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Where to find tents.

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Any tips on where good tent spawns are?

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Supermarkets and residential, about a 2% chance to spawn.

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Tents seem to be like maps and compasses...

they never spawn when you want one, but when they do spawn EVERY loot spawn in the building is one.

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Supermarkets but get out of the two big towns. The last tent I found was the supermarket sw of the big airfield.

Also you can steal them in the woods from other players but this requires a little more searching.

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Also you can steal them in the woods from other players but this requires a little more searching.

Really??? Since when? Only the player put them up was able to re-pack them untill he dies, then even he/she cant do it anymore! Havent tried taking someone elses tent since the update, will try later on!

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Really??? Since when? Only the player put them up was able to re-pack them untill he dies, then even he/she cant do it anymore! Havent tried taking someone elses tent since the update, will try later on!

Sorry was meaning if they had a spare one stored in their tent.

Also just found another one in the toilet out front of the Devils Castle.

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