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Bandit able to take almost 30 bullets, without dying?

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I was running over to a place, I see a bandit, shoot him fast, he gets down and I keep shooting him like crazy, but he didn't die, and then he just shot me?

How many bullets can you take, from an MP5SD6?

I though't he would die after 10 bullets or something?

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you gotta aim bro' :murder:

I was 1 meter away from him, and I saw that the blood came out from him, and I didn't hit the ground :S

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How many bullets can you take, from an MP5SD6?

At 889 Blood per shot, a player can take up to 14 shots from the MP5SD6. You're better off using tin cans.

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At 889 Blood per shot, a player can take up to 14 shots from the MP5SD6. You're better off using tin cans.

That plus server lag. I've seen people getting shot with shotguns and other things, turning around shooting back and then suddenly dieing.

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Okay, thanks guys, I'll change weapon. Is remington good, because I saw it, but I didn't know if I should get it :S.

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if i had the option to either take a mp5 SD or a lee enfield dinner bell, id rather take the enfield.

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Alright, thanks for all the replies, I'll never pick that weapon up again. I died, came back and looted my dead body, and then I found an M4A1 CCO :D.

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if i had the option to either take a mp5 SD or a lee enfield dinner bell, id rather take the enfield.

mp5sd is great for silent zombie killing though

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^^ Far better! Players can hear it more easily, but it does very good damage (5 shot kill) and is super quiet to zombies. Favorite gun!

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MP5SD is a one shot kill to the head no matter what people say how the gun "sucks" you can still drop people with it. Everyone who disses it is just a noob who has no skill.

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remington is not bad at all, once i found one in firestation in elektro and a bandit came thinking the light was my flashlight...

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Killed a bandit with a 3-round burst to his head with a MP5. I'm not completely sure if it only knocked him out or how many rounds it took, but I sinceI used the MP5, I spent two 30-round magazines just to make sure, before I checked the corpse.

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Killed a bandit with a 3-round burst to his head with a MP5. I'm not completely sure if it only knocked him out or how many rounds it took, but I sinceI used the MP5, I spent two 30-round magazines just to make sure, before I checked the corpse.


Set it to burst for PvP and make those headshots.

I wouldn't try to take the shot on a player outside of 50 meters-get closer and TAKE THE HEADSHOT.

Would take an MP5SD over a Lee any day and twice on Sunday.

Hate torching a round off and getting zeds coming in from other servers to gang bang me!

Edited by NickM
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Here's a few tips to avoid that situation.

1) Aim for the head

2) Aim for the head

3) Aim for the head

4) Don't aim at his belt buckle

5) Aim for the head

More importantly than all of that though... Headshots. Make them.

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