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Tent - Bug or looted ?

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there are so many threads about tent bugs that i got confused. I lost only some items completely, and other items showed a different number. So i'm sure it was looted, but can it be a bug too ?



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Tents in only work in their "first save state" meaning the first time you save it, that is what it will contain.

There is a unoffcial fix, that not all servers have installed.

In, tents and vehicles are supposedly fixed again (i haven't tested, since my server provider is being slow to update)

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Sounds to me like you got looted. I've come across a few tents and as long as they aren't someones glitching tent(obvious duping) I take what I need usually and keep it movin'. For example a buddy and me the other day found some BizonSD mags(and other various weapon magazines) in a tent on top of a hill next to Novy, and just took 3 of the Bizon mags and left. Really one thing I noticed...there is NO SAFE PLACE for tents in this game. Simple as that. Hopefully you didn't lose a bunch of good stuff!

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Thanks, maybe my tent wasn't discovered yet. That would save my DayZ-day. Yes, it looks like it kept my first loot that i did put in. Ok, just updating to

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Really one thing I noticed...there is NO SAFE PLACE for tents in this game. Simple as that. Hopefully you didn't lose a bunch of good stuff!

Yeah, your're right. Some weeks ago, i gave up using tents the first time. But looting and collecting stuff is the most fun for me, like for many others. I just hope that they will give us something like safe "earth holes". :(

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Seems many servers have lost their tents in the last patch, server i am on all has lost them in last 24hrs.

Edited by 14int

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