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Petition to make Zombies harder.


51 members have voted

  1. 1. How You want Zombies to be

    • Give Zombies a broken arm animation so they appear to slash you with broken shards sticking out
    • Make zombies play dead more often so they can sneak attack you if you get to close
    • Add Infection so you become a zombie and must feast on surviors or starve.
    • Add Another Option
    • Put Infected AI soldiers in that fire at you near Military Installations

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That sounds horrible. They are hard enough as it is. You people seem to forget about the human element in this equation. Other players can be even more difficult then the actual zombies themselves.

They already spawn inside buildings' date=' vision has increased, they deal more damage, and hearing improved. Now you want them EVERYWHERE?


Their eagle eye vision can easily be dealt with abusing their bad AI in regards to LOS. Their hearing is garbage. I can let loose 5 magazines from my sidearm and be ok. I may attract maybe at most 10 or so Zeds at best, when in reality in a real zombie apocalypse situation I'd be attracting somewhere close to like 500000.

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Any other good points we need a lot more replies to to make this work.

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players should get up too if killed by a zombie.

Maybe zombies should drop for a while when not shot in the head, but get up again?

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*rofl* How about "More lags so Z is even harder to hit."

No seriously i am all in for well prepared patchdays and erasing the big bugs before introducing new features.

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sounds like a server performance killer....

Just sayin.

Also i'm not sure there should be many zed in the woods, most would be in towns and villages when they got infected and you have to assume that once they become zed they will still have a predilection to stay in these areas.

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I doubt it would be a performance killer it all depends on the server.

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I agree with this idea,

When patch was released zombies became harder to deal with it. Off couse, it was unbalanced as hell because the respawn issue (zombies keep comming non stop). I was with friends in Berezino that day and i´ll tell you, i regretted to fire the first round. I remember to tell my friends that, if i saw a guy i would not shoot him because zeds.

It was fixed in the last patch (respawn issue).

But, i saw that a very hard zombies make assassination a bad choice in some situations.. not as trivial as today.

PS: I am the guy that likes to shoot people in game.

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I support this idea. Some zombies should be found wandering in the wild, actively looking for their next meal, while others should remain in and around formerly populated areas, waiting for people to pass through, as in The Walking Dead. Additionally, there should be zombies who can be found lying on the ground or leaning against walls, lacking the will or capacity to go after players (or waiting until they get close enough to attack). Having different behaviour patterns for zombies would also make them less predictable, making the experience much more realistic and terrifying.

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I support this,

by adding more variantions of zombie's

-In a city the zombie's would have numbers but move slower

-Rural zombie's would be faster

-"Fat" zombie's would need a little more love.

-Military zombie requires head/face/leg shot/Large caliber to the chest


-There seem's too be a random zombie that looks like his leg is in a cast, He cant run!

-Gun fire attracts , even in Rural non zombie land Attracts attention to the shooter

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I like that idea

I hate this idea. Don't put zombies in the woods.

Well why the fuck not? Do zombies have a natural habitat in urban areas?

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Making zombies harder in towns is a no because its already hard enough going into a town when there are scopes on your head as soon as you enter. Zombies roaming the woods would be nice. I think that if you are shooting a sniper that some zombies spawn near you representing zombies attracted to gun fire. Thats +1 against bandit snipers.

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I have been thinking what doe's anyone think about zombies spawning near you if you start a firefight so it gives the impression the horde is never ending and you will need to make a hasty retreat?

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I support this' date='

by adding more variantions of zombie's

-In a city the zombie's would have numbers but move slower

-Rural zombie's would be faster

-"Fat" zombie's would need a little more love.

-Military zombie requires head/face/leg shot/Large caliber to the chest


-There seem's too be a random zombie that looks like his leg is in a cast, He cant run!

-Gun fire attracts , even in Rural non zombie land Attracts attention to the shooter


No this isn't Left4 dead Keep the mutation out.

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I always wondered why are on a team. It would be cool, but they would have to rise randomly, not just waiting until ur smack-dab in the middle of them to jump up and attack zergling-style.

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New Forum update anyone have a good idea for new zombies anything at all?

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I support this,

by adding more variantions of zombie's

-In a city the zombie's would have numbers but move slower

-Rural zombie's would be faster

-"Fat" zombie's would need a little more love.

-Military zombie requires head/face/leg shot/Large caliber to the chest


-There seem's too be a random zombie that looks like his leg is in a cast, He cant run!

-Gun fire attracts , even in Rural non zombie land Attracts attention to the shooter

I like this,

-Big places like Cherno, NW airfield should have a lot (i said a lot?) of zombies;

-Speed variations. I think that not all zombies should be runners.

-Rural places should have less zombies;

-Zombies in the woods please (creepy screaming ones :D );

-Very very slow Fat zombies that one hit you - its classical.

-Military should have to be tough.

It will add tactics to the game.

Edited by kovalhuk

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