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Get ArmA 2 or wait for Standalone DayZ?

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Heyo! just wondering what you think should I wait for the Standalone DayZ or get ArmA 2 and install the mod im just worried that the Mod wont be as good as the Standalone version! Any ideas would be great! -Thanks xFir3

Edited by xFir3_Pry0x

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Yea, I would say wait until stand alone, DayZ is currently harsh and unforgiving to new players with hackers, players killing new spawns and more.

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Buy Arma II and play the mod if you don't mind dying to hackers every gaming session, sometimes several times.... Losing all your progress and gear.

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Strong chance standalone alpha will be out within the next few months so you should avoid high amount of hacking currently going on and just wait till release.

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If you have thick skin, buy it now.

This mod has been the most fun gaming experience I have had in a very long time.

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  On 9/10/2012 at 12:17 AM, LUDW1G said:

Strong chance standalone alpha will be out within the next few months...

what are you basing this on?

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  On 9/10/2012 at 1:12 AM, SteveLord said:

I have only been teleported/killed once. But I also play in mostly low to mid population servers.

This is the key.

I play on only low-pop servers (average 5 or less ppl) and I haven't been killed by a hacker since I made the switch (which has been almost 2 weeks of playing).

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Buy ARMA 2 for the awesome mil-sim, mod the shit out of it, and have fun in the editor or download more mods from armaholic.

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I wouldn't pay a penny for the mod in its current state. I would still buy ARMA 2 combined ops though, because it's got a lot to offer and I like the series. But just for DayZ? No...

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  On 9/10/2012 at 1:15 AM, ThuggleS said:

This is the key.

I play on only low-pop servers (average 5 or less ppl) and I haven't been killed by a hacker since I made the switch (which has been almost 2 weeks of playing).

When the key to playing a multiplayer game is to play it in complete isolation... then it's a big fucking failure.

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  On 9/10/2012 at 4:07 AM, Lupin-III said:

When the key to playing a multiplayer game is to play it in complete isolation... then it's a big fucking failure.

I've run into more players on servers with 4 people, than I have on servers with 30.

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  On 9/10/2012 at 5:05 AM, Resoula said:

I've run into more players on servers with 4 people, than I have on servers with 30.

Uh huh. All of them at the northwest airfield, I'm sure.

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People thinking every problem is going to be solved with standalone, they amuse me.

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  On 9/10/2012 at 6:55 PM, Tuk said:

People thinking every problem is going to be solved with standalone, they amuse me.

If that is true have any proof I would be happy to buy it now if you have a good arguement

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  On 9/10/2012 at 6:55 PM, Tuk said:

People thinking every problem is going to be solved with standalone, they amuse me.

People thinking a mod is the same as a game designed with full access to the engine, they amuse me.

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  On 9/10/2012 at 7:05 AM, Lupin-III said:

Uh huh. All of them at the northwest airfield, I'm sure.

Actually no, only one at NW airfield. All the rest at Cherno, Berezino, Solnichny, and spread out amongst the map as well.

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If you've got a support group, then heck yeah, get it now and play with buddies. If you don't, then you need to take an introspective moment.

You've read a lot, you've browsed the forums here, you have a general idea of what you're up against. Are you the kind of guy who can enjoy testing an alpha? Servers that eat your stuff? Tents that eat your stuff? Backpacks that eat your stuff? Ghillie suits that eat your backpack? Hackers? Vindictive admins? Opaque rules? Broken mechanics? Bored dickheads? If so, you might like DayZ, but...

Are you also a bad enough dude to deal with an ArmA2 mod? Doors that break your leg if you open/close them wrong? A good three seconds of pointing at different parts of a ladder to find the spot that you can interact with? A button that mantles over fences, some of the time? An inventory interface that confuses and angers you every time? A completely different procedure for filling a canteen in a lake versus filling a jerry can at a fuel tank? Vehicles that feel nothing like any other game you've played? A helicopter that doesn't care whether you live or die? Long distances to cover on foot? Unexpected one-shot critical KOs from zombies that are on the other side of a concrete wall?

What I'm saying is, the game is good, and I want to recommend it, and if you buy ArmA2 for the mod, you also get to play ArmA2, which I love to do. I don't want to recommend it to someone who will hate it and be on the forums in a day crying and calling us names for liking a game he doesn't like. If you're that guy, just walk away.

Pro Tip: If the standalone really does follow the Minecraft development model, we can expect it to be a bugfest, too.

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  On 9/10/2012 at 9:46 PM, Beez said:

If you've got a support group, then heck yeah, get it now and play with buddies. If you don't, then you need to take an introspective moment.

You've read a lot, you've browsed the forums here, you have a general idea of what you're up against. Are you the kind of guy who can enjoy testing an alpha? Servers that eat your stuff? Tents that eat your stuff? Backpacks that eat your stuff? Ghillie suits that eat your backpack? Hackers? Vindictive admins? Opaque rules? Broken mechanics? Bored dickheads? If so, you might like DayZ, but...

Are you also a bad enough dude to deal with an ArmA2 mod? Doors that break your leg if you open/close them wrong? A good three seconds of pointing at different parts of a ladder to find the spot that you can interact with? A button that mantles over fences, some of the time? An inventory interface that confuses and angers you every time? A completely different procedure for filling a canteen in a lake versus filling a jerry can at a fuel tank? Vehicles that feel nothing like any other game you've played? A helicopter that doesn't care whether you live or die? Long distances to cover on foot? Unexpected one-shot critical KOs from zombies that are on the other side of a concrete wall?

What I'm saying is, the game is good, and I want to recommend it, and if you buy ArmA2 for the mod, you also get to play ArmA2, which I love to do. I don't want to recommend it to someone who will hate it and be on the forums in a day crying and calling us names for liking a game he doesn't like. If you're that guy, just walk away.

Pro Tip: If the standalone really does follow the Minecraft development model, we can expect it to be a bugfest, too.

ok thanks for the opinion I think i'll just get arma 2 now because the standalone isnt coming for a while and I can always get it when it comes out if it pwns the mod version

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