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Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

Barbed Wire  

  1. 1. Should we remove barbed wire?

    • Yes
    • No

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Here is another idea. Why not just make it not spawn anywhere near the coastal cities? Also, up the rate for which toolboxes spawn!

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Reason why I say yes? Well for one it causes graphical issues as mentioned. Plus they don't really do anything except slow people down and the fortication isn't really there in a Barb Wire. It should do damage to a player if a player runs into it. But since the game doesn't really register any of that or have a rag doll effect when a player trips over it and gets tangled up in it by falling into it. It is sort of pointless but a hedgehog that is a great fortication that you guys added. Maybe when you get your barb wire fences working maybe you can make a barb wire + hedgehog combined into each other? The purpose of that would make it harder for a player to take it down unless they have a really rare toolbox that would be super hard to find in a game. Maybe only have a few spawn locations. Like maybe up to 5 of them and those would be the only 5 that would spawn in the game. But before I turn this into a suggestion but yea.. it is a great idea to remove those barb wire fences.

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Get rid of them, it'd be nice to finally loot cherno/elektro for the first time.

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Yes, or just make it so players can climb over them. Otherwise people just block off vital areas of the map [...]

block vital areas with barbed wire. i think that is the single reason that barbed wire exists in real life. so because people are using it right, you want it removed? go grab that toolbox!

on the vote:


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Do not remove them, they are a sort of signiture of dayz, just restrict them...Make them shorter, and make them realistic...

Implement a damage or bleeding possiblility, and mkae them actually able to vault over...

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remove barbed wire its annoying and seems practically pointless... this isnt world war 2 anymore. I should only see it on fences or at the bottom of fences or sandbags. not randomly placed all over the place like in important building ruining it for others to get loot.

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no unless you plan on perfecting them . but they are very useful and tactically brilliant if you know where to put them.

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I say keep it,but just make it not so difficult to remove. Even with a toolbox just moving in the right spot to get the option to take it down is too much. Am I the only one that finds this bothering?

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YES people are only using it to troll new / just spawned players and block them access to guns so they can hunt newbs / helpless.

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Barbed wire is at best an annoyance that is easily avoided/removed. At worst, it makes graphical errors and issues that make the game completely unplayable, for some players while not causing an issue for others. There is no single fix that can be rolled out to users on a standardized basis. This breaks the game. I as a player, who does not encounter the graphical glitch am now able to freely kill any player that happens to wonder into an area with barbed wire and vise versa.

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don't remove them, just fix the glitches caused by them.

removing them seems an easy solutuion for not fixing graph glitches :)

To people saying they block of firestations, hospitals and what not, remove them with a toolbox or just go to another server walk 3 meters and hop back onto your home server. Don't go all noobish and say they hinder you cos they don't and if zombies are chasing you while you encounter barbwire then you don't even deserve to survive imo. :D

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Yes.....I can't even believe you guys made a post about this all the barbed wire does is block places off from other people. Do you know how many servers i have gone in where you cant even leave elektro because some fag come in there with a script and blocks out every exit to the city? Im red in the face just typing this because how annoying they are!

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yes its pointless!!! please for now get rid of it!!

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Noooo, I like putting those in the middle of the road and hoping a bad driver sees it at the last second! :D

I almost fell victim to that yesterday driving my Ural into Zelenagorsk. Crafty bastards.

But anyways,way to throw a bone to the community.

I say yes.

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