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DayZ private hive AWA! fix ur server! banned when heli crashes!

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Hi, I just got banned on "Whatsupbre" because when you crash a server you get fucking banned.

im not the first person to get banned for this, why the fuck would we get "script restriction" and get banned for CRASHING WITH A HELI? HELLO.

fix this please, and please add some kind of contact on your server so we can actually contact you when something like this happens.

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helicopter crashes causing a script restriction is not their fault. It is battleye and should not result in a ban just a kick. Honestly I have seen it save a few peoples lives. If the admin is choosing to ban everyone that has a script restriction without checking the logs theN that is a whole different problem. I check all my logs on us420lingor your welcome there if you play on lingor island.

Edited by Jvo

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Some air effects and explosions such as helicopter crashes can show up in the remoteexec log, admins should ignore BIS_Effects_AirDestruction and BIS_Effects_Burn, sounds like they are banning for anything that shows up there.

Edited by smasht_AU

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Hey, admin here! Unbanned you several hours ago, sorry for that.

We use a tool which autobans for suspicious logs, but it didn't ignore helicopter explosions.

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Instead of having to apologize to your players you should just look through your own logs. Someone getting banned over a heli explosion is absolutely retarded.

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