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Mandalore (DayZ)

Axe and weapons and stuff

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Hello, I'm new to the game, have read tons of guides watched videos etc and i've been doing great the last 3 days, never died.

Haven't found any straight answers to these questions in videos/guides/wiki so here goes :

I'm mostly playing solo, here's what I want to know regarding killing animals.

1) Can I kill animals with my axe ? (so as to conserve ammo + not make sounds)

2) If I just equip my axe will my weapon drop or magically dissapear? (note, I also have another primary on my backpack)

That's it basically I'm just anxious about losing my gun trying not to spend one bullet.

Is my anxiety justified or am I turning just paranoid because every time I go to cherno I hear gunfire?

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I've been shot at once before due to shooting at an animal.

It's probably okay to shoot your gun if it's a fairly quiet weapon, like a small pistol.

I WOULD recommend either dropping your gun in a SAFE easy to find(NO tall grass to obscure your gun) location before changing to your axe, or placing it in your backpack. (10 spaces PLUS additional spaces for all the ammo you have for that respective gun.)

I'm not sure if it's been fixed yet, but previously, switching to your axe before emptying out your primary weapon slot would delete it. I'm not entirely sure. Ergh, bugs.

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1) You can kill animals

2) No but be careful. If there is 10+ slots or more free for a primary weapon in your backpack and you right click axe to "remove from toolbelt" if will say "not enough room in inventory" and you will keep your non axe weapon. You can still loose weapons if you use the left and right taps arrows to move things into your bag.

My hatchet guide! (wanted to write this anway so here it is)

The Hatchet is the no.1 tool for a solo scavenger. If you are adept at avoiding players you will not need a primary weapon. Why is this good you ask? When using the axe as your primary weapon it frees up dozens of spare slots that would typically carry guns and ammo. You can collect multiple rifles, ammo and engine parts if you plan a good raid route and add the axe to your tool belt if you need an extra gun.

When using an axe the following must be considered at all times:

* Carry lots of bandages/morphine

* Carry cooked meat. It restores 800 blood compared to 200 from a can.

* If you drop bellow 9000 blood do not fight zombies in cqc. There is a good chance they will knock you out in a random hit when you drop bellow 9000, therefore carry cooked meat!

General gameplay tips

*When axing zombies i find it best to go prone (where possible), aim high (head/shoulders).

*Why use a melee weapon in the prone position? The axe has a suprising amount of range, going prone makes it harder for z's to get you (i find), keeps your profile low from other players/zeds and using this in conjunction with a building/hallway will rack up zombie kills and leave you unscathed.

*Rolling prone (use q/e or just crawl) and hacking zombies is a stealthy way to clear them out of an area and not draw aggro.

*If moving quicker bum rush them from behind (if possible), stop and slash their bodies before they run at you, they can't turn 180 as tightly as players can

* A more speedy/stealth combo is crouch run, then crouch walk and or prone roll (garaunteed no aggro) the final few meters and hack their body

* Carry smoke grenades to draw zombies (they run towards smokes) off crash sites, hot spots and escape players. It gives you a ranged option when going melee

* Not sure if the axe can smash windows on buildings, throwing cans at hospital glass will break it

* A sidearm is really useful for primary axe players. Makarov is honestly the best choice if only for the ammo. Up close and on the head.

* As always running and not fighting is the best option when traveling light

You might notice that i love the axe!

Edited by Trizzo
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Thanks for the replies and tips :D

I'm using an mp5sd and I got a cz550 on my backpack. I only had to use it once because I was in a house in cherno and a zed got aggroed somehow. It also took an entire clip before going down.

I just avoid zombies, never get into fights.

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2) If I just equip my axe will my weapon drop or magically dissapear? (note, I also have another primary on my backpack)


Is my anxiety justified or am I turning just paranoid because every time I go to cherno I hear gunfire?

Welcome to the game!

If you are currently holding, say, your mp5, and try to remove the hatchet from the toolbelt, I think it will tell you that you do not have enough room in your inventory.

You need to either drop the gun first, or magically find enough room in your backpack.

Your anxiety is justified. I have been shot at for absolutely no reason in Cherno. Actually, every time I have been shot at it has been for no reason - whattaya gonna do?

Paranoia is also a good thing.

Good luck!

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yeah animals die by axe. yeah axe brakes windows. drop your weapon before in a flat plain area. i think a pistol round does the job silently for hunting..where animals usually spawn you are fucked anyway if someone's looking at you..only boars and rabbits in the forest are safe and then you can shoot, gut and take away meat and your ass quick enough to not being found by anyone

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