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town takeovers (i dont know if already suggested)

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i think there should be a group invite system where you can invite players to join your group joining these groups lets you take over towns

taking over a town is simple kill every zombie in the town and you can choose to take it over (you cant take big citys) and taking over these towns (you can only take 1) lets you build wells plant crops and fortify the town in your style such as adding wooden planks fences sheet metal.

for players who are not in a group they can select a shop/house/barn/firestation to hide in and fortify disabling all loot spawns in the building.

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you can use it as a spawn point when you die but you need a group to take over towns and you can dig wells and plant crops and use it as a forward operating base

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I'd like to be able to set up groups, in-game.

as long as the cues are minimal, it could be useful to a point.

Say, pointing at a group member would give your a little Interdiction sign over your crosshair as long as you are within a certain distance from them.

You know, the ( / ) symbol. The same one you see over an empty water bottle.

As for town takeovers, not in the way you describe it.


Here's a better way.

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  On 9/7/2012 at 7:34 AM, schrapple said:


Check this out, sort of along the same lines.

Restoring a town to being Zed free might not be so bad.

Having NPCs spawn in and Getting better loot out of it? No. If anything, WORSE loot should be what you get out of it. Balance and sense being the motivator behind said mechanic.

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There shouldn't be better loot in captured safe towns, but there does need to be a reason to capture a town and try to grow and defend it. Exactly what those reasons are depend on what the stand alone is like, but I'd really like to see a barter based exchange that goes across all servers open once a town became large enough.

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i did not mean have NPC'S in it i meant actuall other players to trade with

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loot spawns would be disabled in the towns when captured so that players cannot wait for food and ammo to spawn

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