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Hackers - Teleport ?

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I get it that if you hack you teleport (because you are already so sad that you hack your weapons why walk ?)

But why teleport to vehicles, (specaliy choppers) steal them (or destroy them)..

I mean, you are hacking you can teleport and spawn those vehicles..

Still you steal them from other players who put hard work in repairing those.

I really dont get it..

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Dude are you trying to question the inetwebs?? :o ?? but really I dont get it either. The only real outcome to me issss. Hmm cool game let me play, oh wow I die alot and that makes me upset. Well bettter do somthing about that. And then runs to google!! Google whacta got? Google: Well billy you came to the right place and let me help you with those hacks opssss I mean scripts becasue you suck even more. Well thanks google let me try these things out and boom you are the victum. Thats my stupid rant, peace! ^_^

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Hackers are losers who need artificial means to make them feel better about themselves and think that they are actually better then others.

The same goes with the ones who break into websites and crash systems... they are socially crippled losers with no friends, no hope of getting a girl

never get invited to parties.......etc...etc.

Edited by jblackrupert
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Because the scripts to spawn in vehicles are very large and easier to be caught with.

You have to bypass BattlEye with each script in order for them to work and not to get caught.

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Well, i see those "supply" boxes many, many times so it shouldnt be that hard to bypass battleye..

It takes a few bullets to make them catch on fire, but its some nice fireworks :)

Also last week I had a hackers fest on my server when about 5 choppers crashed in the factory north from electro.. He spawned all vechicles and players there then crashes his chopper in there (or more choppers) i geuss

Lucky for me, I was not on at that time but like 20-40 body's where there :/ everytime you got close to it within 30-50m you would die instantly.

1 server restart and everything was okay again :)

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