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Orlyy (DayZ)

I believe humanity is a bit broken.

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My previous account had -400+humanity, and this time I wanted the hero skin. I had it, but if I choose to defend myself from attackers, I lose it. always. It's quite annoying to be at -14k after disabling a few attackers, and I refuse to alt f4, or die just to keep my skin. A different approach would be nice, tbh.

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How about instead of shooting back, run away or just outwit whoever's shooting at you?

Survival's of the fittest...

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so it's broken because it doesn't work how you want it to?

No, but the differences between giving blood bags, and killing is quite dumb I think. Numbers are too far between each other to be a viable reasoning of what you as a person is.

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"of what you as a person is"

I'm pretty tired. But, if that's all you can come up with go troll some where else unless you have something constructive to say, as you're not contributing anything to this post.

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You either give life or take it.

If you want to be a hero, save lives, be more evasive, make better choices and get used to being killed occasionally and getting back to the business.

Its not hard to find medical equipment and your only out of the 'game' for I'd say thirty minutes max.

Unless you obsessed with running around with high end gear in which case I suggest getting better at playing with less.


But yeah.. the maths of humanity does seem a bit wonky. I'm not sure how it will go if they fix it and then remove the debug monitor as we'll have no idea of where we are at humanity wise until skin changes occur.

Edited by RogueNZ

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My previous account had -400+humanity, and this time I wanted the hero skin. I had it, but if I choose to defend myself from attackers, I lose it. always. It's quite annoying to be at -14k after disabling a few attackers, and I refuse to alt f4, or die just to keep my skin. A different approach would be nice, tbh.

Of course its broken. An automated system can't detect context; there's no way you'll be able to keep a hero skin without dying like an idiot all the time.

There really isn't any point in even trying. And there is no "different approach". There is no magical referee to determine who the "good guys" are.

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That's DayZ for you. I want to be a Hero but I just don't think it's going to work out for me. I freak out to much and almost always shoot on sight. I've accidentally killed heros before and shot another survivor wearing a ghillie suit because I thought he was a bandit I had just seen. It's a video game so it just doesn't realize the difference between self defense and just normal killing.

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What separates heroes from survivors and bandits is a moral code and sticking to it.

Want to know why George Lucas re-edited that Mos Eisley Cantina scene? Because he was an asshole and thought Han was a hero. He wasn't. He was a survivor, if not a bandit, and that's why he shot first.

Edited by BazBake

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