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You ever get killed in the most remote place possible and wonder if it was just bad luck or a hacker?

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Was laying in some bushes completely out of sight in the top left corner of the map on a server with 8 other players. I was waiting for my humanity to drop and all of a sudden I get lit up. Didn't hear footsteps or anything and the gunshots were right on top of me. Lost an m240 and a M4 CCO SD I just found :(

Makes me wonder if somebody teleported to me and killed me for laughs or some guy just so happen to stumble upon me.

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They might have followed you. Your guns would look pretty enticing.

Edit: I do believe the poster above me is in the wrong place.

Edited by burtondrummerNY

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Yeah, This has happened many times to myself, Although i see a car appear out of no where and run me over. The amount of hackers/scripters in this game is crazy.

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Its usually teleporters.

Dont stay stationary, always check 360degrees. Usually you will see them teleport about 100-200 metres away from you and run at you. Which is exactly when you need to disconnect. Dont try to shoot them, most of them use godmode.

Edited by sostronk

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Its usually teleporters.

Dont stay stationary, always check 360degrees. Usually you will see them teleport about 100-200 metres away from you and run at you. Which is exactly when you need to disconnect. Dont try to shoot them, most of them use godmode.

they always wanna run up to me and say something stupid. it's usually a dead giveaway since legit players are seldom that brave/stupid

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This has happened to many times. I always chalk it up to bad luck but seriously.. A couple times I've logged in and immediately got shot in remote areas of the map.

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Happened to me. But the hacker apologized and spawned me a box with every item in the game...

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had a 12 year old kid teleport behind me when I was in the middle of nowhere sitting in a tree..

he said "hey bandit you friendly?" in a squeaky voice (he had the hero skin lol)

I knew he had to be a hacker and probably had god mode on so I just ran away checking behind me for about a kilometer.. he didn't follow.

then he teleported right behind me again and said the same shit "hey bandit you friendly?" I facepalmed and disconnected.

you can only really tell if they do it twice otherwise it might just be a coincidence that they were traveling through the same place

or spotted part of you not covered by a tree.. unlikely but possible.

I have come across and killed a few people in very remote places.. they probably thought I was a teleporting hacker

they got brutally murdered by my m14 :D

Edited by Fuji

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It's happened to me a fair share of times.

Just earlier today I was shot and killed in a remote area of the map. I noticed other players dying in very fast succession as well. When I respawned I made it about 20 steps before I was shot again. Rinse, repeat. I was killed within a minute of spawning about 8 times, so I figured it was a hacker and moved to another server for the time being.

There have been other questionable deaths, but I don't know for sure. So I chalk it up to "shit happens".

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Unless you see it don't let it bother you. I wonder nowadays how many run map hacks, but I just try not to let it bother me too much.

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It's happened to me a fair share of times.

Just earlier today I was shot and killed in a remote area of the map. I noticed other players dying in very fast succession as well. When I respawned I made it about 20 steps before I was shot again. Rinse, repeat. I was killed within a minute of spawning about 8 times, so I figured it was a hacker and moved to another server for the time being.

There have been other questionable deaths, but I don't know for sure. So I chalk it up to "shit happens".

It took you 8 deaths to realize that you were being spawnkilled by a hacker??

I would've raged by the second time.

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I logged in once completely hidden by xmas tree leaves ( 2 trees close together), 3 secs later I got shot.

But another time: there were only me and 1 other person on the map. I was in a remote corner looking for a good tent placement, and I hear an atv. So I hide and pop out in front of him and kill him. From his point of view, that could look like teleport hack.

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It took you 8 deaths to realize that you were being spawnkilled by a hacker??

I would've raged by the second time.

Well, I figured it out by the second time it happened, but at that point I had nothing to lose and wanted a better spawn point before I logged off.


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