L0G!N (DayZ) 149 Posted July 16, 2012 - don't sell content seperately, selling maps is the way to screw up your community and kill the game... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zeos 3 Posted July 16, 2012 Anything is better than the "free to play/pay to win" model. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Anthrax12 46 Posted July 16, 2012 I would not buy a game from what i seen so far from you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
serpent10i 1 Posted July 16, 2012 - Game purchase only? (Guild Wars stylez)Also:- Community developed or studio developed?- Kickstarter----- If you need the money up front. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cyanyde 165 Posted July 16, 2012 The only way I wouldn't pay for this game is with a monthly fee.My month to month financial situation varies, so I wouldn't be able to afford it every month.It's one of the main reasons I quit WOW and stuck with Guildwars in my mmorpg days.I would have no problem paying full retail, and even for occasional DLC, but monthly payments just doesn't fit into my budget./my 2 cents Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 175 Posted July 16, 2012 (edited) Game purchase only.Studio Developed.Since i can't say how many studio servers (and their performance) you guys would be able to maintain without a monthly fee, i would probably answer Community servers, or BOTH.Kickstarter. Edited July 16, 2012 by Fenrig Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
creepy6ninja 1 Posted July 16, 2012 game purchase!!plzzz Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
creepy6ninja 1 Posted July 16, 2012 go with game purchase Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
creepy6ninja 1 Posted July 16, 2012 Game Purchase only. WITH pay for skins on gear, clothes, characters. Does not change any gameplay or balance but simply cosmetic. People will pay for that.Studio developed.Community hosted serversi agree Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Izzy (DayZ) 4 Posted July 16, 2012 one time purchase will probably work best.if you are going to do monthly, the game itself should be free to get and then monthly access should be relatively cheap. it doesnt have a 600 man army updating it, so i dont expect to pay WoW prices for it (which is also why it should be one time purchase)kickstarter for sure.let the community host the servers, but code in strict rulings so they cant do things like permanent day or permanent night servers. the community buying the hosting saves you tons of money. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Icus 24 Posted July 16, 2012 Guild wars style- the other models don't sit right with me. Although, I might be willing to pay per month provided a few conditions were met by the time this goes full-release: more stable servers, stronger anti-hacker software/policing, and a bit more depth to the zombies.I would like a mix/choice of community/developer servers, leaning toward developer servers since I feel like those MIGHT be more secure. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Denuth 21 Posted July 16, 2012 Shit is gettin serious.If this was made as a stand alone game, or as part of some particular existing game, what kind of consumer model would you want to play it on?How would you rather pay for it?- Game purchase with Monthly fee? (WoW stylez)- Game purchase only? (Guild Wars stylez)- Free to play, buy your shit?- Something else?Also:- Community developed or studio developed?- Community or studio servers? or both?- Kickstarter? or not?Please try and stick to short sentences, its much easier for me to get broad feedback.-Game purchase only-Studio devolped if all things had to be green lit by you, because your the shit =D-Both types of servers, decreases your costs and keeps the community "together"-Kickstarter and if you donate enough you get the game for free + More revenue for more devolopment = better for everyone Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 6 Posted July 16, 2012 For the record, the idea of paying for loot makes my skin crawl and want to punch the wall. But a lot of studios prefer that model because it SOUNDS free to the customer. So the customer plays it, then ends up spending more than a monthly fee. But it destroys any sense of balancing and.. .ugh... I can't even talk about it the idea of it makes me so angry.Do whatever you need to do where you're in control of the project.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
moofactory 62 Posted July 16, 2012 (edited) Game purchase only and or (ARMA 3 DLC)(I would not pay a monthly subscription for this)Studio Developed(with heavy emphasis on community Feedback implemented)Id Like to See it with the ability to be open to the Modding Community like Skyrim/Halflife2Texture/Mesh/Sound/Visual enhancements, Single Player Mission mod ability.(multilayer online restricted)Both Community and studio serversBI should be able to put down 50-100mill for this to be done professionally.They WILL see a profit if the current sales status is anything to go by.Kickstarter if BI Wont back you with the funding to develop this.They will however regret it when it makes 50-100+mill on kickstarter.If this is your IP... Id be breaking away, going kickstarter and starting your own studio.ONE THING I HAVE TO SAY HOWEVER:Developing a Single player, story driven offside game would make this a world class game complete.Then you dont have to try and develop story into the multiplay side of things.(id be bringing in Well experienced Writers of the same caliber as COD,HL2,STALKER and METRO etc)Id do the single play story as a prequel to the multiplay side, right up to where you wash up on the beach. Makes for a seamless tie in.From there every player understands whats happened, how you got there and why things are the way they are. Edited July 16, 2012 by moofactory 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 164 Posted July 16, 2012 Game Purchase only. I would be willing to buy extra content so far as good large DLC that doesn't give those who purchase it any real advantage over others such as uber guns or equipment. Perhaps extra maps to explore. Different looking home base instances, different clothing, character looks. Lots of extra character customization in regards to players attire. Much like the TF2/portals model but not $5 for a poxy fucking hat. Studio Developed with a strong tie to the community. Nothing wrong with getting a communities suggestions added to a game. I would go for both. Studio and Community based servers. Nothing wrong with giving people the choice. Could even have Golden Baked Bean Tin subscribers who are guaranteed slots in studio ran servers.I think the Kickstarter really depends on what offers you've had already and how much control you want over your dream. This is something you need to decide for yourself. Sorry tried to keep is short. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 1 Posted July 16, 2012 I know you wanted a short answer format, but those aren't simple questions Rocket. I don't know the rules and law of commerce in the country you live. But here in the states i own 2 businesses and am by no means a business expert, but have run them at a profit for several years. I am also a musician and i love video games and i consider them an art form for the feelings and experiences they impart to their players. In the USA, many states will not allow creditors, banks, debtors, corporations, etc, go after your assets if you have a lien on your name. The first thing i'd do is have your mom or dad, or someone very close to you that you trust 1000% put a lien on your for a considerable amount, say 20 grand. That will protect you from any kind of unforseeable bullshit that may come of this mod maturing into a real game. The video game industry is just as brutal as any commercial corporate environment as i'm sure you are well aware. Bistudios probably doesn't want to license the game engine to you without all sorts of stipulations because they want their money out of it, and maybe they are sore that your measly little mod is the reason they are making lots of money, but at the same time, they want it to succeed as long as it sells more copies of arma. It is totally predictable to withold your access to their engine or license it to you on the basis of they want to utilize you rather than you utilize them. if you can get a lien then you are at least somewhat protected from a personal finaincial shitstorm from the potential controversy (if any exists) between you and the arma devs. Now, the next thing. If you have the skills, wherewithal, and team to develop from the ground up, then i would suggest doing so. You have a business model that a banker would approve, you have plenty of evidence that this product is in demand, and that there is a market for it. You would just have to present it all in a way that will illustrate, and most likely EDUCATE the banker on what, how, why, this endeavor is worth the money. This puts YOU on the hot seat, and ultimately YOU responsible for everything, i know that's scary, as i said, i am a business owner myself and there is nothing scarier than not knowing if you will completely fail or not. But you have to take the chance. I think it's fair that YOU be responsible for whatever the game is, or mod, because YOU are the one that made the game that everyone likes. NOT BISTUDIOS, they just provided the vehicle for YOU. Now, if you want to license the engine and get bison on board, i would say that taking proactive steps that shows them you will do it regardless of them or not, will help to change any reluctance they may have about letting you use their engine, team, etc. Remember, as a business bison is looking for the bottom dollar, as a business they don't give a crap whether they make barbie games, or arma 8. As a business, money comes first. Which is why a lot of people in the thread are scared of ANY developer getting a hold of it. Anything less than what you have created is unacceptable. You need full creative control for whatever comes next to work. But there's always someone who "knows" better, and those people are usually the people with the resources or money you need to even make an attempt at the project. So, my advice is, formulate a business plan to start you own game from scratch, bite the bullet and be serious about it, make the committment, put YOUR ass on the line, and maybe you'll luck out and get some kind of co-development deal with bison, where you are the executive producer and name your terms. I have encountered a situation similar myself actually, i started a music school where there was already a music school, i used to work at my competitors school, i use some of the same methods as they do, none of the teachers at the school i worked previously wanted to help me out in any way shape or form, UNTIL... i actually started the school and got students, now they all know i was serious about it, and some of those teachers now work for me, and they are happier about it, because they other school was run by non-musicians. I know it's not exactly the same, but seriously rocket, it seems you are worried about other peoples money with the kickstarter thing, so just bypass that, and make the money yourself, even if you have to be liable for every cent. After all like i said above, YOU are the one with the vision to make this game what it needs to be, and you are more connected to the community than i've ever seen any single developer be. Something like this has not been done before, so that's scary and understandable to be timid. but your mod has turned into something bigger, and business is a part of it now, so it's time to put on your business man hat as well and be ready to achieve your goal on your own, by yourself if you have to. that's all i got to say, i'm sure i iterated my point several times over. Good luck, and my clan absolutely LOVES your game. Clan Exile from Fallen Earth, SWTOR, Black Prophecy, GW2, Secret World, Grimlands, WoW (0_o), Tera, APB, etc have all but left every other game to play yours :D and that is saying something big to me. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
InfectiousFTW 24 Posted July 16, 2012 Stand alone game.One time purchase price.Rest don't bother me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mooseocalypse 59 Posted July 16, 2012 Game purchase only, but with solid DLC and expansion packs to maintain revenue over the long term. Studio design, but with the current DayZ team as the final authority as to the game's direction. I would hate for some execs to fuck up our game experience. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cullie (DayZ) 0 Posted July 16, 2012 You need to take a studio approach to the game while still listening to the community feedback. This is the approach that Final Fantasy 14 failed to follow around BETA, and two years since release, had to be rebuilt (almost from the ground upwards). Not that you need telling this... Just scared that a fantastic concept could go to ruin.Also, hire a good sound designer. I cringe every time I hear the church bells cut each other off :( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BigG (DayZ) 0 Posted July 16, 2012 $1 per life.- Bring back the old arcade style of payment.- would put more fear into dying.- average life expectancy would probably go up with the change in playing style- could purchase 10 lives for $10.- I would stop sprinting around Cherno at night with my flashlight on :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hazedaze 89 Posted July 16, 2012 Game purchase only.Community developed.and to ppl suggesting DLC'S: go back to consoles. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kommissar Pinky 11 Posted July 16, 2012 Anything but "F2p"!!! please! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gobacktogo 29 Posted July 16, 2012 - Game purchase with Monthly fee? (WoW stylez)- Game purchase only? (Guild Wars stylez)one of those. depends on the content of the game. all other options suck bigtime.- Community developed or studio developed?honestly, whatever YOU feel is best for it. what is best for YOU to materialize your ideas?- Community or studio servers? or both?Studio servers! Studio servers! Studio servers! needed to repeat it 3x because its true. community servers will be a big mess (abuse, updates will fuck up and so on)- Kickstarter? or not?whatever you think gives u the most control over your game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NightStalkerNZ 8 Posted July 16, 2012 Shit is gettin serious.If this was made as a stand alone game, or as part of some particular existing game, what kind of consumer model would you want to play it on?How would you rather pay for it?- Game purchase with Monthly fee? (WoW stylez)- Game purchase only? (Guild Wars stylez)- Free to play, buy your shit?- Something else?Also:- Community developed or studio developed?- Community or studio servers? or both?- Kickstarter? or not?Please try and stick to short sentences, its much easier for me to get broad feedback.Game purchase only (nobody WANTS to pay monthly's its for xbox lives fags)studio and communitykick starterand community and studio servers, such as it is now, and is with bf3.. have ability to rent clan servers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NightStalkerNZ 8 Posted July 16, 2012 (edited) $1 per life.- Bring back the old arcade style of payment.- would put more fear into dying.- average life expectancy would probably go up with the change in playing style- could purchase 10 lives for $10.- I would stop sprinting around Cherno at night with my flashlight on :)Moron.. one way to kill a game. *golf clap* Edited July 16, 2012 by NightStalkerNZ 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites