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Need Medical assistance? Medics in Training can help!

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This thread is for Survivors seeking Medical assistance and Medics trying to earn their place on the [TMW] whitelist.

For MEDICAL ASSISTANCE provide the following information:

1) List ALL of your ailments and the Medical supplies you need to fix them:

- Low Blood/Transfusion, Broken Leg(s)/Morphine, Unconscious/Epi-Pen,

Infection/Antibiotics, Bleeding/Bandage, Shock/Painkillers, Food/Water

2) Describe your location:

- General Region (North/South/East/West) and Nearest City/Town/Landmark.

- Use this map: http://dayzdb.com/map

- If you want to give exact coordinates, please PM them to the Medic who responds.

3) If you are in a highly-populated server and at risk of being killed, LOG OUT.

- Your Medic will work with you to find a safer server to meet you on

4) If possible, provide a direct contact method:

-Steam ID/Profile Link, Skype, TeamSpeak, etc.

-If you do not want to share this information, please use the PM feature on this forum and do not spam this thread.

-Don't neglect to try the Trusted Medics of the Wasteland Teamspeak server: ts.dayzmedics.com


1) Edit your original post if with the following:

"Assisted by [MEDIC NAME]"

-Please vouch for those that help you to help them get on the TMW whitelist!

2) Describe your experience!

- This is why we play Day Z, tell us how it all went down.

- Rate on a scale of 1 to 10 if you like!

For MEDICS looking for Patients and trying to get added to the [TMW] whitelist:

Feel free to make posts stating the area you are in when you are actively online seeking Patients.

1) Make DIRECT contact first:

- Try to contact a patient requesting assistance via forum PM, Steam IM, Skype, or TeamSpeak (when possible) before posting directly in-line on this thread

-If you must respond to a Patient in this thread. Direct Quote their Medic request

2) Inform your Patient of where you are coming from if you need to travel

- Make your way to the patient's location on a Low-Populated Server, or known friendly server.

3) Work with your Patient to find a neutral server

- Avoid High-Population servers with lots of PvP going on

- Try to find a server that has Nameplates enabled if you can, this will make finding each other easier

4) After helping your Patient:

- Do everything you can to help them without putting yourself at-risk

- Use common courtesy and common sense, treat your patient as your comrade

5) Remind your Patient to update their post and vouch for you:

- Refer them to the above section "After You've Been Helped"

- Do not SPAM or harass your patients!

** For details on the process of being added to the Trusted Medics of the Wasteland whitelist go here: http://dayzmod.com/f...ce-we-can-help/ **


-Explain the entire situation, and before pointing the finger of blame, try to figure out what went wrong.

Edited by DukeRottingFace
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One of the best medic/help related threads ever, besides the TMW one.

I think this will help out a lot of guys, both Medics and Patients. And yeah this needed to be said, because a lot of people just post "I need help." and that's it. And a lot of Medics reply only with "Hey read my Signature for info." instead of rather contacting the patients directly themselves.

Hope to roll with you soon again Duke, good luck with joining TMW, your almost there :)


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I think this will help out a lot of guys, both Medics and Patients. And yeah this needed to be said, because a lot of people just post "I need help." and that's it. And a lot of Medics reply only with "Hey read my Signature for info." instead of rather contacting the patients directly themselves.

I hope people communicate better. That's the hardest part of working as a Medic: getting all the information you need to help! We'll have to set something up for Medic Escorts too. :P

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I'm impressed, this is exceptional work. I would be glad to recruit new medics and bodyguards from this thread. Please keep doing what you do.

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I'm impressed, this is exceptional work. I would be glad to recruit new medics and bodyguards from this thread. Please keep doing what you do.

Thanks, Doc! Just trying to share the things I learned in the process of going full-on Medic. Hope it helps some folks.

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Good stuff bud, if this thread was around a week ago that would have made things easier, keep up the good work!

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problem: I have low blood, I have a blood bag. willing to use it :)

location: stary sobor

server: N/A currently offline will go to any server

steam: moose612


Healed by: Dukerottingface

rating: 10/10

summary: After a wait due to the both of us having computer issues. Duke was able to come to MY location and provide the required blood transfusion. After the healing was performed. He gave me a few much needed supplies and faded into the night to provide assistance to another wounded survivor. Very good experience and if healling is needed in the future, Duke will be the first medic I call.

Edited by Moose612
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Assisted Moose612:Patched Up

Was able to give him a transfusion and some supplies.

Edited by DukeRottingFace

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I could really use some help. I can PM coordinates. thanks

I can probably help you out. Let me take care of Moose first. PM coords to me

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Medics, thank you guys for all the PMs. I was already done playing for the evening before you all replied but thank you all very much for your offers of assistance. Hopefully I'll not need a medic again (yeah right) but if I do you'll hear from me. Keep up the good work! Peace :)

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Cross-post from Doc Wastelands thread:

I was making my way north from a Cherno spawn after getting all the necessary survival bits. Took some moderate damage in a couple hatchet-close encounters with some zeds but eventually had the misfortune of getting knocked down by a couple and feasted upon for some time before I could get up and show my appreciation with my 1911. After having lost massive amounts of blood, I patched myself up and could barely see anything. I crawled into the nearest hay pile and logged out, and sought the assistance of Doc Wastelands crew.

I logged onto the TS server and in fairly short order was assisted by trusted medic Cheese, he wasn't available for help, but found some people could. McWiggins came by and started out to assist. This was complicated by the fact my mic wasn't working so I was typing in TS the whole time. While waiting around I realized I had to update game versions to get on their server, so I did that while he drove over. In the meantime Matthewaj and Sam came by the TS server to see if any assistance was needed, so a race to see who could get to me first ensued (McWiggins won by a couple hundred yards). After some technical issues with the new version were ironed out, I logged in and the medics descended upon me, rendering aid. Healthy again, I proceeded to then fall from the f-ing second floor stairs, breaking my leg. They assisted again and my screen is as bright and new as the day I spawned on the Cherno coast.

They even left me with some cooked meat and didn't take my offerings of DMR and misc. AK ammo.

An amazing experience, one that will keep me playing for sure. It more than balances out the occasional getting-riddled-from-behind-by-a-ghoster-with-a-submachine-gun-in-the-grocery-store experience.

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Hey i need some help if anyone is available.( not right now of course as i am really tired but later today would be nice) I would gladly give a pdw to my savior for the service he/she has done for me. Also it has no ammo so i can't really use it as of now.

I have extreme blood loss, but i don't know to what extent because of the new hotfix. Also i have a broken leg. You maybe wondering how someone might come across this dire situation. Well if your up to a story i can tell you all about it. If not skip to the end.

I had logged in a couple of hours ago and was in the red brick building next to the supermarket in cherno. I just got the recent patch so i didn't know what to expect and i came in a graphical glitches where everywhere. Luckily there was a old bike right outside the house that someone had left. ( maybe the server went down to update its stuff and i stole it before they logged back in, but i don't know ). So i took it and slowly made my way out. Disorganized by the graphical glitches i had no idea where i was. So i started for the woods and after a few minutes started climbing up a pretty steep hill. I got to the top and by accident started going down hill. the damn brakes on the old bike being as bad as they are i easily got to 50km in a few seconds. I weaved through and past trees trying not to get hit and saw a road up ahead. I thought i was safe but on the other side of it was a huge damn jump. At first was freaking awesome. I felt like the dukes of hazard, but that quickly went away as i hit the ground and was thrown from the broken bike and disappeared into the world. I came back with broken legs and unconsciousness. When I came to I was able to bandage and use painkillers but i had no morphine. Unable to tell what my blood was at, and also not being able to walk or run i decided to see if i could crawl to a near city. i ended up in guglovo. knowing that novy and stary where near i headed there to see if i could find something or someone to help,but to no avail. i did happen to find a blood bag, PDW, and some ammo for my M4A1CCO. I then decided to head down to cherno but found myself in the woods near what i think is GUGLOVO AGAIN! i did all that crawling for nothing. i had no idea what direction was which so i logged and decided to ask for help.

If you made it through all that then you now know my story. If not to sum it up i did a big jump, some crazy crap happened, broke my legs, and crawled in a big damn circle for an hour or two. Anyway if your willing to help pm me and we can set up what city or building to meet at, how you could maybe contact me directly, and lastly what server and the time.. ( It would cruel for you to pick a far away town. Making a helpless player crawl all the way to dubrovka is inhumane. )

EDIT: Thanks for the beans and I am getting help from Dutch Miller or McWiggins later tonight.

Edited by Danny_007
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Hello there. I'm new to the forums, but I've played DAYZ for about a month and change now.

Currently, I'm at the Balota Airfield's ATC tower, with only 5k~ blood.

I was looting the ATC on a populated server, but when I got up the steps to the ATC center proper, I heard flies, and saw a body in a ghillie suit. Looted his M16/M203 and as soon as I stood up, someone started shooting out the glass in the ATC building. I panicked, ran down the stairs, made it to the first flight when you come into the ATC building, and was fired upon by a bandit. (the door had barbed wire across it, so I had no escape OF COURSE)

Of course I returned fire (I'm always solo, always sneak past people unless they light me up), after an intense gunfight, with me being the winner, I looted his body for a morphine injector and some bandages, etc. I was at about 11k~ blood before he saw me and shot at me.

Anyone care to help me out? I'm fine except for the 7k~ blood loss, so all I would need is a transfusion.

If anyone can help me out, I may have a can of sardines for you. :D

I'm at Balota Airfield's ATC. My steam ID is t3h_unf0rg1v3n (almost 6 years now since I made it, wow.)

Or send me a PM here, whatever is easier for whoever would like to help. :)


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Broken leg in the cherno, in the fire station in the tower...Any one able to get to me? PM us on here please :)

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I'm in need of antibiotics and am near the NW airfield. Had a cold for days. The coughing, oh the coughing! :) PM me if you can help. Thanks!

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Anyone near Berezino or NE airfield, I can help, bored and looking to do some good. PM

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