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More random events/occurrences in the standalone.

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Just a little idea i had when playing Red dead redemption the other day that i thought could work well in the dayz standalone, now in red dead sometimes when traveling through the wilderness you will come across random events that can be anything from wild animals attacks, lynch mobs or suicidal NPC's ect ect now im not saying add NPC's to dayz but what i will say that events like this could add to the immersion/realism of the game we already have crashed heli's but what about randomly spawning campsites in the wilderness that have been overun by infected? or a crashed army truck full of ammo/food ect? little events like this would really spice up the game.

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No, I really think Rocket should have systems in play that allow players to make things happen like this instead of NPC's or random chance doing it.

Edited by colekern

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