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Zombie Hitboxes?

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I accidently aggro a few zombies. Okay, that's fine, I got a pistol. I shoot the first guy twice in the head, blood and all, but he just kept running at me. Panicking, I unloaded the rest of my clip in his body but to no effect. Are zombies supposed to have so much health? I entered a low population server since I'm new so is it latency issues?

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Depends on the weapon, as they have different damage. If you had a makarov, it would take a whole clip to down a zombie if it wasn't a head shot. If you're having a hard time stopping zed's, shoot them in the leg. They instantly stop, go prone and crawl towards you=easier head shots.

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Hit-detection is client-side. Latency doesn't affect whether you hit the zombie or not. Unless it's downright desync.

M1911 and Revolver take zombies down in about 3-4 shots, no idea what the Makarov does.

And a headshot with any weapon will normally kill a zombie.

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