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Replying to: why are so many children playing this game?

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Is this really that fucking popular? I mean we are talking about a game we're the worst thing is guns and death. I mean if you mean like age 6 and younger yeah, when I was 9-13 I played worst games like freaking gears of war and dead space. I'm 15 now and I've never been in a fight, never started a fight, and I probable never will get in a fight. I'm not some blood hungry killer who wants to kill and kill some more, I mean what the freak does it matter. The worst thing in this game is freaking you get shot then die in a freaking video game, I mean justice league and Naruto on cartoon fucking network is worst then this! Anyone who thinks that kids over 9 should not play this game ((just for there age)) is a dumb ass and is not fit to play this game.

All I wanted to say :)

[user warned. -Max]

Edited by Max Planck
Spamtastic Spamarama

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