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Thats it, i QUIT

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I don't blame you for wanting to quit, theres so much bs in the servers it's just like, why do i put up with this? Hackers came back 2 fold after the fix of tents and started deleting all the camps and teleing EVERY vehicle to places where nobody could get them.

All the bandits because there's nothing else to do.

It's aggravating. It's turning into a hack or be hacked game

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Let me just clear something up...

You are paying jack shit for this game. If you don't like it, leave.

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I'm not. It's mostly stupid kids that think they are the centre of the universe instead of another worthless drain on the world's resources. They are SO important they feel the need to announce they THEY are leaving as that's the most important thing that has happened in history and everyone will beg them not to go.

They are then surprised and annoyed when everyone says "don't let the door hit your arse on the way out,"

I believe the phrase in this context should be; "dont let the door kill you on your way out." Anyways, have some beans. :D

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I don't blame you for wanting to quit, theres so much bs in the servers it's just like, why do i put up with this?


and im not saying everyone should care, but it seems everyone does. im just saying why. think what you want i dont care

it WAS a great free mod at first, but when you start playing more you it gets annoying. i wasnt expecting the game to lag like that on EVERY fucking server i join even those with 16 ping. this happened at least 5 or 6 times now. all those fucking details that ruin this game plus the low fps and desync makes this unplayable

i know this is an alpha mod and im not crying over some shitty makarov but this happened when i had good shit on me. plus i gotta run fucking 20 minutes to get to the city and die again because of this games glitches and bugs and lag and low fps.

on top of that shit i gotta deal with laggy inventory system that works half the time and takes 3 seconds to pick up an item and just to have my guns disappear when i put them in my bag and sometimes the bag itself dissapears and im back to my shitty coyote bag.

and when i still play and try to ignore all ths shit i get teleported and killed by a hacker.

this is an alpha mod but it still sucks. please fix your shit i want this game to be good too.

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its a mod ok but its not worth playing with all this bullshit.

this isnt the first time that this happened and being an alpha mod is not an excuse.

bring quality or dont bring anything at all.

Dude have you ever played something else in alpha state??? BF3 in the closed alpha didn't have reload animation and the mags didn't fit it the guns, this is amazing for a game in alpha state.... You will not get beans, would even give you a tin can

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who cares if its in alpha state mod?

why would play and put up with all this bullshit just because its an alpha mod?

i will play DayZ when its gonna be good. until then ill play better games.

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Your expectations = regular game

reality = alpha mod

Its surprising that no matter how many times you explain this, how many times people say "I KNOW ITS AN ALPHA BUT..." or "ALPHA MOD STATUS IS NO EXCUSE FOR.... <insert alpha mod issue here>"

If you want to play an alpha mod expect all the issues you are currently experiencing, this will help keep your rage threading to a minimum. If you cant handle the bugs/hacks/exploits wait for the standalone. If you just speak up, great, they need people pointing out problems but you may try doing it constructively (if you really do want the game to be good) instead of a rant about your death on the coast and how your quitting.

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Standard dayz.

Last night:

Walk into store

Guy looting with back turned

Empty akm clip into back because I know net code is garbage and want to make sure

Guy casually turns around anyway and 1 shots me

Dies after I die

Edited by Boof
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who cares if its in alpha state mod?

why would play and put up with all this bullshit just because its an alpha mod?

i will play DayZ when its gonna be good. until then ill play better games.

then why the hell you put up this thread nobody gives a damn if you're not playing until standalone

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then why the hell you put up this thread nobody gives a damn if you're not playing until standalone

you give enough of a damn to reply. thanks

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yes i got have good internet connection. i played BF3, ME2 and ME3 and everything was all well. i had maxed setting exept AA and was running with 30-40 fps worked really well.

It's called desync, and you'll get it no matter how good your internet connection is. You could have 100mb and you'll still get it because it has nothing to do with you, and everything to do with the hive syncing up with the server your playing on as it sends and request data. If the hive is responding too slow, you'll get the chain, and then it'll pick itself up and work over-time to get things back where they should be, which is exactly what happened to the OP. OP: The hive is being moved to a new machine, that will supposedly lower the amount of desync(what you experienced) you'll have in game. It may change it for the better, or it may not change it at all. Remember, you have almost 5000 servers all trying to sync up to the hive to get the data they need for every single thing that happens on the server. This is also a big reason why zombies are basically attached to your client. You load your own zombies whenever you spawn them, etc etc.

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Good logic in here, "Yeah you ate some shit, but it was FREE/APLHA SHIT!" Well its at least entertaining to look around and see everything burn.

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*Reads title*

*Looks at whatever he wrote, obviously no contrsuctive critisism anywhere.*

Yup, this is a QQ thread.

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Did you set your game to Above Normal to High Priority? I usually set mine to High.. but found out Above Normal Priority would get the job done.. I run a moderate gamign rig too.

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I run a powerful rig with and FX-8120 @3.9GHz & XFX 6850's in Crossfire but even I lag sometimes whenever there are bullets involved!

Had a few incidents when I try and be sneaky, unload loads of shot, they get up, 2-3 shots later I'm dead... yea... good f*cking game.

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cbf'ed checking all the following posts, but try playing on a different server. Some just suck because they either don't restart often enough or have shitty hardware/connections.

bad servers have actually reduced my 60+ fps flawless game experience to 5fps stuttery pieces of 10 second delay bullshit. First game i've ever played where the server performance affects your framerate.

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Some servers are extremely laggy. i get around 2 or 3 fps on them. Guess i should have gone to the forums and start complaining about how terrible the game is... BUT! I have found a brilliant solution: go to another server with a better connection! :lol:

I was killed by a hacker a couple of times... Guess i should have gone to the forums and start complaining about how terrible the game is... BUT! I have found a brilliant solution: go to another slightly less populated server! :lol:

I got some graphical issues with artifacts... Guess i should have gone to the forums and start complaining about how terrible the game is... BUT! I have found a brilliant solution: read a guide about it and wait for a hotfix! :lol:

Really, this is tiring - so many ppl saying things like: "omfg, hackers, bugs, lags, fps, trololo". So many ppl just dont get what an alpha is. How many of you guys out there actually saw an alpha version of some other game? I've seen some.

Hell, i've even seen the alpha version of DOOM I. No collision, No AI, No weapons, No scripting.

Maybe it was a mistake of the devs to run an open alpha test after all - seeing how most ppl react. Hopefully such ppl just leave and take cheaters with them on the shiny road to GTFO - that will surely make the community a bit more stable.

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I'm not sure it was a mistake to run an open Alpha considering that's what has enabled them to go forward with the standalone. Without it this would still be a small mod like many others running on a couple of servers.

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OP, either you are the victim of some serious desync or you have a terrible computer/internet. I would say that it is probably on your end. Also, you are quitting a free mod. Think about that. :huh:

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yes i got have good internet connection. i played BF3, ME2 and ME3 and everything was all well. i had maxed setting exept AA and was running with 30-40 fps worked really well.

Saying that is like saying, my car was awesome on the track, it turned corners and everything, but you didn't state it was a Toyota Yaris/Echo...

I get 30-40 FPS at WORST in Cherno or other high poly areas, rest of the time it's easily 60-70FPS, on a very poorly optimised engine (ArmA 2 engine).

That was with an AMD 1090T @3.6Ghz, 8GB 1600Mhz RAM and using an HIS Radeon 6950 at max CCC Overclock (840/1350).

BTW ME2 and ME3 are not really multi-player games so are kinda pointless in this comparison. BF3 is very hard on hardware and is biased towards Nvidia so again is not a good comparison. Research my friend is simple and helps a lot. There is also a very good guide (google is your friend) about optimising ArmA 2's performance. Definitely research that ;)

As for lag, the kill needs to register with the hive so yes it can lag a bit and it's most noticeable with Zombie kills. Player kills suffer less lag as long as you are on a server which is below 100 ping.

Your description however points towards a douche with a script in god mode...

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All you faggots say "well you know, even if its broken and theres hackers everywhere, its an alpha mod so its ok"

well fuck, it has been several months now and :

-still artifacting

-still horrible inventory that takes 3-5 seconds to pick up stuff and responds only half the time.

-inventory management is a pain

-debug screen disappearing

-humanity system is complete trash

-it causes my game to freeze for 3-4 seconds because the skin change and i get eaten by zombies

-my humanity is reset to 0 everytime i log in even if i had higher humanity

-my humanity sometimes changes to -60k with 0 murders

-items not spawning

-items disappearing

-guns disappearing if you put them in a too small bag

-sometimes when you log in, the game lags and you have the same gear you had 10 minutes before the last time you logged off. this means:

-losing bag

-losing you gun

-spawn in a different location and sometimes spawning compeltely on the other side of the map (happened once)

-incredibly long loading times

-bugs where you get teleported in the ocean (happend when i tried to put on civilian clothes while in firestation)

-bugs where you spawn under a house(happened twice and did not die)

-bugs where you spawn on the coast and lose all your stuff exept equiped weapons(happened once)

- MAJOR FLAW: you can still hear the fucking flies for fucking an hour after you hid someone's body. what the fuck why would you hide someone's body if you can still hear the flies? plus its so annoying hearing that BBZZZ ZZZZZ ZZZ ZBZ ZZ

-zombies hit you from far away

-server desync even if the broken chain icon does not appear

-fps drop in the city

-server lag causes HUGE fps drops

-i empty a mag in some1's face, he looks at me, shoots me and i die and he lives (happend around 6-7 times)

-people die standing up

-glitches where you cant loot dead body

-glitch where you have to wait 10 minutes after you gut an animal to be able to check his gear(happens everytime)

-zombies seeing you from incredible range while you run in from of others and they dont see you.


fuck no its not ok. your telling me that all this shit is acceptable because its an alpha and a mod? fuck that until this shit gets fixed i wont bother playing this piece of trash hacked game.

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