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I'm considering of getting rid of Gotcha, at the moment it does almost nothing, it really only detects ppl with "hacked" weapons, and with a huge delay (minutes), making it impossible to determine if they really spawned em, or if they just found a hacked box around... anyway it's something that i regularry do on my server, also most cheaters (assuming they have 1/10 of their brain working) doesn't even uses hacked weapons. Plus this gotcha is literally FLOODING my rcon, making it impossible to follow the user chat (and to communicate with em), forcing me to launch the game only to respond to a question.

In other words Goctha is useful only to scare unaware cheaters, and it gives the false sensation to the lazy admin of fighting those script kids, while in reality it's doing nothing that an active admin can't do himself 100 times better.

So here's the question: can we add an option to enable/disable this gotcha thing please? So when you want to have it you can just enable it?

Thank you.

Why don't you use Gotcha to answer their questions? It is a RCON tool after all. To send a message type "say -1 (your message here)" and then click send command. < Without the () and "". And if you dont want to see the log files just click over to the chat tab, then all you will see is the chat. While yes, I know it does not work the greatest at detecting hackers (none of them do - only catches about 50% of the teleporters and vehicle creaters on my server, but does catch all weapon hackers - as far as I have seen so far that is) I think most people that say they don't like gotcha have no clue how to use it properly for all its other features. Another thing gotcha is great for is setting programed messages (a great replacement for not having BEC yet).

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Kinda pissed about loosing my server rank when i changed the map, took us ages to get it to 24th

Edited by Audio Rejectz

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My London server basically just crapped out (unlimited desync and I had to shut it down), and the site is loading like molasses, any problems?

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My London server basically just crapped out (unlimited desync and I had to shut it down), and the site is loading like molasses, any problems?

So did our Salt Lake City server.

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Why don't you use Gotcha to answer their questions? It is a RCON tool after all. To send a message type "say -1 (your message here)" and then click send command. < Without the () and "". And if you dont want to see the log files just click over to the chat tab, then all you will see is the chat. While yes, I know it does not work the greatest at detecting hackers (none of them do - only catches about 50% of the teleporters and vehicle creaters on my server, but does catch all weapon hackers - as far as I have seen so far that is) I think most people that say they don't like gotcha have no clue how to use it properly for all its other features. Another thing gotcha is great for is setting programed messages (a great replacement for not having BEC yet).

Yeah but chat gets really delayd really fast with many players, what makes communication with them impossible. I use gotcha only because of whitelisting.

...and NL crashed too.

EDIT: Kill messages has not been working after update btw. Is this same with all or is it just me?

Edited by sukkaed

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is anyone else having a problem with their messages not working? i have 6 setup in my database but none are showing since the update!

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Why don't you use Gotcha to answer their questions?

I do of course.. the problem is that i read the messages from the users several minutes after they typed it, because Gotcha is flooding the console.. with the console i don't mean "my window", i mean the server RCON console.

The tool may be ok for sending programmed messages and for a white list, but since i do not have any whitelist, and use all that traffic just for a programmed message isn't worth it, i would like to have the option to disable it. I mainly wanted to test it to fight the cheaters, since i'm not satisfied atm i would like to get rid of it temporary... maybe in the future they'll find something new to caught those cheaters.

On my side i'm trying to develop a system to discriminate a cheater not by what weapon he has or the script he may try to execute, but by his behavior: if someone spawn, he didn't had a previous account, but and after 2 minutes he has the best weapon and any tool, he smells bad.. yes he may have found a corpse, but it's worth investigating. If someone goes from tent to tent or vehicle to vehicle right after spawn, he's probly using a ESP.. and so on. It's more a "heuristic anticheater", something that any good admin is doing already, but certain routines can be automatized.

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Yeah but chat gets really delayd really fast with many players, what makes communication with them impossible.

It's not only the chat, Gotcha delays everything... even its own operations, because they are handled locally (on your PC).

In example in a server with many players, run by 1 hour (so with enough buffered log), if someone uses a banned weapon he doesn't got alerted immediatly, the message has to reach your PC first.. this could happens after several minutes, making the message (or the ban) uncosistent, coz the user didn't had the time to react. This is true for any other operation performed by Gotcha: the possible script kid has already killed the whole server before you may figure what's happening from remote! While with a real time chat i can be alterted immediately by users (blaming.. eheh), and so i can react immediately.

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My London server basically just crapped out (unlimited desync and I had to shut it down), and the site is loading like molasses, any problems?

Just to follow up, the lag is still making the game virtually unplayable.

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Just to follow up, the lag is still making the game virtually unplayable.

Yeah, our London server is very bad tonight as well...hopefully the DB move will help things when ersan starts moving them ;)

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Working on configuring the new database server now, will probably move everyone over later tonight when there are less people on.

Did yet another round of tweaks to the current database server to keep it afloat for another few hours, but it's definitely outlived its usefulness.

Edited by ersan191

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any update on why the server messages and death messages are not working?

Edited by P1-Kashwak

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any update on why the server messages and death messages are not working?


Any news on the DB migration?

I fell asleep last night and right now my partner is out having breakfast - he should be back in an hour and we're going to have it done maybe an hour after that.

Most of the lag problems seem to be occurring in London - two of the servers there are hovering around 80% CPU usage which is more than I'm comfortable with, there's another London server coming in Monday or Tuesday that should help reduce the load on the current London servers + the database upgrade should help.

Edited by ersan191

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Our server just lagged out. We cannot restart it, or even send an rcon message explaining what's going on. I'm losing players with the lag spikes and inability to restart the server when this happens.

Any idea what's going on?

Edit: tried to restart again, and it seems you're doing database maintenance now. Will this clear up the issues?

Edited by -Daemon-

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Edit: tried to restart again, and it seems you're doing database maintenance now. Will this clear up the issues?

Hopefully the servers will be faster than ever... they were working perfectly except for the DB, after the migration (i guess) it'll be super-smooth.

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Guys give them time to get it all done the more you try and restat yuor server the longer it will take just have a drink and relax they will have it working soon

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I'm not whining, or complaining. Just wondering if the desync issues and red/yellow chain spikes will be rectified with this database maintenance.

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On the website

Nov 25 : We are moving the server database now, all servers will be unavailable as well as the control panel for about 15 minutes.

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I'm not whining, or complaining. Just wondering if the desync issues and red/yellow chain spikes will be rectified with this database maintenance.

Hi, yes, this is the exact reason of why they have upgraded the hardware (it's explained in the previous pages).

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They are probably restarting em one by one.. mine is running fine and (apparently) super-smooth now. I'll give an opinion when it will get full again.. there's only 20 players on it atm.

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