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I Got Banned By a Hacker URGENT

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i was recently banned on a server by a hacker. what happened was i just got on a server, and as soon as i got on it says i was globaly banned :( can you please unban me because i love this game so much and play everyday with my friends.

GobalEye Ban #: 3065

email me at: [email protected]

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It means you downloaded some fake hack or fake launcher and they stole your cd key.

Edited by tjG3ftw436

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You can kiss your cd key goodbye. Maybe you will learn from this, but I doubt it.

Recently many users have contacted us regarding this specific ban. We've investigated the problem and found that it's simply caused by a fake hack that is in fact a cd-key stealer. It also overwrites the user's actual cd-key with a banned one resulting in this very ban ID (the actual cd-key is not banned due to this).

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Hello there

The other posters are correct.

If you absolutely feel and know it's a false positive then follow the FAQ on BE's site and send them ONE email.

If it's not a legit ban it will be reversed, If not then you will hear nothing.

Also, dont spam them with emails.

If another person (brother,sister second cousin removed, flatmate, friend, dog etc)has attempted to "hack" on your PC, it's your fault and the ban will not be reversed.

I hope this helps.



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There's been problems with false-positives lately and CD-Key theft. You could of DLed a keylogger specifically looking for your Steam login and keys.

I highly recommend you visit http://www.battleye.com/support.html

And the fact that he has one post is funny... Probably some fail kid script kiddy but still just to be sure go to the support page.

Edited by Venzire

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As battle eye stated,

"As already mentioned in the previous news post, there is currently a massive ongoing effort by certain entities to steal people's cd-keys to then sell them for a profit. Private hack forums are full of posts of these fraudsters trying to sell heaps of cd-keys for a cheap price. We are talking about hundreds of cd-keys here, so this is not a small issue at all. The game developers confirmed that this is a huge problem right now.

Their process of stealing cd-keys is quite simple: They advertise a supposedly undetected hack on sites like YouTube and the moment you download and run it (it will probably report that the hack failed to load) your cd-key is already stolen. In many cases your actual cd-key in registry is overwritten with a banned one, so you will automatically receive a global ban message on join (see below). This is done to prevent you from using your cd-key again, so the fraudsters can sell them claiming that they are valid and not in use. Note that this can be fixed (temporarily) by deleting the cd-key from the registry and reinstalling your game. While your original cd-key is not banned due to this, it might very well end up being soon when your cd-key is being used by a cheater that purchased it. This causes many players to think they were innocently banned when in fact their cd-key was stolen and used for cheating. At the very least you will often receive a "CD key in use" message when trying to connect to servers.

If you think this is false propaganda to cover up supposed false global bans I advise you to do some research on this yourself. You can easily verify this by searching for "free ***" on YouTube. You will see lots of results and almost all of them are scams. Most of them are actually quite popular and have thousands of views. When downloading them and opening the .exe file in e.g. Notepad (warning: do not actually run the .exe!), you can find cd-key related strings such as "SOFTWARE\Bohemia Interactive Studio\ArmA 2 OA" (the registry location of the cd-key) inside.

In short, heed the following: DO NOT EVER RUN ANY HACKS OR OTHER SUSPICIOUS SOFTWARE! If you end up being banned due to your cd-key being stolen there is nothing we can do for you."

Sorry buddy, you're going to have to re install and wipe the dodgy software you got for any chance of playing without buying a new game.

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