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BattlEye Script Restrictions?

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Two things I'm kind of curious about. There seemed to be quite a few issues with people getting kicked off by BattlEye with Script Restriction messages. Was this an issue mostly with the last update and are they completely/mostly fixed by the newest patch?

Second, while I was playing, I saw someone get kicked for BattlEye script restriction #62. I've seen a lot of people on the forum get kicked for #90 and #140, but I haven't seen much about #62. What triggers that on BattlEye?

Sorry if this is the wrong place. Thanks.

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all i know is #120 is part of arma2 and can be used to instantly disconnect you from the server (100x faster than aborting or closing the process)

the others are prob just kids trying to run scripts and each is something different they tried to bring in

Edited by Buffjesus
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