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Invisible Tents and Secret bases

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Stealth Base Construction

On ARMA2 Warfare, when Map boundaries are turned off, you can build beyond the Vegetation part of the map and see all objects placed.

On DAYZ when map boundaries are off you can still place objects beyond the Vegetation part of the map, but all objects are invisible when placed.

After a freak accident (months ago) i pitched a tent deep in the part of the map with no vegetation or buildings, it unpacked and was erected, but was not visible. So i clicked the right mouse button while not moving my position from erecting the tent (keep the right mouse button pressed) and zoom in at the tent and it becomes visible again and once you got the knack of getting the gear menu up for that tent, you can fill your tent up and it remains invisible and secret for the life time DAYZ is up. Well that is until the tents saga has been fixed.

All gear remain in tents and are useable, but place any object or any loot on the floor outside the vegetation part of the map and you can't use it or retrieve it, but you can see them when you zoom in. So tents are the only things that work.

I have seen animals roaming out there so food is ok but take lots of water as the secret lake location out there, will not fill water bottles.

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I placed a tent in debug and it was invisible. But I could not access the tent.

I had the same problem but i persevered when i saw that the tent was there.

Keep zooming in at the tent, move around it as it will have only one access point to get the gear menu up, move around the whole tent and point at it until the menu appears.

Remember these tents erected in no man’s land have only one access point to get the gear menu up, i had to move to the side of tents on some and head on others. But each tent has only one side of the tent where you can access the gear. Look for it slowly

Edited by 14int

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Why, are you to lazy to go and try it ?

Yes, plus I'm not really into exploiting. A video would make it easier to bug report too. Thanks, post it in this thread when you're done.

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Keep zooming in at the tent, move around it as it will have only one access point to get the gear menu up, move around the whole tent and point at it until the menu appears.

I tried this. I was hell bent on not losing a tent at that stage so tried anything I could to utilize it or recover it and it was a lost cause.

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Yes, plus I'm not really into exploiting. A video would make it easier to bug report too. Thanks, post it in this thread when you're done.

No such thing as Exploiting in an ALPHA state game, your finding the bugs and taking advantage of it until the final standalone game is released, just as WE as a whole have to put up with the bugs and the saga surrounding the ongoing problems with tents vanishing on the HIVE.

Plus it is normal to build on no man’s land in ARMA; it is only in DAYZ that this bug occurs.

Edited by 14int

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I tried this. I was hell bent on not losing a tent at that stage so tried anything I could to utilize it or recover it and it was a lost cause.

Many are doing it and i bet now many will be out their building secret bases.

Edited by 14int

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So basically, you are cheating....

It's not a hack or a cheat, we can build on that part of the MAP in ARMA, in any ARMA game, map or MoD, just bugged in DAYZ. :D

What do you think the map boundary settings are for..................... LOL

Edited by 14int

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alpha or not, tis an exploit

TOTALLY IRRELEVANT when this actions goes on


OR the hive keep losing our tents, OR hackers are about in force , it's called SURVIVAL and using initiative to stay playing on DAYZ.

Edited by 14int

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