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Matt The Survivor

Graphical Glitch (Artifacting) FIX!!!

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Hey guys i found a little fix for the horrible glitch you get when around dead soldiers and military bases

Step 1: Go to Video options(Advanced) and go to Video Memory

Step 2: Change your setting in Video Memory from your original setting to Default (If already on Default than change to Very High or High)

Step 3: If that hasent worked (Kinda random fixes sometimes, sometimes not) Than change it back to original Setting

Step 4(Optional): If this hasent worked than change the setting back to default again and it will usually fix it if it already hasent

Done the glitching should be gone and this works for me 100% of the time and a couple of friends of mine had this work for them to.

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Worked for me too on .4 and .5.

But .6 has eradicated my need to do so, as it has fixed the GGs.

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Worked for me too on .4 and .5.

But .6 has eradicated my need to do so, as it has fixed the GGs.

Well the other day i got artifacting again in balota and i had to do this again

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dude, "your" fix is around here since patch

Well i have never seen it around so i thought i would just help people who havent seen it either

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I dont care if i get beans i just wanted people who may be NEW to the forums or the game that are getting frustrated about this glitch and dont know a fix like i was before finding this awhile ago. And no i am not knew to the forums i have been playing dayz for 2months now and been on the forums since August 10

Edited by Matt The Survivor

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Mine usually works with the:

1. Press ESC


(screen will go into window mode)

3. Go to video options, change interface back to defualt res (Should be same as 3D res)

4. Fix.

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