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Mandalore (DayZ)

PDW or G17?

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First off, I've been only playing for 5 days and I'm still alive probably because of the loads of guides/videos I've seen before actually playing.

I have a g17 (never fired it) and I found a PDW yesterday.

I kept my g17 though, mostly for two reasons

1)Wiki page says you'll have to unload a whole mag on a player to kill him with it (and obviously hit with every bullet) - if my goal was to kill him

2)It's louder than the g17 and my playstyle is mostly sneaky since I play solo.

Did I do the right thing? I had to make a decision in a hurry because I had no space in my backpack and I obviously didn't have the time to wait for people to respond on a thread while I was playing.

ps: my main is an mp5sd6 and I keep an m16a2 in my backpack. I only fire the mp5 preemptively at zombies that come too close, or when I have already aggroed them.

Edited by Mandalore
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Use a rifle to kill players..imo you would do more damage if you could actually throw a pistol at an enemy...

They say a well placed headshot instakills but i won't count on that...i shot a guy from 2m with a Makarov 7 times, the blood loss should have knocked him unconsious but it didn't ...so much to the inferiority of handguns with the combined DayZ blood system / ArmA vanilla patch.

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G17 is a bit better due to it's flashlight, lower noise, and better iron sights. That being said the PDW is just fun to have and can take the larger PDW mags in addition to g17 mags and any type of m9 mags.

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Depends what you are using it for - I tend to keep a PDW at all times, but I grab a G17 from camp if we are doing night stuff.

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PDW hands down. 6 types of ammo, including 2 SD, and full auto wins.

Flashlight? Right.. Why not hold a road flare to stay concealed?

Edited by Stworca

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PDW hands down. 6 types of ammo, including 2 SD, and full auto wins.

Flashlight? Right.. Why not hold a road flare to stay concealed?


shared ammo type for mp5/PDW ;)

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