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As I was adventuring, something...odd? Happened

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Hey forum, first post. Just started playing today! Dayz is truly something you have to experience to really understand. This mod is spectacular. But, anyways. I was on my 7th life today (so many hackers ruining the night) and I was doing very well. I had been alive for about 4 hours and had successfully robbed a tent in the woods of a Rem 870 with shells and alot of FAid gear, and cleard a few villages of loot. I made it due west of Zub south of Vyshnoye when all of a sudden, all of my gear was replaced with TWO M4'S, NVGS, ALICE, COUNTLES CONSUMABLES, ALL TOOLS, GHILLIE SUIT. And the list goes wayyy on. What the fuck happened? This is bad ass but, who would hack gear onto other players? Can this get me in trouble? I dont know how that happened. I know for a fact I didnt loot any of those items.

Either way, when I die I will be soooooooo sad to loose this stuff :(

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You will not be banned for having hacked in items, you only get banned if you are the one hacking it in.

Edited by Janson
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That's better than the hackers I faced last night. All we hear is M107 shots in cherno over and over again. Then a dude randomly appears next to three of my squad and disappears again. Did a full server kill. I start running to cherno again and take 3 steps before getting an as50 in the head. Same thing is happening to my crew. So we log onto another server and head back to our building. Spawn in, grab loot and there are just nukes destroying all the buildings in cherno one by one. MASSIVE explosions. Building next to me goes down and almost deafens me, I log. One of the guys is running from Elektro and when he logs in to loot his stuff sure enough the building I was in is rubble. >.<. Managed to get most of my gear back thankfully but some of my squad wasn't as lucky.

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Yeah last night was my fist time playing dayz; hackers killed entire servers I was on about 3 times. Whenever I would get some "decent" gear going and a plan on where I was going to loot I would get thrown into the fucking ocean with everyone. Really hope the standalone isnt as full of hackers, they really ruin the game. (Minus the dudes who just pass out crazy gear, which I still dont understand. I was more than happy to find all that shit myslef :P)

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Beans for first post. But you could be a hacker in disguise B) <_<

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I swear you are all getting hacked for a reason, your not playing on main servers. Main servers have more security and is therefore less chance of getting hacked and nuked. I only got nuked once and that was on the least populated US server I could find, another thing is that I find AU servers get hacked so much less. So yeah that's just what I think

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the 'benevolent' hackers ruin the game too. I don't want a ride in your boat that somehow drives on the street. I don't want to be teleported to a item box. I just want to play the game the 'right' way

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the 'benevolent' hackers ruin the game too. I don't want a ride in your boat that somehow drives on the street. I don't want to be teleported to a item box. I just want to play the game the 'right' way

That was my problem. I already had some cool stuff and it was making me adust my playstyle drastically. Then all of a sudden I had ever bit of gear I would ever need plus the random shit like satchel charges. Whatever, I died by getting smacked by a zombie and breaking my leg after loosing my backpack with morphine in it.

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That was my problem. I already had some cool stuff and it was making me adust my playstyle drastically. Then all of a sudden I had ever bit of gear I would ever need plus the random shit like satchel charges. Whatever, I died by getting smacked by a zombie and breaking my leg after loosing my backpack with morphine in it.

the same thing happened to me. it was like a perfect example of Murphy's Law. I found a new pack, and picked it up, hoping to transfer the stuff after. but my old pack disappeared, with my morphine in it. went around the corner, bang, zombie breaks my leg. I actually managed to survive, but I was nowhere near a hospital or chance military spawn. luckily I had a tent with me. I put the tent behind this house. it wasn't the best spot, but I figured no one would find it in the time it took for me to die and run back. it all worked out, and I got back to my stuff, but the lesson was always put your stuff in the new pack before dropping your old pack

Edited by daze23
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I swear you are all getting hacked for a reason, your not playing on main servers.

What is a "main" server?

But honestly, how a game can be this unsecure is beyond me. And what's the point of even having Battleye if it seems to stop none of this?

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