ground (30 mph in snow, new feature) and 25 mph on roads.

Thanks you and god bless.

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yeah maybe put in rideable horses, too. speed could be up to 50, regardless of terrain. would have to be fed water and left to graze. Should also yield 6 meatsteaks if the situations calls for barbarism. ;-)

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