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I'm running the same config (and map) on my home server, and both the killing messages and ingame msgs are working fine... so i'm not sure if it's a bliss problem (atm on my dayz.st Namalsk server, both aren't working).

Yeah, not sure... I'll get to the bottom of it soon.

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On another note Ersan, do you have any plans to implement a donation feature? We normally have a few offering to donate and it would make it easier

Just host a site for your players and put a paypal donate button on it. You should be able to find out how to set up donations on Paypal's site.

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Database passwords were changed yesterday, check your control panel for the new password.

Hmm only thing i see there is:

Dear musashikorian,

We were subjected to a hack On Dec. 6 at roughly 6:00AM GMT where the user database was compromised. The only customer information that was available in the database was the username and RCon password, no other personal information was compromised.

You are seeing this message because you have the same RCon password as your control panel password - this needs to be changed. Please send an e-mail to [email protected] with the subject "PASSWORD RESET: <username> - SUBSCRIPTION: <subscriptionid>" - where <username> is your account name and <subscriptionid> can be found in an e-mail sent to you by PayPal when you signed up or by looking at the pay list in your PayPal account - it looks like #S-1234567890ABCDFG. We will then reset your password and e-mail you.

We apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.

and i already did what it told me and i havent heard back

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That makes sense with the ftp, as st offers so many features at the click of a button. Plus i think people wanting FTP access would be expecting full access to everything from the server exe / Dll's to the configs as i have seen this been offered by other providers

On another note Ersan, do you have any plans to implement a donation feature? We normally have a few offering to donate and it would make it easier

Also - Does anyone know if i am doing something wrong with these server messages, ive attached a pic of what i have done, but they dont seem to be working in game


Are the start and loop intervals timed in seconds or minutes? If I wanted to add additional messages, would I need to create another ID?

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Hmm only thing i see there is:

and i already did what it told me and i havent heard back

Just finished answering all of the e-mails, you should have your password now.

When can we expect the transition to the DayZTavania.com version?

In a couple hours hopefully.

Are the start and loop intervals timed in seconds or minutes? If I wanted to add additional messages, would I need to create another ID?

Seconds, leave the id blank it will automatically be assigned.

Edited by ersan191

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Hi ersan,

My server just went down with no warning, and the off / on / reboot buttons are greyed out in control panel...

Any idea?


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Okay updated to DayZTaviana (dayztaviana.com version) - vehicles were reset as previously indicated.

Old backup files were invalidated because they are not compatible with the new map.

Hi ersan,

My server just went down with no warning, and the off / on / reboot buttons are greyed out in control panel...

Any idea?


Looks like one of our London nodes went offline, checking into it.

EDIT: It was back up in about 10 minutes.

Edited by ersan191
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After the change to DayZTaviana, I can no longer login to my server, I just get stuck at "Wait for Host".

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after playing on this new dayztaviana.com im very unhappy with it the other version was alot more polsihed and ran smooth i have never had a problem playing a dayz map until tonight the .com version is very sluggish and alot of the old bugs are back like when you spawn in and are swimming on land

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after playing on this new dayztaviana.com im very unhappy with it the other version was alot more polsihed and ran smooth i have never had a problem playing a dayz map until tonight the .com version is very sluggish and alot of the old bugs are back like when you spawn in and are swimming on land

i must say the eu one run alot nicer. myself and other players keep getting stuck at the map loading screen will stay there for some time then comes up saying something went wrong. did 3 restarts and no change.

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This is why i was dead against it, the dayztaviana.com version is a ripped version of the EU one. They have not built it! The reason everyone is not supporting the EU one ( The creators ) is because of how they dealt with releasing the server files in the first place. Keeping them for them to build there own server

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Yeah i preferred the EU version. Im just hoping the people who are working on the .com version know what there doing and add some nice features. Ive seen the changelog for the EU version and it looks awesome and i'd hate to see us just get another ripped version of theres

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I have just rented from you guys, Moved from Survivalservers.com. First thing I noted, The speed in which my server was online from pressing that "payment" button. Seconds, It took seconds. Brilliant, just what new members want. Then, The speed of the interface, again, a massive improvement from SS, the control panel UI is so simple, There no doubled up options, no pointless links and its fast.

Another bonus, I have not been having the MPhandler isssue like I had on my SS server, Great to see bliss is implemented correctly.

So far so good. To anyone still at SS, The difference is like night and day.

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I am also having huge problems with the new taviana map. So far:

- On relogins players are swimming underground.

- I accidentally duped my inventory twice !!!!

- All the helicopters are gone !!!! and also the map doesnt show any helicopter spawn points....meaning no choppers ?!?!?!?

- Map lags inside cities

- Try to refuel.....kicked from the game....not to mention that i sat on the back sit, tried to do gear...instead i selected refuel....kicked again from the game....i mean if there is no refuel tank next to me...why is that refuel selection even there....

This taviana.com map is 10 worst than .eu map....what, do they pay your or something to put that s....t instead of the .eu one ? Its horrible....why on earth did you replace it ? I've been having 15-20 people on the server and now they are down to 4.

Edited by Sandbird

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The new Taviana is so bad, there are so many bugs.

1. Respawns swim on land

2. All the custom skins that everyone loved are gone, the Eu version had over 20 new skins

3. A lot more lag in citys

4. Vehicles have an option to refuel them when your driving them, when you do you get script rescription 44

5. the humanity system in EU is so much better, it rewards you for killing bandits. Where the .com is using the same shity version as normal

6. the new vehicles have just been dumped in, so they have radars and are over powered.

7. The Cj130 is buggy as hell, when you get in the back you bug out bad when you try to get out

If where going to be forced to use a massively inferior version then i want be supporting it

Edited by Audio Rejectz

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I'm not happy about it either guys - I liked the dayzland version better too but the authors have managed to piss enough people off (ayan, josh, lee, etc.) that it's not going to get any support from the community any more. The people at dayzland.eu were very adamant that no commercial hosting company (like us) should be allowed to host it and bliss dropped support for it so we literally cannot support it even if we wanted to (which I do).

I had fully intended to host both versions until bliss removed dayzland.eu support, then we were forced to switch.

I'm probably going to update the script restrictions today so it doesn't kick people for trying to refuel when they aren't near a gas station - the option really shouldn't even be there if they aren't near one.. dumb.

You can read more about the map features here:


And here's a list of vehicles:


Edited by ersan191

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Oh mate, i totally understand its out of your hands. And i have followed the situation with EU from the beginning so i can understand why people dont want to support it. But as your aware yourself there version is FFAAARRR better and much more polished with less bugs.

it's really upsetting that we are left with a really poor version that is full of bugs.

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so why host the map at all then is my question

i would rather have my server run the EU version and never get updated than run this .com crap

i guess its all about quantity now and not quality makes me sad to see this

and this happens to be the map that my crew wants to play we may need to find another solution to this problem

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Ersan can you add

!"\"dayzSetFuel\"" !"if (_fuel >= 1.0) then { _fuel = 1.0; };"

To line 46 in the scripts.txt , the line beginning with "5 setFuel"

It will stop all the kicks when people try to refuel, may prevent you getting 1000 emails about it lol

Edited by Audio Rejectz

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Ersan can you append

!"\"dayzSetFuel\"" !"if (_fuel >= 1.0) then { _fuel = 1.0; };"

To line 46 in the scripts.txt , the line beginning with "5 setFuel"

It will stop all the kicks when people try to refuel, may prevent you getting 1000 emails about it lol

Thanks, will test/add this later today for sure.

so why host the map at all then is my question

i would rather have my server run the EU version and never get updated than run this .com crap

i guess its all about quantity now and not quality makes me sad to see this

and this happens to be the map that my crew wants to play we may need to find another solution to this problem

You're missing the point, we physically CANNOT HOST THE MAP - our private hive software DOES NOT SUPPORT IT and we DO NOT HAVE PERMISSION from the map author to host the map. I can't be much clearer. I know it's a shitty situation and I'm sorry.

Edited by ersan191

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Hey Guys,

Hoping someone here can help me., I have a ticket into Ersan as well.

My server just restarted (as it normally should) but we lost all the vehicles and items??? I tried to restore a backup from 1 hour before, and that didn’t work (but changed the spawn loadout for some reason???) and then we tried to restore from 2 hours back and that did not work either. I have backups going much further but the last two restores did nothing?

Should I try changing datacenters? I can see all vehicles in my database through PHPMyAdmin but nothing is appearing in-game.

Please help, lots of angry players lol

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Hey Ersan,

when I try to connect to my server it sits waiting for host, when i check the RPT log I get this error "17:36:46 Warning Message: You cannot play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.kh_dayztaviana

17:36:47 Missing addons detected:

17:36:47 kh_dayztaviana

I can get into other dayZ.st servers and play, any ideas why this is happening.



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