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Worst Combat Log Ever.

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The story begins in the city of Cherno. I was messing around while my friend was sat on the sniper tower over looking the place, i checked the army camps and found nothing, i quickly hurried on down the road and found a smashed up bike, so i began checking the industrial area of cherno for parts, evading zombies and taking out a player whilst build my bike i was ready to race the streets of Cherno. When suddenly! My friend got sniped out of his nest. I then had to leave my just repaired bike in the middle of the army tent and go and camp the ladder. For twenty minutes i sat there waiting, nothing. He came back, got his gear and lay back down (idiot).

I begin the task of trying to find his shooter some were in the north fields of Cherno. I spent the next 25-30 minutes looking for this bandit, he begins to take shots at him again, the sound came roughly from area of tree's. I found his used fire place were he had cooked one of the goats in the field and left the remains out there. 10 minutes passed and he finally showed him self, running at me like and idiot with a double barrel?! i drop him instantly with my M16 and he logs. I then hit "P" seeing he had not left the server and was sat in the lobby, he then logs back in the same location and i shot him the head.

Loot -


Night Vision

Range Finder

All Equipement items, matches/Axe etc.

Massive back pack

Medical Supplies

Worst Combat Logger Ever.

The Combat Logger's name was Player2.

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