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Day of a n00b, You might find this funny ;-)

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So, I decided to give DayZ a go. I bought ARMA 2, installed it, then got DAYZ, had some issue with steam, but hour later I was ready to go. I did some basic research on what the game is all about, so I was aware it will not be simple.

I guess this may make some of the old Veterans laugh, go ahead, laugh at me just as I laugh at my self... ;-D

Attempt 1:

I logged in, missed zombie sneaking behind tree, ran too close to him and got hit, several times. Fallen on the ground, desperately trying to move away from Zombie that seems to be eating me.

After few more bites, when I am about to give up, I hear a gun shoot, long range, most likely high caliber. And zombie is no more. Not long later my savior shows up. Looking like a true sniper, carrying a huge weapon, he sits by me, shoots few more zombies, turns around and first aid my broken bones (leg I believe, but I am not sure due to extremely high adrenaline rush). We both stand up, I am still little confused, but he runs to the forest, so I ran just behind him. 100 meters later he turns around and head-shoot me.

Attempt 2:

After reading some guides and watching some more videos, I log in once more. Run as fast as I can to the forest, then some more just to be sure. Then even some more, cause I am scared like hell.

Five or six hills later I see something that looks like garage, 4 zombies walking around it. I sneak as close as I can. I figure out Zombies walking routine. Fifteen minutes later I place everything on one card. I decide to get inside. Apparently, I wasn't the first person in the garage. 3 empty cans didn't help me much, but I got one bandage. My first loot, happy as kid with new toy I get careless and forget to watch for Zombies. Not this time my dear - I scream to my PC running away. I did it, I ran away and lost zombie somewhere on the road. I took some "phatz loot" and got away, I am awesome. Thirst icon gets red. I need water. Fortunately shortly after I see a stand alone house. I read they are good place to find equipment, food maybe even guns. I can't pass this opportunity, I have to risk, or I'll starve to death.

House brings me nothing, except for one more run away. Reason is quite simple, but to be honest still surprising to me. House had no entrance. There were doors, but I didn't make it to open them.

But I fear not. Enjoying nice views (and looking out of baddies) I notice something that looks like stone tower, far away on mountain. It's slowly getting dark, knowing I won't find a better place to rest I decide to get closer and check it out. Getting closer I see it was not "just a tower", it's a castle. Well, ruins of castle, but still - awesome found.

Sneaking behind two guards in main gate (Zombies) I get in. First building brings me the most awesome items I ever saw. 2 cans of coke, red flares, ammunition and crowbar (still not sure how to use it tho). Filling my stomach with coke (one coke only, one can never be wasteful, when situation is extreme) I go to the building I saw from away. Huge stone tower, placed inside the castle. First floors offers me nothing but a trash, but the top one awarded my patience with two more bandages.

"I am so awesome" I thought looking as beautiful views offered by tower. And then I fell off a stairs, broke my legs and died.

Attempt 3:

I shall not give up I said to my self and logged in again.

Beach, quick running through forest, already basic routine for me, then something new appears. plain hills without trees. Curiosity won with common sense. I started running to see "what's behind that hill", after 8th or 9th hill, when my curiosity started to turn into boredom - hills offered nothing, absolutely nothing - I saw something I took as good sign. Boar, standing there, looking at me. Animals like boars must mean that forest is near I thought and moved along, leaving boredom where boar was. About 20 minutes later I started to hear water. Crossing my fingers, hoping that it's a river and not a beach, that I am suppose to avoid, walking forward (I decided not to run, in case it appears to be ocean after all) I was full of hopes. I couldn't be more wrong. It was a ocean. True mens never give up, I said. Turned to a direction that was still unknown to me and started walking. About 15 minutes later, based on a hunch I decided to use google to figure out where I may be. Oh lord, I am in a bug. Known issue where players find them self in a tree-less place.

Few restarts, 3 new servers and all the magic tricks I could use, I was still in the same place. Actually, I am still in the same place, waiting to die out of starvation, so I can start my attempt 4. Wish me luck, I definatelly need it.

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Sounds like a produce first few lives.

That sniper probably only likes difficult targets, he sees no sport in shooting a crawling spawner.

Yes, not all buildings are enterable. There are online loot maps you can use to see which ones are, and what sort of loot they have. If you want to stay true to the RP, just stick with it blind, you'll figure it out soon enough. I will say though, one to look out for are the big barns. They're white on the side with a red roof and have two doors. They have a high chance of tier one rifles, and usually some basic survival stuff (food and drink). Castles are great too, but there's only 3 of them, one being far north and typically camped by players, but you'll be able to find them once you have a map. Falling sucks, I did it my first time in a castle as well, luckily I had a morphine, unluckily I died shortly after to my first major encounter with zeds.

I've never been unfortunate enough to spawn in debug fields, but it sucks to be out there. Only thing you'll find is the occasional animal and maybe another player's camp. There are some exploits that can be done to get back on the coast with your stuff, but by the sounds of it, you don't have anything anyways. I try not to use them myself, even if I have a patient on the coast and I'm at NWAF.

Glad to see you're taking everything in strides. I'm sure you'll be a successful survivor in no time. Just never get attached to your gear, as you will lose it, one way or another.

Edited by HerrJon

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Nice story! Don't give up, DayZ has a lot to offer!

The crowbar is equipped automatically if you pick it up and your weapon slot is empty. You have to reload it though. That's not a joke! Crowbars and hatchets are actually silenced pistols that have a range of about 2 meters in the game mechanics. That's due to the lack of melee weapons in Arma.

And in your third life you must have left the (official) map boundries when you walked to the west. If you're on the shore, just follow it with the ocean to your right and you'll reach the forest eventually (or you'll die of thirst).

Good luck!

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Lol you've been more sucessful than me I think. Mine goes -

Attempt 1 - spawn at night time, can't see anything, sneak to a house, get eaten.

2 - I run to the forest and wander for awhile and eventually find a hut/house with only two zombies who are both walking the other way. I crouch and run to the hut.... 3rd zombie appears and bites me. I run and loose him, then after bandaging myself I begin to search again, but this time it's harder as colour is starting to drain from my vision and I'm shaking. Eventually I find what I assume to be a deer stand so I carefully approach and... There is nothing there >_< at this point I start to cry and run for the closest zombie, Shouting "CHOKE ON IT!!"

Attempt 3 - My friend is online and says he will help, but he's up north with no vehicle. While he finds his way to me I wander aimlessly, I find a farm and decide to investigate, I get bitten and run. After loosing the zeds and bandaging I decide to try again as my friend says he is on the way. By this point I was very thirsty, so I headed to the barn, got bitten and had to run again. After awhile I died of thirst and blood loss and never found my friend.

4. "I FOUND A HuNTING KNIFE!! F'CK YEAH!!... Oh wait how do I equip it?", I Lay down in the grass and start fiddling with my inventory, then I hear a voice, "You'd better run!". I'm like "oh f'ck!", partly because he's a bandit but mostly because of the 5 zombies which are now running at me. I have a spaz on my keyboard and can't get my character to run, instead I accidentally throw a chem light at the bandit before getting bitten and making a run for it. Again suffering from blood loss and lack of food/water I'm pretty desperate for a sucessful raid so I head into town and find some empty cans and a crowbar, now of course I realise that the H-Knife cannot be used as a weapon >_<. I still need food and healing so with my new weapon I continue searching the town... And get eaten.

5. Spawn near a small power station of some kind (atlast some luck!) and find TWO hatchets inside. I practice hitting zombies with it for a minute or two the head to a larger factory/power station I can see in the distance. I reach the factory and climb to the roof... Nothing there, so I climb back down and think to myself that I should head to the woods before I push my luck... Then a devil appears on mu shoulder and says, "Why head to the woods?! With this hatchet you are invinsible!!". So I sprint across an open field to the next building and stop to kill a zombie.... *Zip* "WTF was that?!".... HEADSHOT!

I'm hoping I will do better when I play again later >_<

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First attempt: Got chased and knocked down by zeds the second I spawn.

Second attempt: Lasted 28 days before getting bored and ran around Cherno like an arse because hiding in the woods with end game stuff gets dull pretty quickly.

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Yeah, so I started again, and it's looking pretty good. I have a full inventory (mostly with trash, but still! ;-) ), double barrel (with 2 rounds) and.... bicycle! It's not a ferrari, but I sure feel like in one, when driving it.

As for online map, well, I am not RP, but I find it cheating to use such things (I mean, I don't mind if others do it, but I prefer it the hard way, instead of just following arrow like I was playing GTA)

And yeah, I figured out that barns can give some phatz ;-)

How do You deal with shelters? I guess it's not good idea to camp where zombies are, so... where?

And, can I die when not logged in?

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My first spawn will probably be the most memorable I have. I spawn on the beach looking at a few broken cars, ATV, a few working cars, and a bike. I take the bike as I have no idea what I'm doing but don't want to draw too much attention. Speed off down the road. See some boxes on the beach a ways down from where I started. Check boxes and find they are FULL of stuff, great stuff, EVERY stuff. Not knowing what's going on and thinking I'm the luckiest SOB every I salivate over a G36C silenced and grab a silenced pistol as well as ammo, an upgraded pack, food, soda, compass, map, gps and all that. I killed a lot of zombies because I didn't know the importance of ammo at that point. Ended up getting lost and dying of broken legs after an unfortunate slip up involving a rooftop. Being the experienced player that I am now after 3 days of play I now know that what I experienced was clearly someone hacking. Very interesting start to the game though.

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Ive falled down a ladder with a AK-47.

Well that was frustrating.

I bit in my Keyboard.

I see it optimistic.

Now i have a new Keyboard ;)

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Your stories remind me a lot of what I was like in the beginning, but instead of getting killed by zeds the first time, I recall crouching down and not knowing how to make myself stand again, so I resorted to death to fix the problem. Atleast, that's how I think it went down. I know what it feels like to be a victim of the night, and what it feels like to be "zipped" with little to no gear, and once even at night. Just remember, no matter what happens, never get attached to your gear. You will lose it.

Anyway, like you, I have logged my experiences in my own thread. I try to entertain people day to day with a few paragraphs about what I did that day in DayZ, and try to incorporate tricks, techniques for DayZ, as well as the occasional "life lesson" or so. If you click the link in my signature it will take you to them. You can also read my experiences from the very beginning by clicking the link on MY thread. You should see it near the top. Anyway, just stop in, read a bit, and tell me how I'm doing. I really appreciate it.

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Attempt 1:

I logged in, missed zombie sneaking behind tree, ran too close to him and got hit, several times. Fallen on the ground, desperately trying to move away from Zombie that seems to be eating me.

After few more bites, when I am about to give up, I hear a gun shoot, long range, most likely high caliber. And zombie is no more. Not long later my savior shows up. Looking like a true sniper, carrying a huge weapon, he sits by me, shoots few more zombies, turns around and first aid my broken bones (leg I believe, but I am not sure due to extremely high adrenaline rush). We both stand up, I am still little confused, but he runs to the forest, so I ran just behind him. 100 meters later he turns around and head-shoot me.

Hm, actually, this sounds to me like he might have thought you meant him ill. I've come across well-supplied corpses more than once, and I tend to surmise they either slipped up and got swarmed by the dead, or a bandit got the better of them - He might have thought you were the former, helped out, and went on his way, but thought you intended to kill him or something if you were following him (or he really didn't want attention drawn to him or the like.)

Whenever I've helped someone out, I tend to backpedal away watching them (to make sure I don't end up with a bullet in the butt) or back off and watch them until they scoot away out of view at which point I book it elsewhere at a sprint. A hearty "thanks!" goes a long way with aid, tho', if you get it instead of a bullet to the brain.

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yeah, I died a lot in the beginning. the important part is that you learn from your mistakes

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Ah, my first time.

Last weekend, one of my friends in college let me play on his laptop, which had DayZ on it.

no suprise there.

He was just starting a new character and decided to let me play as him. Survivor name?....

Ron Burgundy.

Thats right, From ANCHORMAN!!!!

But we're getting off topic.

Of course, my first expirience.

Attempt #1

This one was just a total fluke. He let me hop in on the worst of times. Turns out he was already being chased by zombies!

I died within the first 30 seconds.

Attempt #2

Ah, now this was where I started out fresh. New character, no zed, just the way it needed to be.

(I still kept Ron Burgundy as the name.)

I may have been a noob, but I still had a basic understanding of the game based on:

1)I saw a video of Day Z on Achievement Hunter, and

2)My friend was giving me advice on how to use the controls.

So basicly, I had it better than most noobs. B)

Anyway, back to the attempt.

I decided to head toward the nearest town, which happend to be Elektro, Which, I didn't know, was a complete hell hole. I snuck through town through the night(I forgot to mention it was nightime. Thank god for the bright moon.)careful to sneak past the zed.Then my friend said that the bulding he was pointing out (the firehouse,) might have some awesome loot. So I went in, careul of the zed.

I found some pretty good loot, including some flares,(Which I accidentaly deployed immediately,)a chemlight, and an AK (empty) :(

Then, my friend pointed out that if I look at a certain part of the wall in the tower, and click "climb ladder", I would pop outside on the ladder. I gave it a try, and it turned out it was correct. He said it's perfect as an emergency escape. I started to climb up to the roof. I got up top, and took in the beutiful, moonlit view of Elektro. Thats when I heard the Helicopter.

I know what you're thinking. But don't worry, this guy was friendly. He was actually giving some rides. And in my head im thinking,"why would I pass up this opportunity. That's when I heard people on the mic. There were survivors in the Firehouse. I heard them saying stuff like its already been raided, and something about a deployed flare. :| So I typed,"Whos in the Firehouse?

On the mic, Someone said,"There are MANY people in the firehouse." Then I Typed "Friend or foe?" I got no answer.

All of a sudden, I heard gunshots below me(still on the firehouse.) They were fending off a bunch of zed. From my point-of-view, it looked like staying on top was a good move. In seconds, the group and the zombies nearly canceled each other out, leaving only one survivor. Then he left. Trying to meet up with his newly-spawned buddies, I guess.

Then I heard those rotors again. The helicopter's making another round! So I typed in, "I'll take up that offer! IM AT THE FIREHOUSE!!!" The heli passed by, with the pilot,(TheJuice) typing,"Can't. Too much activity."

Thats when I typed "then s^w this, I'm hoofin it."

Thats when my friend said he needed to get back on. I asked him to save my character in the firehouse. He says sure.

Thats the last ive been on there. I'm trying to get back on, if he'll let me. But I can't rush him.

Hey, it's HIS laptop.

Still, im gonna get back no matter what. im gonna get a new laptop for my birthday.

list of things im gonna install

1)ArmA 2


tumblr_lz37ctd0Gd1qd3xr3.gif :lol:

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Ah, my first time.

Last weekend, one of my friends in college let me play on his laptop, which had DayZ on it.

no suprise there.

He was just starting a new character and decided to let me play as him. Survivor name?....

Ron Burgundy.

Thats right, From ANCHORMAN!!!!

But we're getting off topic.

Of course, my first expirience.

Attempt #1

This one was just a total fluke. He let me hop in on the worst of times. Turns out he was already being chased by zombies!

I died within the first 30 seconds.

Attempt #2

Ah, now this was where I started out fresh. New character, no zed, just the way it needed to be.

(I still kept Ron Burgundy as the name.)

I may have been a noob, but I still had a basic understanding of the game based on:

1)I saw a video of Day Z on Achievement Hunter, and

2)My friend was giving me advice on how to use the controls.

So basicly, I had it better than most noobs. B)

Anyway, back to the attempt.

I decided to head toward the nearest town, which happend to be Elektro, Which, I didn't know, was a complete hell hole. I snuck through town through the night(I forgot to mention it was nightime. Thank god for the bright moon.)careful to sneak past the zed.Then my friend said that the bulding he was pointing out (the firehouse,) might have some awesome loot. So I went in, careul of the zed.

I found some pretty good loot, including some flares,(Which I accidentaly deployed immediately,)a chemlight, and an AK (empty) :(

Then, my friend pointed out that if I look at a certain part of the wall in the tower, and click "climb ladder", I would pop outside on the ladder. I gave it a try, and it turned out it was correct. He said it's perfect as an emergency escape. I started to climb up to the roof. I got up top, and took in the beutiful, moonlit view of Elektro. Thats when I heard the Helicopter.

I know what you're thinking. But don't worry, this guy was friendly. He was actually giving some rides. And in my head im thinking,"why would I pass up this opportunity. That's when I heard people on the mic. There were survivors in the Firehouse. I heard them saying stuff like its already been raided, and something about a deployed flare. :| So I typed,"Whos in the Firehouse?

On the mic, Someone said,"There are MANY people in the firehouse." Then I Typed "Friend or foe?" I got no answer.

All of a sudden, I heard gunshots below me(still on the firehouse.) They were fending off a bunch of zed. From my point-of-view, it looked like staying on top was a good move. In seconds, the group and the zombies nearly canceled each other out, leaving only one survivor. Then he left. Trying to meet up with his newly-spawned buddies, I guess.

Then I heard those rotors again. The helicopter's making another round! So I typed in, "I'll take up that offer! IM AT THE FIREHOUSE!!!" The heli passed by, with the pilot,(TheJuice) typing,"Can't. Too much activity."

Thats when I typed "then s^w this, I'm hoofin it."

Thats when my friend said he needed to get back on. I asked him to save my character in the firehouse. He says sure.

Thats the last ive been on there. I'm trying to get back on, if he'll let me. But I can't rush him.

Hey, it's HIS laptop.

Still, im gonna get back no matter what. im gonna get a new laptop for my birthday.

list of things im gonna install

1)ArmA 2


tumblr_lz37ctd0Gd1qd3xr3.gif :lol:

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Hi Willcyd, great story! :thumbsup:

If you're out in the open and what to leave the game for the day, find a pine tree (fir tree) and go prone under one of those. They can provide some cover as you spawn back into the game the next time.

Most spawns are on the south coast or the southeast coast. Keep the ocean to your right side and you know you're travelling along and eventually up the coast. However, snipers tend to sit on the hills and kill new spawns, so be careful!

I'd advise getting into one of the big cities, Cherno or Elektro, looting the stores and bars etc for a map, matches, compass etc and you're going to need the matches, a hunting knife, and a hatchet before you can hunt animals for yourself to free you from having to keep looting for tins of food. Good luck! :thumbsup:

Oh by the way, bit of advice, watch out for deadly bushes, walls, ladders and floors, that attack when you least expect it!

Edited by Sula

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nice attempts, i hope when you log back you will be on the coast and safe! i only want to suggest you that when you get used to the game you can run in one of the biggest towns :

1) there you find morphine, without that you will end asking for help for a broken leg here in the forum (medic session dedicated anyway, and also vets ask for help)

2) in cornershops you can easily find matchboxes which are essentials when trying to survive hunting animals

3) more loot without running so much

watch out for bandits and don't give up!

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We'll, I've stopped counting the attempts, mostly due to silly mistakes I did.

But then, I find my self with a sniper rifle, UZI and silenced pistol, 2 blood packs, endorphine and morphine shots etc. Not only that. I also found a friendly player. We helped each other, swaped some gear, then he saved my life killing a zombie I missed.

Now I just need matches to try hunting animals. Bigger backpack wouldn't hurt too. And yeah, I know, never get used to the gear ;-)

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I'd recommend Zelenogork/Postoshka/Vybor for the stuff you need if you're in the west, Berenzio/Krasnostav if in the east. I'd avoid Cherno/Elektro as the risk is too high. I can also just give you the gear if you're decide on the west route.

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I'd recommend Zelenogork/Postoshka/Vybor for the stuff you need if you're in the west, Berenzio/Krasnostav if in the east. I'd avoid Cherno/Elektro as the risk is too high. I can also just give you the gear if you're decide on the west route.

Yeah, I was planning to go west, I am near Балота (Balota) atm, scavenging the little airport in here.

And as for free stuffs, naaah, thanks. But If You'll see me online I am for exchange, if I'll have something You'll find usefull ;-)

At the moment I am in process of looking for a home server, so that I log into to each each time, instead of simply picking one that's on top of my list (low pings).

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I'd understand why he shot you in the first place, you were tailing him, and he didn't want company.

As for my beginning stories, nothing really eventful, either than finding my first motherload of gear. Most of my deaths were caused by being teleported in X location and being shot at. Died once due to lag (I was climbing a ladder down.. then I got teleported back to the top, and me pressing S.. fell). Never died to zeds or carelessness.. been alive now for 5 weeks.

Not dropping my guard and falling into some relaxed play state, as my recent dances with death (after a long time) has heightened my senses again.

Edited by ExESGO

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Attempt 1:

I logged in, missed zombie sneaking behind tree, ran too close to him and got hit, several times. Fallen on the ground, desperately trying to move away from Zombie that seems to be eating me.

After few more bites, when I am about to give up, I hear a gun shoot, long range, most likely high caliber. And zombie is no more. Not long later my savior shows up. Looking like a true sniper, carrying a huge weapon, he sits by me, shoots few more zombies, turns around and first aid my broken bones (leg I believe, but I am not sure due to extremely high adrenaline rush). We both stand up, I am still little confused, but he runs to the forest, so I ran just behind him. 100 meters later he turns around and head-shoot me.

Heh the sniper shot you because you were following him. You were giving away his position with your non ghilli'd up tailing him like a lost puppy. Veterans in the game with the high end loot are constantly freaked out about counter snipers. Meaning if you don't know how to be a spotter to him and are not equipped to be of help to him, you're a liability. So he shot you so you wouldn't give away his position. I didn't realize snipers were so paranoid until I watched this guy's videos on youtube

and you start to realize how you stand to lose everything from some sniper lying in wait unless you nail him first.

Edited by Lepris

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Heh the sniper shot you because you were following him. You were giving away his position with your non ghilli'd up tailing him like a lost puppy. Veterans in the game with the high end loot are constantly freaked out about counter snipers. Meaning if you don't know how to be a spotter to him and are not equipped to be of help to him, you're a liability. So he shot you so you wouldn't give away his position. I didn't realize snipers were so paranoid until I watched this guy's videos on youtube

and you start to realize how you stand to lose everything from some sniper lying in wait unless you nail him first.

True dat.

Not all bushes are real bushes, and from proper "combat excersises" involving one guy in a Ghillie going from position to position and trying to spot him, it's really hard to tell him from a bush.

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Yeah well, I guess he could have told me not to follow him ;-)

It seemed like he actually was waiting for me, for some time at first, that's why I followed. Anyway, I am ok with that, I started over with new experiences ^^

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My first life went something like this:

Spawn on beach walk into the forest because I had read the beach was dangerous keep walking north until I found a deer stand. I didn't think it was useful and I saw a zombie walking around it so I kept moving (facepalm)

Find a very small town only 5 or so buildings and crawl in (by this point my thirst meter is blinking) There is only one enterable house in the town so i make my way in. No zombies have seen me yet im doing good. Nothing at all in the house. Empty tin cans. I start to lose blood from dehydration by the time I make it out of the town and keep walking. I walk farther and come to a rather large town try to sneak in but a survivor who was in the building i was sneaking into started shooting and like 15 zombies were chasing him. I fumble with the controls trying to get up he ends up running past me the zombies see me and atleast a dozen start chasing me. I start springting away and they chase me until I die of dehydration.

2nd life I walk into what I now know to be cherno and get shot to death.

3rd life same thing shot to death in either cherno or elctro not sure.

4th Is my life now I have a double barrel shotgun a revolver and plenty of ammo for both food water all the hunting supplies I'm set to survive in the forest.

Eventually you get lucky eh?

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Attempt 1:

I spawn on the coast, and decide to make my way east to Cherno or Elektro because I've heard they're good places for loot. After 10 minutes or so, I run into a catwalk and aggro some zombies. I run up onto the catwalk to slow them down. Suddenly, someone in a ghillie suit runs out from behind a bush and runs up toward me. I figure I have nothing to lose and attempt to open his backpack. He ignores me as he guns down zombies with an automatic pistol(which I was not able to identify). After they are dead, he turns around and pulls out a G36 SD and 1 mag, then lays it on the ground. As I fumble to pick it up, he runs off. Once I'd picked it up, and decide to make my way north. Along the way, the thought strikes me that this weapon was hacked in. I decide to use it until I'd run out of ammo or found something else. After a bit of running, I came across a farmhouse. I decided to check for a legit weapon. Unfortunately, it was a non-enterable house with 2 doors - as I try to open the 2nd door and get in, I closed the door behind me, breaking my legs and causing me to bleed. I slowly crawled off with no bandages. I bled to death.

Attempt 2:

Essentially attempt 1 except the hacked weapon I was given was a SAW with 3 boxes.

Attempt 3:

I spawned near Cherno, and then spotted the firestation and made my way to it. Inside I found a dead body with an Enfield and some ammo which I took. I also found an empty AK-74, a revolver, and some ACP. I decided to leave the city at this point, and I heard an AK firing behind me as I left. I made my way north to the NW airfield, and picked up an alice pack and some camo clothing along the way. Before entering, I switched to a nighttime server. To my surprise, the server had a crashed heli right on the runway. I crawled up and found an FN FAL and 1 mag, which I swapped my Enfield for. I decided to visit the firehouse first, and swapped out my FAL and AK for an AK-74 Kobra and some ammo. Then I heard gunshots from an automatic rifle, which I was able to tell were coming from the control tower. Against my better judgement, I crouchwalked over and climbed the ladder. Once I was up, I noticed that zombies were dying outside, which greatly confused me. When I peeked down the stairs, I saw a survivor pointing an M16A2 at me. I freaked out and fired more rounds than I needed to into his face - about a full mag. I did take 2 shots which brang me down pretty low on the blood scale, however. I put his weapon and ammo into my backpack for later. When I began climbing down the ladder, I went unconscious due to lack of blood. I went into shock for several minutes. Once I got up, I alerted a zombie and immediately began running for the firehouse. Suddenly, i went unconscious again.

The end.

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