SpellDog 0 Posted September 7, 2012 FYI: I'm new to the forums and I dont know if im posting this in the right spot, but...I am not a bandit per say, but given the opportunity, I would likely kill another player solely for the rush of the experience. I started with the intent of running around Chernaurus with 3 of my friends and causing trouble, but after realizing that 1 person in our group has no terrain association skills and is constantly lost, and the other two can hardly ever play, I mostly end up playing by myself, finding loot that I can't carry because I only have one coyote backpack. I never know if I should set up one of the 4 tents in my possession (as im worried about getting robbed), so I really feel like I'm hitting a wall within the game where I'm just constantly hoarding good loot and moving from one spot to the next (I'm at 689 Zombie kills, 1 Bandit kill *revenge of a buddy, and 4490 Humanity). My question is: are there any other bandits out there who solo the game? And, if so: how do you keep yourself entertained. Do you go to Chenro and Elektro looking for trouble? Any fun ideas would help. Thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OrLoK 16191 Posted September 7, 2012 Hello there,I'm a survior, and i exclusively soloI purely play to survive and forage.As the game is so open ended there is no real objective other than to survive so the rest is up to your imagination. I try to find a rarely visited place to set up camp and protect that. Sometimes I succeed sometimes I get looted. Such is life.There's no point playing the game uber safe as you'll find yourself having nothing to do.If I was a bandit, I would try to make a name for myself. Ie choose a specific area and clean it out of Zeds and players and keep it clear, If chat is enabled warn other players that the area you are in is out of bounds and snipe away.Obviously this will bring you to the attention of other bandits and survivors who will want to take you out. Give yourself a time limit of say, an hour and if you survive that you have "won" that round.Make it a regular occourance and you'll soon get a name for yourself.Also, perhaps try to act courteously whilst in this role, as people tend to respect a gentleman thief rather than "ratboy" griefers (not implying you are one or the other).TL;DR give yourself some achieveable but tricky objectives and you will feel well rewarded.RgdsLoK 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bludy 324 Posted September 7, 2012 camp raiding and vehicle stealing can be really fun Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
generalginger27 16 Posted September 7, 2012 Shoot people.It's fun. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chrisreynolds743 7 Posted September 8, 2012 Pm me and run around with my buddies and bro. We are getting a clan together this weekend. ill send you our vent info so we can play a bit and see if you like our crazy killing antics. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SpellDog 0 Posted September 9, 2012 Thanks for the tips. Holding down one spot does sound kinda fun, just got hacked and lost everything I'll have to try that after some good looting. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dragonborn (DayZ) 9 Posted September 9, 2012 Run around electro or cherno with an assualt rifle lots of fun. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
harley001 315 Posted September 9, 2012 Set up tents. Most people can't carry enough to rob everything from the tent. Put them in well hidden places. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrMuffinz 0 Posted September 9, 2012 I am a Solo Bandit, mainly because I just started out Banditoing(is that a word?!?!?) and I don't have anyone bandit with.Here are my kills so far:Killed two survivors/bandits helping eachother with an ak I found in a place I belive is cherno(yesterday),Killed a guy with a gillie suit yesterday then the server got hacked(luckily I left).Today: Was grabbing goods out of a grocery store, went to the church nearby, and a man with a hatchet was sneaking in, believe it or not,but after I shot him in the legs I asked if he was friendly, he didnt reply and proceeded to bandage himself(fuck you sir), and shot him, BAM got bandit skin.How I keep entertained:Killing weaponless and/or weak survivors in different ways( shoot in legs, bandage up, then run away and let them crawl)Finding VERY good loot(cars, weapons, matches)Sight seeing(Hiking mountains and camping, or going to castles, etc)Other than thoses its pretty boring.I do not go looking for trouble, im usually raiding a house or something and someone just HAPPENS to be outside it.Advice: Keep entertained in the ways said above, dont go look for trouble because usually it finds you faster,grab loot for you only, camp in woods, keep your eye open, and make sure you don't kill people with melee weaponscompletely, see if friendly first. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SpellDog 0 Posted September 10, 2012 I am a Solo Bandit, mainly because I just started out Banditoing(is that a word?!?!?) and I don't have anyone bandit with.Here are my kills so far:Killed two survivors/bandits helping eachother with an ak I found in a place I belive is cherno(yesterday),Killed a guy with a gillie suit yesterday then the server got hacked(luckily I left).Today: Was grabbing goods out of a grocery store, went to the church nearby, and a man with a hatchet was sneaking in, believe it or not,but after I shot him in the legs I asked if he was friendly, he didnt reply and proceeded to bandage himself(fuck you sir), and shot him, BAM got bandit skin.How I keep entertained:Killing weaponless and/or weak survivors in different ways( shoot in legs, bandage up, then run away and let them crawl)Finding VERY good loot(cars, weapons, matches)Sight seeing(Hiking mountains and camping, or going to castles, etc)Other than thoses its pretty boring.I do not go looking for trouble, im usually raiding a house or something and someone just HAPPENS to be outside it.Advice: Keep entertained in the ways said above, dont go look for trouble because usually it finds you faster,grab loot for you only, camp in woods, keep your eye open, and make sure you don't kill people with melee weaponscompletely, see if friendly first. By looking for trouble I mean looking like 500 meters away, lol. But i get what you're saying. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 2 Posted September 10, 2012 if you want you can play with me and my buds their all like 15 -16 im 17 but more mature than them and i was thinking about looking for a little squad with mature people i can play with instead of immature kids who think its funny to shoot each other i can set you up on gear to get you back on your feet if you would like and i can be that mule for the rest of your loot :)! add me on skype if you want - joker1player 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
codave 121 Posted September 10, 2012 If you find yourself getting bored, find ways to make the game harder. It would require imposing rules on yourself and following them, but it can be fun. My next life will be one without a backpack or scoped weapons. ;) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Elite Skydaz 13 Posted September 12, 2012 Steal/ or find an AS50 with at least 3 mags, camp out in a good sniping position(NOT ON TOP OF A BUILDING/TOWER) I prefer around hills, or camped out in a high view to see an entire military base or airfield. If you get bored, make a new character and make it so the only weapon you can use if a hatchet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites