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DayZ.ST - $30/mo for 50 Slot US/EU Servers - FTP - DayZ - Epoch - Instant Setup - Custom Panel - Live Map Tool

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Sounds like a good thing in the long run. I moved my server to LA a few days ago. It'll be nice to move it closer as I'm on the east coast. Too bad though, I had good luck with DC up until the last couple weeks.

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So between the new patch and the move to Chicago, do you have an estimated ETA when they'll be back on line?

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So between the new patch and the move to Chicago, do you have an estimated ETA when they'll be back on line?

I'm waiting on a call back from Chicago about how soon they can have things setup - they said they'd be calling me 2 hours from now.  They said they have all of the machines in stock currently so optimistically I'm hoping for tomorrow, but I'll post when I have more information.  I'm setting up some new servers in Los Angeles right now because it filled up.  As for 1.8, we had it working in a test environment before all of this DDoS nonesense happened, just with a lot of features disabled.  It will likely take longer to support than other patches because it has some significant changes, I hope to have it available by this weekend depending on how the Chicago move goes.

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Plans on having plenty of Chicago servers to meet demand? I'm hoping to cut my ping back down to 30.


Also, In case you haven't noticed, there's an update for Epoch out as well. ;)

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Plans on having plenty of Chicago servers to meet demand? I'm hoping to cut my ping back down to 30.


Also, In case you haven't noticed, there's an update for Epoch out as well. ;)

Yep plenty of space in Chicago from the get-go.  And yeah we've seen the epoch patch, we'll probably do it at the same time as 1.8.


We've also decided to offer 1.8 as an OPTION instead of forcing everyone to update.  When it is available it will be available under 'mods' for Chernarus.  I've been told that they removed a lot of the code from the mission and server pbo's and placed it inside the dayz_code.pbo where it is inaccessible and immutable, making 1.8 much more difficult to add customizations (self blood bags, tow scripts, etc) to, so we're going to continue offering as well as 1.8 for the time being.

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DayZ 1.8 is now available under 'mods' in your control panel.  Be aware that your custom pbo's will NOT work on 1.8, and your BattlEye filters probably won't either.




Epoch will come a bit later, we were waiting on them to fix the trader bugs in the new version but they haven't yet.


Washington DC still on track to be moved to Chicago tomorrow, and Dallas on Tuesday.  There will also be general availability for transfers and new orders on Tuesday.

Edited by ersan191

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Greetings Bean King. Do you have any plans to pursue hosting in Ashburn, VA as mentioned? I'm from DC and was considering signing up for your Washington, DC server hosting, but I understand your hosting contract was terminated due to too many DDoS attacks. Chicago will probably be fine as a host location, but an East Coast server host would be my preference.



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Greetings Bean King. Do you have any plans to pursue hosting in Ashburn, VA as mentioned? I'm from DC and was considering signing up for your Washington, DC server hosting, but I understand your hosting contract was terminated due to too many DDoS attacks. Chicago will probably be fine as a host location, but an East Coast server host would be my preference.



Our LA host (Black Lotus) told us they acquired a company in Ashburn recently so they are going to do hosting there.  They also said it won't be for 1-2 quarters, so not for 3-6 months unfortunately.  Chicago gets generally great pings to the east coast compared to DC: http://i.imgur.com/fnOf39U.png


We'll definitely add Ashburn as soon as it is available.


Also Epoch is being deployed now and will be complete within the next 2 hours.

EDIT: Epoch complete.

Edited by ersan191

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Chicago is now live and available for ordering, Dallas and Washington DC have been removed, and Amsterdam is being phased out and moved to London over the coming weeks.


DDoS protection in Chicago should be fully turned on today or tomorrow, but it is safe to move there now.

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Yep I have my server on the chicago network itll be great cause i live close-ish to chicago I could just drive there lol :p

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Do you guys have access to AI? I'm very interested in getting a server within the week

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Do you guys have access to AI? I'm very interested in getting a server within the week

We don't directly support modifications or scripts but many people have modified their servers with us to have AI - you can see http://opendayz.net for information on modding.

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Now that we've finally got a handle on the stupid DDoS problems we've had some time to actually work on new features.


Today I'm happy to announce a couple new features,

Live map tool updates! - Now any changes you make using the web map tool will now happen in-game immediately without requiring a server restart.  Below are some examples of this.


Spawning and deleting vehicles:




Editing player inventories:




Healing players:



Repairing and refueling vehicles:



And also announcing the ability to teleport players and vehicles.  Simply click and drag a player or vehicle on the map tool to the desired destination and they will be teleported ingame.


There are some caveats:

  • These changes require you to revert to default pbo's to enable.  You can see the changes we made if you extract the default pbo and compare them.  We will post a writeup on exactly what's changed in the wiki later.
  • It only works on DayZ 1.8 and DayZ Epoch right now, we are working on adding additional maps - Overwatch will be next.
  • Anytime you perform an admin action on the map there will be a global message in-game telling everyone what action was performed - this is to combat admin abuse.
We hope to be bringing you guys more new features in the near future since we finally have some free time to work on other things. Edited by ersan191
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Hey guys at dayz.st I was wondering if you could pay more for a larger server?

Not currently, the CPU's in those machines aren't designed to handle more than 50 players.

We are considering offering dedicated servers at Chicago or Los Angeles in the near(ish) future. Unless you want to pay full price for one (like $250-ish for 4-6 DayZ servers), then we could probably work something out.

Edited by ersan191

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Have you guys got the selectable spawnpoints to work?

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Have you guys got the selectable spawnpoints to work?

Yes, it is enabled by default on default pbo's for 1.8. Edited by ersan191

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I was just wondering I already have a server. Also I was wondering when you could get the spawn loadout working for EPOCH. Currently it pops up but it can't be changed.

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I was just wondering I already have a server. Also I was wondering when you could get the spawn loadout working for EPOCH. Currently it pops up but it can't be changed.

Epoch doesn't have a modifiable loadout in the database, it instead uses the PBO file.  See http://dayz.st/w/Epoch_PBO_config_options_and_how_they_work#DayZ_Epoch_Configs (search for loadout)

Edited by ersan191

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Does this adding stuff and editing/moving players work on all maps?


And do you guys have a wiki open for adding spawn gear for players on namalsk 0.75?


/edit: Is there a way I can get the offline red dots back on my admin map?

Edited by OverRun

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Does this adding stuff and editing/moving players work on all maps?


And do you guys have a wiki open for adding spawn gear for players on namalsk 0.75?


/edit: Is there a way I can get the offline red dots back on my admin map?

Only on DayZ 1.8 and Epoch at the moment.

Namalsk works with the 'edit loadout' feature of the control panel - if you're talking about loadouts for individuals just follow the general guide on the wiki.

The red dots show players that were active within the last 6 hours, and haven't been removed.

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Only on DayZ 1.8 and Epoch at the moment.

Namalsk works with the 'edit loadout' feature of the control panel - if you're talking about loadouts for individuals just follow the general guide on the wiki.

The red dots show players that were active within the last 6 hours, and haven't been removed.


Since when does the edit loadout work with the gender selection menu in namalsk 0.75? Same with the individual loadout. I asked the dayz.st admins numerous times how to do this with this gender selection menu and they keep telling me they are working on it.


Moving offline players works with namalsk.


I know is shows players who had been online within the last 6 hours, but at the time of posting it did not show them. It does now.

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