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Genki Dama

Six laucher... Useless

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So basically if you want to download the lastest versions and all this shit, you will need to use six laucher. I tested it out... holy hell is it the most non user friendly program I have ever used...

It installs all this crap in @DayZ folder so now you have a @dayZ folders in an @DayZ folder. Then it downloads all this and initiates the game with only arma 2, when I need it to open for Arma2 AO Beta patch.exe

*sigh please get rid of it*

If someone does know who to use it please tell me here in this thread

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I agree with you in that its not user-friendly at all.

I actually found it to be the most worthless arma-related thing I've ever downloaded.

You would have spent less time downloading the mod the original way, than you would trying to navigate your way around whatever the hell that thing is supposed to be doing.

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Downloaded the software. Found a good server. I hit update. I hit play. And there is my character in a bush. Pretty awesome actually.

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Is this a requirement? Because I don't like having to download trivial software that I only use for a single thing.

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Hmmm, interesting cause I found it to be super easy to use. maybe you aren't good with computers to figuire out such a simple program. Hell it even auto locates the game for you

and installs the mod/updates it with 1 click.

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I'm guessing you selected the wrong directory for the install. User error...

You also don't need it to install or update the mod, just download the files and extract, boom, done.

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omg "the most useless bit of software" some people are just have no patience... six updater was originally made for A.C.E mod for arma/2. It is a great tool and if you or anyone else that whines about it decided to really see how it works you would take the full benefits of it.. :D

Some people truly still shock me :P its the most easiest way to install beta and dayz mod period lol.. you just are not obviously part of the bigger arma community (yet i hope) and dont see its full potential.. Most dont use the server joining lists etc just use the ingame one and filter for what u want but seriously put some more effort in and you will be able understand it and will learn to love how easy it is everyday to fire up and go play and no more be overly concerned with updating..

Try... please :)

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I currently run DayZ by launching ARMA II OA from Steam with launch options "-beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion;CA;@DayZ"

If I install this software, will I have to start in a different fashion?

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After following some tutorials on how to install dayz with sixupdater and using google to figure out how to enable the beta patch, it actually became pretty useful, two clicks and dayz and the beta patch are updated.

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The big advantage with Six updater:

* you select the server you want to join and the software downloads all the modifications/addons which you need for the server.

This means you can try a lot of different servers which offer different Arma 2 mods...instead of downloading mods and installing them manual with the shortcut methode. It looks user unfriendly first but is actually really usefull.

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I dont get it to work either ... I install it manually. Easiest and with least amount of problems.

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...recently the six updater includes aswell the really easy to use dayz updater. You just select one of the servers, press the big UPDATE button, it downloads the files and you can join.

You have 2 shortcuts after installing the six updater:

1. Six Launcher --> for DayZ

2. Six updater

Six Launcher starts the updater just for dayz and the six updater is used when you want to join any other servers but certain mods are needed. Its really not that complicated, especially not the Six Launcher/Dayz updater.

If you want to use the Six Updater for other Arma 2 servers, this video may help aswell:


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There's actually 2 different pieces of software, Six Updater... used to keep the mod updated & Six Launcher, which I have to agree doesn't work.. at least not for me & possibly others.

However Six Updater is a very good & useful tool, you can delete the icon to the launcher if you like as there's no way to stop it from installing, here is a short guide to follow.

Use Six Updater to update your mod by clicking on the Mod tab, scroll down to @DayZ & right click on it, hover over Updater actions, then click "Install or update mod".

It will scan your current version of the mod & update as needed, you only need to do this once a new version is released, then close Six Updater until the next release.

Now to launch the mod & the beta patch, you can use several methods, the best way I have found to run the mod + the beta patch is to use Arma2 Launcher.

It's a simply program that lets you set the parameters for how the game will start. Once you set it up, you only have to click the start button each time & it turns everything on for you. If you need any help getting it all working, just drop me a PM & I will be happy to help, we can hop on TS & I can walk you through.

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Is this about the 1.7.1 update?

No. This is about program called Six Launcher / Six Updater.

What the original poster says here is untrue:

So basically if you want to download the lastest versions and all this shit' date=' you will need to use six laucher.[/quote']

You do not need Six Launcher to download latest versions of DayZ or beta patch. It is just a tool that can download and install these things for you. Whether you want to use it or not is fully up to you, and you can install DayZ and beta patch without it if you choose to do so.

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Is this about the 1.7.1 update?

No. This is about program called Six Launcher / Six Updater.

What the original poster says here is untrue:

So basically if you want to download the lastest versions and all this shit' date=' you will need to use six laucher.[/quote']

You do not need Six Launcher to download latest versions of DayZ or beta patch. It is just a tool that can download and install these things for you. Whether you want to use it or not is fully up to you, and you can install DayZ and beta patch without it if you choose to do so.

Ahhaaaa. Manual installation is always easier & far more reliable.

But if you're having issues with the installer.

http://cdn.armafiles.info/ < files.

Beta patch info/install etc


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SU is really easy to use and you have to set it to Arma 2 OA just make a preset with dayz and beta then right click the preset down at the bottom and the click install mods and run game

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How is six launcher NOT easy? You select a server, and hit the big damn button on the left.

That's it! That's all you do!

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Using SU for anything other than updating is fail.

Use the ArmA II launcher instead.........wait, that will really freak people out.

Just go play something else or make a better program yourself, it's not like you paid for it.

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After you get the updater configured' date=' it's quite handy. Just couple clicks and every mod that you have installed is updated if needed. Very good way to install arma 2 mods.

The launcher is useless i agree. I use this launcher to get in to game http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8241


Using SU for anything other than updating is fail.

Use the ArmA II launcher instead.........wait' date=' that will really freak people out.

Just go play something else or make a better program yourself, it's not like you paid for it.


Why is launching from SU a "fail", exactly?

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After you get the updater configured' date=' it's quite handy. Just couple clicks and every mod that you have installed is updated if needed. Very good way to install arma 2 mods.

The launcher is useless i agree. I use this launcher to get in to game http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=8241


Using SU for anything other than updating is fail.

Use the ArmA II launcher instead.........wait' date=' that will really freak people out.

Just go play something else or make a better program yourself, it's not like you paid for it.


Why is launching from SU a "fail", exactly?

Because the ArmA II launcher is a better program and you don't have to update it every time you try to launch it.

It seems SU updates more than my mods do......

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Because the ArmA II launcher is a better program...

I disagree - it's a totally different program with additional functionality. Would you care to elaborate?

...and you don't have to update it every time you try to launch it.

Excellent product support is a good thing.

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