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Australian Clan [DT]

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How often are you on DayZ: Usually whenever i have someone to play with

Do you have a mic: Yes

Play times: Depends on how messed up my sleep schedule is but its usually messed up so around 10pm central us to about 12pm

Current Loadout: m4a1 cco g17

Ideal loadout: any assault rifle pretty much

Last time you died: havent died since ive been on the server

How long have you been playing DayZ: about 2 or 3 months

Do you have much experience with groups in ArmA/DayZ: ive only played with a group once and it was just a bunch of friends having fun on a night server getting killed in cherno

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Age: 21

How often are you on Dayz: usually daily for some amount of time, but work patterns vary a lot so my play time can be from 1hr stints to 4 hr

Do you have a mic: i have my main headset with mic, AND i have a spare incase it shits out

Play Times: im based in perth, so usually from 9ish onwards if im working late, or any time in the afternoon if i have the afternoon off

Current Loadout:M1911 and M4A3 CCO

Ideal Loadout: MP5SD6 or M4A1 CCO SD + M9 SD

Last time you died: killed during a solo nw airfield raid, killed two before they found me though :)

how long have you been playing dayz: since the begining of august 2012

have you had much experience with groups in arma2/dayz: some experience, although my local friends also have irl commitments so finding the right time to build a core group for any substantial raids is a challenge

on a sidenote, can you forward any replies to this to my email address? since im not usually on the dayz forums as much as i should be

[email protected]

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Age: 20

How often are you on DayZ: Every second day or so

Do you have a mic: Yes

Play times: between 7pm-1am (EST), but can play during the day if I'm free

Current Loadout: AKM, CZ (I understand it's not high-end gear, but I've just recently died with M4A3 CC0, M9 SD, AKM if that matters)

Ideal loadout: Whatever suits the team. Generally like playing support or point.

Last time you died: 3-4 days ago.

How long have you been playing DayZ: 1-2 months

Do you have much experience with groups in ArmA/DayZ: Play with my mates, but they don't play that much which is why i'm interested in your clan.

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Age: 19

How often are you on DayZ: I play it on a regular basis, usually once a day.

Do you have a mic: Yes.

Play times: Usually 3:00pm to 11:00pm but I'll sometimes play throughout the day. Just thought I'd point out that I'm an Aussie.

Current Loadout: Winchester 1866, Makarov PM, a couple of cans of food and a water bottle. With an alice pack.

Ideal loadout: M107 Sniper rifle, revolver, ghillie suit.

Last time you died: 2 days ago.

How long have you been playing DayZ: 2 weeks.

Do you have much experience with groups in ArmA/DayZ: Nope, but hopefully I can change that.

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Age: 22

How often are you on DayZ: whenever i can get on after work/days off

Do you have a mic: yes

Play times: 6pm onwards on work days, anywhere from 7am on days off

Current Loadout: m1911 and m1014 shotgun plus plenty of med supplies

Ideal loadout: camo clothing, any m4 variant/svd camo

Last time you died: yesterday

How long have you been playing DayZ: only a couple of days since i got a new gaming rig

Do you have much experience with groups in ArmA/DayZ: arma 1 yes but that was a couple years ago

Steam: Epoc48

hopefully hear from you soon pretty keen to play with some decent people and learn the ropes. Slowly getting there atm. Will be on most of the day tomorrow so just drop me a line on steam or here


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Age: 15

How often are you on DayZ: A fair bit

Do you have a mic: Yes

Play times: In holidays at the moment so whenever really, out of holidays will be 4pm - 9pm

Current Loadout: Just died trying to help a few people in Cherno. I had a ghillie, M4A1, DMR, GPS, NVGS and all the rest of it.

Ideal loadout: Anything with a scope or an automatic rifle

Last time you died: Late last night

How long have you been playing DayZ: Haha, 3 dayz

Do you have much experience with groups in ArmA/DayZ: Next to none.

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How often are you on DayZ: Saturday Sunday ( 4-6 hours those days ) Since im in school holis, ill be on pretty much every day for 3 hours

Do you have a mic: Yes

Play times: Saturdays and Sundays i play from 5:30am - 10-11ish, thats basically the time i play most, but since its holidays i can play alot more on weekdays :D

Current Loadout: Got killed, had ghillie,nvgs,fn fal,range finders and m107 in coyote.

Ideal loadout: Basically what i had before :D

Last time you died: Yesterday, havent been on since

How long have you been playing DayZ: 4 Months

Do you have much experience with groups in ArmA/DayZ: Alot, im great playing with other people and know alot about the game

It would be great to join your clan.


Edited by Ross3635

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Nice clan. Might look into it once geared up.

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hey man, me and my friends have been looking to join a clan for a while and this one of yours seems legit. I am a pretty experienced player alongside my mates. I am a bandit but this is due to not being able to trust anyone and having to kill survivors trying to kill me, i do not attack nonthreatening players.

Play style: I am a aggressive sniper, i often scope out high value places searching for bandits or counter snipe but also love to get my hands dirty with come close quarters action with sniper cover.

Load out: AS50 with M107 rounds, m9 suppressed with rounds, M4A1 CCO sd with rounds, nv, range finders, binoculars, pretty much everything else that u would need

Ideal Loadout: only other gun i would chose is a l85a2aws and i would have a gillie suite

My last time of death was one week ago but i managed to get back to my body and reclaim my stuff.

I have been playing for a couple of months now with 2 mates and we usually go around in the 3 of us working as a team.

I play fairly frequently (3 times a week) but i would play alot more often if i was in a clan as this would mke dayz alot more fun.

I play in the afternoon and night mainly (sydney time) but do play during the day if i have a break from school. i do have a mic.

Age: 18

Game tag: Dave

Skype: scar_face_001

steam: scar__face_

email: [email protected]

would love to hear back from you asap. (ps. do you guys play lingor island because i have just started playing it, however all my good stuff is on original dayz)

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Gotten tired of playing lone wolf after being Ghillie sniped for the millionth time on my fully geared main hive account. It would be nice to mix it up and play with a team/clan for once in a while.

So if you're still recruiting i'd like to join.



How often are you on DayZ:

3 - 4 days a week.

Do you have a mic:


Play times:

5pm - 10:30pm weeknights, anytime till anytime on weekends.

Current Loadout:

Enfield, beans, macaroni.

Ideal loadout: Ghillie, Full tool belt, SVD camo/DMR, Coyote backpack, m9 suppressed, NVG's, rangefinder, M4 CCO SD, 2 meat, 2 water bottles, 2blood bags, 1 painkiller, 1 grenade and as much ammo as i can carry but skewed towards more DMR/SVD ammo than SD stanags.

Last time you died:

2 days ago.

How long have you been playing DayZ: 100 plus hours clocked over the past 4 months.

Do you have much experience with groups in ArmA/DayZ:

I played a fair amount with friends (4 of us) but they have since gotten bored and moved on from playing Dayz.



So yeah that's all i guess. Would be cool if you could hit me up some time on Skype.

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age 21

play dayZ often

yes i have a mic

randomly through out the day but a few hours

current load out ls852 thermal scope 14 rounds-cz 550 2 rounds ghulie suit nvg range finder etc

ideal load out exactly what i have now lol

hacker killed me exploded the land by accident , i saved his life wen he was getting attacked by 200 zombies had m4a01 we killed srsly 100z of zombies i dident no he was a hacker when i ran in to help him ended up bandaged him he realy appreticated the fact i helped him we played for sevral hours having fun btw i had good gear when i ran into him i just got better cause he killed me by accident LOL. but legit death 1 time last 6 days sniped .

had the game few weeks but adapted quick to dayz enviroment

groups i played in groups all yesterday my real acc played with freind, and a sancuaty i played met a nice american we teamed up helped another survivor who died XP but srsly i dont have much group experince im fairly fresh to it usealy lone wolf bandit

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Age: 16

How often are you on DayZ: All week pretty much.

Do you have a mic: Yes.

Play times: Weekdays 5-10 I can be on, Saturday afternoons and Sundays.

Current Loadout: Just died from a 'Day 49' character. I can get geared within a few hours (electro-cherno-balota-Stary-NWAF).

Ideal loadout: M24 +, M4A1s or AKs, Alice, tools, whatever pistol, ghillie.

Last time you died: Today, got blown up with satchel charges (always legit).

How long have you been playing DayZ: I've been playing since mid May - early June.

Do you have much experience with groups in ArmA/DayZ: I've been playing in a small group (2-5 people) for the past few months and I'm kinda getting bored of it. We were well coordinated and patient. (We have gotten helicopters, camps, cars etc. (Got screenshots if you want them). I'm an allround type player, I'm good at sniping, driving, flying, scouting out shit, rushing in, sneaking up to stuff.

My favourite thing in the game is blowing shit up with satchel charges when I get them

skype: your.a.pirate.

Edited by Dubkipz

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I apologize for not getting back to most of you, been pretty busy myself. I'll send some PM's out tomorrow arvo.

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hey guys i was hopeing to join this clan im 16 and my skype name is mr_big_clock and my steam name is Krusteh.

thanks guys :)

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hey aussiestig i would really like to join dt but i dont know your skype so if you could i would like to add you on skype and be part of you and your clan

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hey aussiestig if you could add me on skype my skype is: connornielsen23

Edited by Snoopy1212

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hey aussiestig i would really like to join dt but i dont know your skype so if you could i would like to add you on skype and be part of you and your clan

just for some help his name is aussiestig on skype same with steam

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Age:15, quite mature

How often are you on DayZ: 6 days a week

Do you have a mic: Yes,trittion ax720's

Play times:about 4 hours a day

Current Loadout: As50, ghillie, m249saw -all the equipment eg rangefinder gps etc

Ideal loadout: m4a1 cco sd-g17- M24

Last time you died: 2 weeks +

How long have you been playing DayZ: about a month and a half

Do you have much experience with groups in ArmA/DayZ: I usually play with 2 other players, they arn't serious about playing as a team and thats why im trying to join a clan

Skype: Tempest.121

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ive been looking into clans for aussie server and i would like to apply for urs.

Age: 21

How often are you on DayZ: every day - if im not working

Do you have a mic: yes

Play times: (UTC +10) - 4pm+

Current Loadout: M40A3, Bizon PP 19-SD, G17 - with all the bells and whisles apart from LRF and NVG

Ideal loadout: AS50, L85A2 AWS

Last time you died: 11 days

How long have you been playing DayZ: 1 month

Do you have much experience with groups in ArmA/DayZ:

Me and a mate normaly roll around together as snipers one a spotter the other a shooter, but hes to busy and this game is a team game.

Im pretty good with the maps and reading them for ideal sniping and counter sniping,

Edited by lilbrownie69

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How often are you on DayZ:

When i get the time to but lately i have been working and studding for the year 12 exams coming up.

Do you have a mic:


Play times:

usually the afternoons

Current Loadout:

All these items i got of a dead body somewhere on the cost. Some stuff is scripted, just saying

G36c (cammo)

30-RND G36 SD x 6

30-RND Stanag SD x 4


PDW mag X 5

Antibiotics x 2

Pain Killers x 3

Blood Bag x 2

Bandages x 5

Cooked meat x 1

Soda Can x 3

canned food x 3

ALICE Pack x 1

Bush Monster Costume x 1

Ideal loadout:

AS50/AWS - Scripted weapon I know but I have gotten lucky before.



Bush monster Costume


Last time you died:

Probably as soon as i log on because i got a broken leg when i jump down from the barn.

How long have you been playing DayZ:

2-3 months

Do you have much experience with groups in ArmA/DayZ:

I usually play with a group of internet friend but they really have no idea how to play the game properly. I am kinda looking forward to joining a group of people who aren't noobs and can tell me what to do rather then i do it.

Do you have much experience with dayz:

I have allot of experience with arma II and dayz. I know have to hide from zombie, loose zombies in trees and I know what item does what. I can move around with no no problem and i can use the buggy inventory with no problem. I know how to use most keys for the game but with the way arma II is made i learn a new command everyday. I can also fly helicopters.

Other notes:

Please accept me or i will have to join the "[AUS] New Chernarus Republic" and they want to roll play and shit. I meen really! its a fucking game, I play it to escape life not to re-create it

Steam: Aaroniveson

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This must be filled in before any TS/Server details are given out

Age: 15

How often are you on DayZ: Pretty much every day.

Do you have a mic: Yes.

Play times: From around 10 in the morning to 10 at night on weekends, but probably 2-9/10 on weekdays. (UTC +03:00)

Current Loadout: AS50, Ghillie Suit, Rangefingers,NVGS.

Ideal loadout: I would like a M9 SD if that would be ok just to defend myself if need be and not aggro the whole of the map in doing so.

Last time you died: About a few hours ago in a gun fight against the clan "FMF"

How long have you been playing DayZ: 4 months roughly.

Do you have much experience with groups in ArmA/DayZ: Yes, I've been in multiple groups and a clan which is "RGG"

If you need to contact me add me on skype at: "joshwelch14"

Edited by olaternatum

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Age: 17

How often are you on DayZ: Atleast once ever 2 days, usually once a day.

Do you have a mic: Yes

Play times: Between the times of 4PM-11PM on weekdays and 10PM-11PM on weekends.

Current Loadout: Ghillie, AS50, Rangefinder, NVGS, AK-74, Alice Pack, Medical supplies and general gear.

Ideal loadout: Close to what I have currently, maybe swap the AK-74 for something a little more powerful.

Last time you died: 2 weeks ago

How long have you been playing DayZ: Around 4 months I believe.

Do you have much experience with groups in ArmA/DayZ: I frequently play with in a group with a friend and a few others but have no experience in a Dayz clan.

Thanks for reading my application and I hope to be accepted so that I don't have to play on shitty ass servers with hacker owners :D

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