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It happened again...

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I've developed a love\hate relationship with hackers. The following story will tell you why.

So I was REALLY low on blood(you know, in shock and my meter was red) and I was at the airfield. I decided to head to the warehouses in a last ditch effort to survive.

Boy, I got SOOOO much more than I bargained for.

I kept hearing flies buzzing around, so I kept looking for the body it was coming from. I went around to the side of the warehouse.


"Oh, thank God.", I said.


I laid down.

"You want me to drop my weapons?", I said. I was trying to comply, because these guys had the upper hand. They said No, and that it wasn't necessary.

I could only hear these guys. I looked behind me to see if they were there. They weren't. But when I looked back, I saw two dudes with military clothes. One had a

M249 SAW, the other had what I'm guessing is a DMR. I turned around. Now there were about ten other guys, all with extremely high-tier gear and military clothes.

"How many people have you killed?", asked the hacker.

"Uh, none. Wait, no, I killed on person in self-defense."

"Did it count as a murder or bandit kill?"

"Bandit kill."(At least, that's what I'm assuming it would've counted it as, if it actually registered the kill. What happened was I was protecting a new spawn at the airfield, when I saw something fly past my face. There was a guy with bandit skin I saw earlier to my left(the direction the bellet came from, by the way) and I assumed it was him. Not wanting me or the new spawn to die, I unloaded my AKM into him. He went down, and eventually I went down trying to protect the spawns. ( I found another survivor when we were running away.)

I knew they were hackers, but I didn't wanna say anything about it. Nothing that would make them suddenly un-friendly.

"Well, we're gonna leave you a little present. Keep killing bandits."

A cardboard box appeared.

"Uhh, thanks."

With that, they left. I opened the box, but I already knew what was inside. I'd found one before. By the way, it had five of every gun, and fifty of every item in the game.

I healed up, grabbed some stuff before the box disappeared, and left.

Moral of the story: Be friendly, and twelve hackers might just pop right up next to you and give you a reward. Or something like that.

Edited by colekern
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It is hacked gear.....

By accepting it you just lost about 75% of the fun of the game. Now you will find you have absolutely nothing to do except kill animals and fill canteens from ponds.

You are also now part of the problem rather than the solution. Roll on the standalone.

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knows hackers are behind him

doesnt leave server

you craze brah, even if you were 90% dead aleady

wonder how many other people on this forum do this then come back and QQ that a hacker killed them even though they knew theyre there.

Edited by Buffjesus

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They were hackers. I would have waited for my chance to unload and take as many down as I could.

Good or bad......hackers ruin the game

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I ran into those same guys earlier, they told me they only kill bandits, and go by the name of the Bandit Patrol, Seemed like good guys to me, bandaged my broken leg, and gave me a blood bag and left.

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knows hackers are behind him

doesnt leave server

you craze brah, even if you were 90% dead aleady

wonder how many other people on this forum do this then come back and QQ that a hacker killed them even though they knew theyre there.

The new wave of hacking is "friendly" hacking and I have been able to detonate satchel charges on these guys twice now. Pretend to be friendly and when they don't expect it drop a satchel run a little and detonate, it is funny but you know they will just come back so you have to log out right away. Last time I took out three and destroyed a suv and ural.

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Yes, my plan exactly.

If you say to them

'Look I quickly need to eat and drink, its flashing ok?'

If you quickly eat and drink 'for the sound effect' and then place a sactal charge it looks like the animation for eating and drinking.

Though for me, In chenarus I have a grenade launcher with 8 rounds, for crowd control.......

I dont believe hackers should even help people, they are breaking the game just as much by giving you hacked gear or stuff you didnt find as they are when they are killing in mass

Edited by Regulator Lone Warrior

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I know some of you have said that the OP is now part of the problem, not the solution, and/or that the hackers have ruined the game for the OP, I think they have simply diverted the path of the OP's current life. Instead of letting him die, only to return as a fresh spawn who prays he finds an axe quickly, they have given him the opportunity to resume his current life and attempt to hunt down and kill bandits. No one ruins the game for him but himself - they haven't forced him to do anything with the equipment, they left it there for his own moral decisions to be made. The OP decides if he takes anything or not and how he chooses to use it - it doesn't make him immune from other experienced and patient players, either.

I know we're trying to talk about playing a game without hackers, but considering that this is currently not possible, at least we're seeing the rise of some friendly and interesting hackers, instead of pathetic scum that take your time and effort away from you without even giving you the choice. These guys took nothing from OP and left him the choice to go along as he was before they arrived, or to take the present and create his own journey with it. If I'm going to have to deal with hackers, these are the kind I'd rather encounter, any day.

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the issue here, freindly or not, is the pollution of the gameworld with way too much high end gear. the destroys the gameworld, like it or not.

nobody risks the NW airfield cos nobody needs to, the game is broken.

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i've met quite a few friendly hackers. Most are douche bags, but some can be funny. People will always bitch though.

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Unfortunately I wasn't so lucky. I saw 3 dead bodies on the airstrip, heard footsteps behind me saw a huge barrel coming out of a tree, shot the guy's head 3-4 times and then got shot :(

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Accepting hacked gear is like accepting Nazi gold, it's immoral.

These guys sound like your typical hacker bunch of carebears who god mode around finding any perceived 'bandits' to exact the revenge upon them they couldn't exact legitimately.

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I was literally just killed by a hacker on FI21.

I killed a guy with the bandit skin, his body disappears as soon as he hits the floor. 5 minutes later, Me and my friend hear one M104 round, we're both dead.

I've only ever died twice from non-hacker related incidents. They are what's ruining this game.

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