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Server US 2239 All Welcome!

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40 man HFB server w/ no ping limit and admins monitoring it on a regular basis. We dont condone hacking, alt f4'ing, or ghosting. We dont horde vehicless (we are operated by a clan of 8 active memers). Check out our website at http://www.indecisivebastards.com/ and get the link to our TS. Cya soon guys! Also our server is 12 hours behind EST so its daylight during prime time hours.

Edited by Moose12

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Idc we want to have some fun. Everyone is welcome... join our TS and talk to us and let us figure out that ur not a tool and we will help you out.

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Bump. This is legit ask sturmwaffles. We flew his noob ass around in our heli and got him a van and a bunch of weps from someone's camp.

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Op thanks for the invite, (not to tell you how to do your job) but I would hope you are willing to set a ping limit. High ping players can effect the rest of us making logging in less attractive.

Edited by Faceman Peck

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Op thanks for the invite, (not to tell you how to do your job) but I would hope you are willing to set a ping limit. High ping players can effect the rest of us making logging in less attractive.

Very true. I have set mine for 250, and even that is generous by most game server standards. Hell, a lot of them kick for 150, but I feel that effects euro gamers far too much. Especially Germany/UK. Seems to be working pretty good at that number. High pingers (300+) can and will slow down server performance, and besides, theres 4000+ DayZ servers up, SURELY there is at least ONE where they ping just fine to.

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Yes it is an issue we are discussing. We are probably going to set it around the 250-300 mark but for now we havent had the activity or any problems with it. Also I am a sub-admin so I will need to talk to the guy who pays the bills before we change it.

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well when players connect and disconnect and other things can cause lag so having the 250 cushion is nice...most people with good ping should never spike beyond that imo

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Agreed. Im thinking about welcoming presents for groups of 3+ that join our server. We have quite a few vehicles scattered and repaired. Its not that we are hoarding but for awhile we had a 0 population because we were on 2.4 but now im thinking groups that seem chill and join our server might get an ATV or a Truck/Sedan w/e.

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understood and thanks. I play with three to five players roughly and wed be happy to drop in at some point. Mostly we specialize in the ridiculous and gravitate like mercury to mischeif

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Same. Hop in our TS if your interested. We are just trying to build a reputation and some population for our server.

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Ping limit is set at 250. Server is 12 hours difference of EST. So, 6pm EST is 6am in game. Lets late night players enjoy playing in the day time without playing on a server located in another country.

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Moved to Server General, please post in the right forum.

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A random I met a few weeks ago and who has played on our server for a few days has been caught hacking. Its been taken care of. Andrew if you are reading this and want to reverse your ban, find some evidence that disolves you of guilt, but the logs are pretty clear.

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