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Pennywise (DayZ) buggy?

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Hello Guys,

Is the new Patch buggy?

The Debug Monitor works but the Food , Temperature ... Display doesnt work.

If i remove this the Display for Food etc work but not the Debug Monitor?

Thanks in Advance

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Hello Guys,

Is the new Patch buggy?

The Debug Monitor works but the Food , Temperature ... Display doesnt work.

If i remove this the Display for Food etc work but not the Debug Monitor?

Thanks in Advance

I think they're supposed to be off. That's the plan at least later in this games future.

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Debug mode in other games I've played was for developers. But how are we going to know we have a temperature and need antibiotics? Or that we are losing blood - sometimes it's not obvious on screen, especially at night. Hmm stuff to think about! :huh:

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Debug mode in other games I've played was for developers. But how are we going to know we have a temperature and need antibiotics? Or that we are losing blood - sometimes it's not obvious on screen, especially at night. Hmm stuff to think about! :huh:

When you need antibiotics you will cough and "splutter".

When you are losing blood the blood icon blinks with the "+" (medical) sign.

You don't need the debug monitor for those.

As for what the OP said, yes, the debug monitor is bugged and causes the other displays to glitch to full green. Beware, they are still working as normal but just not displaying. It is dangerous to play with the debug monitor on right now.

Does anyone know when it will be fixed?

I cant play without Blood display...

Yes you can. If you are bleeding the blood icon will show it, and if you are low on blood your screen will start losing color.

Edited by ThuggleS
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It's fun how they pass a bug (hud not working) as a "feature" .. coz the debug monitor will be removed eventually in the future.. lol.

1) You don't know your banditry status: since the "number" is bugged you don't really know what's happening. Sometime you have negative humanity without killing anyone, or the opposite. Knowing that value was the only way to have an idea.

2) You don't know your blood level: loosing colors doesn't works at all.. it depends of the server settings and hours of time, sometime you can see with shaved colors at 11k bloods.. and in full color with only 8k blood.. just because of the different hour of the day. So you don't know how much you need to eat, or if you really need a transfusion to recover your full blood.

That's not a debug monitor, it shows essential informations. I agree,we don't need the number of zeds spawned, neither how many zeds we killed in real time.. but WE NEED the blood level and humanity level, until the icons are reliable enough. I stay with on private hive (no glitches) until you deploy a proper hotfix, coz you fixed the major issue but introducing come annoying others.

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Still can't seem to find a clear answer on the tent and vehicle saving either for the 2.6 patch. Haven't had a chance to play myself yet.

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It's fun how they pass a bug (hud not working) as a "feature" .. coz the debug monitor will be removed eventually in the future.. lol.

1) You don't know your banditry status: since the "number" is bugged you don't really know what's happening. Sometime you have negative humanity without killing anyone, or the opposite. Knowing that value was the only way to have an idea.

2) You don't know your blood level: loosing colors doesn't works at all.. it depends of the server settings and hours of time, sometime you can see with shaved colors at 11k bloods.. and in full color with only 8k blood.. just because of the different hour of the day. So you don't know how much you need to eat, or if you really need a transfusion to recover your full blood.

That's not a debug monitor, it shows essential informations. I agree,we don't need the number of zeds spawned, neither how many zeds we killed in real time.. but WE NEED the blood level and humanity level, until the icons are reliable enough. I stay with on private hive (no glitches) until you deploy a proper hotfix, coz you fixed the major issue but introducing come annoying others.

I completely agree. But you can still play almost just as easy without it, in my opinion. If you get whacked by a zombie and bleed for a few seconds you can pretty much assume you lost about 1k blood, so eat 2 cooked meats to be 100% sure you are full blood, etc. If you pay attention you can guess with pretty good accuracy what your blood status should be.

As for humanity, yeah, sucks not being able to see it.

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Yes you can. If you are bleeding the blood icon will show it, and if you are low on blood your screen will start losing color.

There's no way to tell if your screen is losing color at Night. I mainly play at night and everything is black and white anyway.

The blinking + is all good and the blood drop icon will change to pink or red when you're low, but without a numerical display or changing the icon to show a empty/full graph

It's not possible to tell whether you're just under 9000 or just above 9000. Should I eat a steak or get a blood bag now? Or should I wait?

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I for one hope they take the debug monitor out totally (I think rocket said they would eventually). It takes away from the survival instincts that players have when they can say, "Ok, I am at 12k blood so if I get shot with a dmr anywhere but the head I will still have 3k blood". There's nothing realistic about viewing your health as a numerical value.

There is some truth to the argument that it can be tough to distinguish between 12k and say 9k blood based on color alone and they may want to add another cue like sprint time or sprint speed that decreases as blood decreases.

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Good thing it's not up to you...

I have compiled the Q&A from reddit so we can discuss it on these forums as well. Enjoy!


Q: Are there any plans to completely remove HUD from the game? I think it would definitely help set the atmosphere!

A: Absolutely agree. We will probably have something but it will be heavily cut down. most cues will be visual and audial.


From the reddit thread 'What features do you most want in DayZ?' of 22.Aug.

He said this of the thread:" Bugfixing and hacking are the priorities. This thread is about getting the backlog sorted, i.e. what we do after that."

Q: The bright white debug monitor text is kinda hard on plasma displays :) I'm sure that'll go away at some point, but anything that is very bright and doesn't move scares me for long-term play since my girlfriend's gaming machine is hooked to my TV.

A: Debug monitor is gone from 1.7.3

Q: I would like to see the "waypoint" system removed, it's totally "overpowerd" and removes the need of a kompass and proper navigation.

A: Yes, waypoint and commanding system are being removed from the DayZ engine.

Q: I hope this means "regular" difficulty options like Nametags (except with the possible exception over very short distances with people you've physically shaken hands with - i.e. would recognise facially) and GPS maps will also be removed.

A: Gone, gone, and more gone

Q: A way to hide the Hud; for in game photographers like me.

A: I want to remove the HUD as much as is possible, and replace it with ingame elements based on visual and audial clues (think: stomach rumbling when hungry).

Anything you love/hate/wonder about? Discuss!

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Why do you NEED humanity? to grow your e-peen more? Also its really easy to see if you need blood. 1st clue would be bleeding the 1st time, so now you know you below 12k. When color starts fading you know you below 9k and should eat some meat. I really hate using this but IRL you wouldn't be able to tell exactly how much blood you lost, since this game is partially for realism, i support the debug crapitor going away.

Edited by HighPiez

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Still can't seem to find a clear answer on the tent and vehicle saving either for the 2.6 patch. Haven't had a chance to play myself yet.

Tents save.

Old tents from other lives wont save new items after a restart but you can retrieve loot. Drop a new tent and save.

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vehicles appear to save correctly now too. Although my van was transformed to an off-road by the update. I only played for an hour but in that time I found 2 heli crash sites (within 600m of each other) including an as50, dmr, and nvgs. I also found a tractor and repaired my truck fully (engine and chassis). Maybe just lucky today.

Edited by orphanstephen

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The blood icon turns from green to red and then starts flashing. I don't see the problem with no debug.

Edited by bad_mojo

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The Debug Monitor can be put back on the screen via Game Options. But still the icons are buggy from time to time. After relogg it apears correct (sometimes). I logged in yesterday on the airfield with no debug monitor and constant green icons. Suddenly I lost 6k HP and afterwards 10 HP every few seconds. Dont know if I maybe was shooted with a pistol or maybe starved..after bandaging the bleeding continued so I relogged and found myself truly starving. If starving, do you loose this ammount of HP (like 6k HP)? Or did I really got shot?

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After one day, I can say that I dont necessarily need the Debugmonitor.

The first minutes without it are very unusual but than you get used to it.

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Debug mode in other games I've played was for developers. But how are we going to know we have a temperature and need antibiotics? Or that we are losing blood - sometimes it's not obvious on screen, especially at night. Hmm stuff to think about! :huh:

You begin to shiver and shake, before you get sick. Light a fire!

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