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rainbow (DayZ)

Can't right click items in 'Gear' menu

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Hello. When I bring up my gear menu to eat, drink, bandage myself, etc. I cannot right click anything, making me unable to do any of those things I said. You can see why this is a big problem, can anyone help me fix this?

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On the steam version I've found that if you shift-tab a lot sometimes your menu buttons flicker quickly and you cant eat food or bandage. If this is your problem holding Alt while right-clicking or simply pressing tab till the flickering stops should sort out the problem.

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Are you clicking the image on right side? If you are trying to click the text on left side it doesn't help.

yeah' date='i'm clicking on the image on right side.

On the steam version I've found that if you shift-tab a lot sometimes your menu buttons flicker quickly and you cant eat food or bandage. If this is your problem holding Alt while right-clicking or simply pressing tab till the flickering stops should sort out the problem.

i don't play the steam version,i bought from amazon ><

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Just replying to this to bump and also list this bug report topic in case a solution gets posted:


For now there's a temporary workaround for using items (though campfires and animal gutting seems to be busted). Right click on the item - which should bring up the action menu that's blocked - and then DRAG the gear menu to the side like a window on your desktop. It should uncover the options.

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Make sure you are running all latest versions of the mod/game. On the Menu screen you should see ArmA2 and Arrowhead logos next to eachother at the bottom left side. Also the version should be something like 1.60.94209. Also, if for some reason the game menu is green and not like in the picture, change the order in the list to same as in the pic. For some reason this fixed this problem on my friend.


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I have read many...many...many posts trying to fix this issue!

I cannot right click any item that needs it.

The menu does not dissapear behind/beneath the Gear screen. It simply does not appear at all.

I understand you click the picture not the word.

I've clicked/rightclicked/middleclicked every little pixel of the Gear screen trying to get bandages for example to pop a menu.

I've used DayZ with 6Launcher, with the CMD and the NoSteamOverlay on and off.

I've redownloaded DayZ Mod Files many times (the equip pack more than any other).

I've reinstalled Arma/ArmaIIOP/Combined.

I've tried many many servers, problem persists.

I Cannot Right-Click The Required Items!

(Tested most often with bandages on a new char, lying bleeding on the beach)

If I fix it, or someone helps me fix it, I promise to effing respond to the thread saying such.

I hate how ppl post a thread, fix they problem, and simply say "fixed it, thx" if leaving a response at all. post the goddam fix you bastards, others are suffering the same if you've managed to hit a snag thats almost a given. ><


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Just a weird thing you might try (99% sure it won't fix it, but what the hey). Open your gear menu and drag it to another place on the screen...then try rightclicking the item in question. I got a the pop-up in a weird place of the screen, when i did that...maybe it actually helps you, in your situation.

But like I said, 99% sure it won't fix it.

+ Ofc, try reinstalling everything, Wipe folders and reinstall.. 1: Dayz 2: Beta patch 3: The whole damn game.

My unhelpful two €cents.

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