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Matches....gimme some matches!!

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So I got my 28 day old character killed and inevitably respawned 500 miles from my decaying body. Hey-ho, I go on a Cherno shopping spree collecting everything I need to continue my life of "player avoidance" in the woods. everything that is, except a box of matches. No point in having raw meat if I cant light the fire to cook it!

So I decide to hit as many Tesco Express supermarkets as I can, and head off North through Zelengorsk, Putoshka and finally Vybor. Still no matches. While Im up here, I figure I may as well take a quick razz through the NW airfield and see whats lying around. Sadly, it was so glitchy I couldnt see the wood for the trees, so I head East hoping that Grishino might help in the match department, but again, no joy.

Whilst making my way to the deer stand East of Grishino, I spy something Ive never seen in DayZ.....a Heli crash!! Im getting all excited now, Ive seen the video's of all the nice loot and read storys of all the best gear at heli sites, but never actually seen one. Sneaking over, theres not a lot of stuff there, but I do get a silenced Bizon (never heard of it, but it looked good so I grabbed it. Sadly, Ive subsequently discovered its shit!!) But no matches. Im down to 4000 blood now and beggining to get a bit worried! Legging it away to the deerstand for a quick looksee, I see something in the distance.....can it be....have I run round in a circle?? Another heli crash WTF!! No messing with infected this time.....I run straight in, scan the area, no matches but bugger me if I dont go and find an M107!! Man alive, this is mad.......JUST GIMME SOME FRIKKIN MATCHES!!!!

Is there any other way of starting a fire (Im thinking flares or something??) or am I doomed to a life of unedible red meat??

Edited by peebeds
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You can cook meat on the oil drums in the cities. Also, just keep looking in supermarkets and you'll find some matches eventually.

Edited by Fraggle
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SMGs in general are horrible in this game, lol. I generally stick to my AKM off the bat and then only drop it for an M4 CCO or something like a FAL. Grats on the M107 though, stick that in the backpack for emergencies. :P

Maybe try Berezino for matches. So much safer than Cherno or Elektro and it still has a load of loot spawns. I'll usually head over there if Cherno or Elektro doesn't have everything I need at the start.

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Just keep trying to supermarkets and see what happens. Coincidentally, if you really need matches and/or a transfusion, I'd be happy to oblige.

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If I come across another box tomorrow, and you still haven't found any, we can arrange a trade. Don't really need anything unless you find a tent you'd be willing to trade for some matches.

I'm on the list.

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Don't rely just on supermarkets.. lots of other locations have matches as well. I'd look everywhere in your scenario. Every residential location has a chance of matches.

Random example Pustoshka has over 50 residential spawn locations excluding its supermarket. And its supermarket has 24. So by searching the whole town you are 3 times more likely to find matches than just looking in the supermarket. :)

Edited by MadTommy

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I was in the school in berezino yesterday with 2k blood, coughing up what was rest of my lung, and a broken leg. Managed to find two match boxes.

If I can do it so can you. :D

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I come acros them quite often as i roam close to cities from time to time.

If you are still in need ill swing by a supermarket and find some for you.

As a hero I'd also want to bring you to full health.

Send me a pm if you are still in need.

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Great story, Peebeds. I just posted a similar story in the main survivor forum about being brave and getting out there to discover what is in Dayz, and the heli crash sites I found. :thumbsup:

I don't think you can start a fire until you get matches but once you find them they are infinite (big box eh?)! Go to one of the towns with a supermarket and keep going back until you see a little white and red box - it looks like a box of swan vesta matches.

http://dayzdb.com/map#3.069.075 I think supermarkets are under "other" see the tabs on this map on the right - if you turn off everything else it will help to show the shopping trolleys on the map. :)

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i find those little dirty bastards basically in shops but try also other civilian buildings. but with your low blood i'll suggest to find a factory and use the barrel or keep with markets..can by can you'll raise your blood anyway

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I think what happens is they spawn all over the place when you already have some, I see loads if them now

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Matches always seem to be my bane as well. It's happened may times. Hatchet, check. Hunting knife, check. Matches, hell no.

I have had the best luck in supermarkets.

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