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Lingor Server W/ACE 1.9( / 96584)62 Vehicles Full Moons Every Night and city lights arizona DayZOahu.webs.com

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come try it out.

Grab Ace 1.9 and CBA from armaholic. Grab Lingor Island V034 and experience a new game. Search oahu in the server browser

here is all the features ace adds http://wiki.ace-mod.net/Features

also added new vehicles.












bumped up zombies too.

every night is a full moon. clouds can still effect visibility.

watch out for those tail rotors.

don't carry too much if you plan on running for long periods of time.

Edited by EndOfDayzSurvivor

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yeah and while you are at it, make gille suits starter gear 10000 slots inventory with all guns and a 5 sec respawn timer. then you are all set..

/rant over

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Where are the tanks?

LOL no tanks. only helicopter that has weapons is the AH64D and i placed it in a real hard spot to get it out of. Most people would die or disable it trying to get it out if they were lucky enough to find it. One of the reasons i upped the zombies is to hopefully promote cooperative gameplay. Its just a test to see how people like it. if its not liked then i'll just take it down and replace it with a chenarus or lingor map. I myself am tired of the same old thing. the realism gives a little challenge and keeps people from running marathons and carrying heavy ass loads while doing it. i've come to realize alot of people don't want the realism. but as long as i'm having fun with it, i'll keep it running.

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Upping Zeds won't make a difference imo. Even if you had 1 player running through 100 Zeds the other player would still try to shoot that "one player in there".

I hope you have installed some countermeasures for the helo and the other vehicles...if that thing goes up there is no stopping it...but the fuel.

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My brother and I have played on your server the past couple of nights (daylight in-game). Although we didn't get to experience the nighttime enhancements, it runs great and we had a blast. We live in PA and still had ping of under 100ms. There are a ton of zombies, and it made looting barracks insanely challenging and a lot of fun. I think I must have done 50 laps around one compound before I could get in. We died many times - good job!

Edited by Drunk in Cherno

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