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I'm too much of a nice guy, and ill stay that way!

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I was in elektro just passing through, looking for supplies. A guy was in the hospital so i walked into it and asked "Whos in there, friendly?" he said "Yeah, im friendly." and then started asking questions, so i got a bit suspicious. Eventually we made friends and i gave him a blood transfusion he asked for (2780 humanity woo!). I had to pick off a bunch of zombies who were coming towards us first. We exchanged a few words and he said he was going to check out the store.

A really nice moment. Situations like this is why i play DayZ :)

About 10 minutes later im back in the hospital, and i come across a guy in a guille suit, and has a rare automatic weapon. I ask friendly? And he sounds incredibly suspicious on mics and starts following me. I keep saying "stay back man, im really suspicious of you" but he ignores and keeps following me, so i keep turning corners to stay out of his line of sight. im thinking he wanted me to stay still to take a clear shot.

After about 30 seconds of him chasing me around the hospital roof (lol) he starts taking a few shots. I yell out on mic "Chill man, im not shooting back" but he continues, im actually laughing on mic saying "Jesus man, aggressive much?"

I bolt it down the stairs and make my way out.

I refuse to kill anyone unless its a sniper, or they end up shooting me directly. Even if i lose my gear.

Edited by Malmortius
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I like people like you ^_^

I mean I like to Shoot people like you ^_^

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I like people like you ^_^

I mean I like to Shoot people like you ^_^

Welp, you'll never know the great feeling of helping someone, rather than shooting someone.

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I tried being nice and failed, raged and killed the next few idiots that came across me. Now I'm trying to be nice again but Jeez man, I'd have shot this burk in the face as soon as he followed me around the second corner. :P

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Steps to successful banditry.

Step 1: find yourself a nice survivor.

Step 2: act as friendly as possible and tell them that your bandit hood is from self defense.

Step 3: join their group and regroup with the rest of the team.

Step 4: kill them all with quick and clean headshots while screaming "no more tears, only dreams" in a morphed demon voice

Step 5: Take what you want, then place satchel charge in their little pile of bodies.

Step 6: wait for at least one to return.

Step 7: blow that bastard sky high and eat some goddamn cooked meat. Then all Is well.

Strangely, people are less insulted by this kind of killing than a kos kill. Still great.

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Steps to successful banditry.

Step 1: find yourself a nice survivor.

Please tell me how to get to step one O_o

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Don't play on 8/50 player servers.

Also, if someone doesn't respond to your communication, just shoot them in the dick or something.

Edited by Hydra

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I have not come into contact with any nice players since I've been playing these past two months. I usually hide in the forest and search deer stands often. I rarely head into towns, usually only if I am desperate and need food badly. Most recently, I was killed on site by another player in a factory. We were both coming around the corner and he managed to shoot me dead before I could say anything. I only carry a hatchet as a weapon. Occasionally I'll carry a pistol as well, but it's rare. All I ever need is a hatchet and binoculars for observing. I like to stalk people and watch what they do.

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I have not come into contact with any nice players since I've been playing these past two months. I usually hide in the forest and search deer stands often. I rarely head into towns, usually only if I am desperate and need food badly. Most recently, I was killed on site by another player in a factory. We were both coming around the corner and he managed to shoot me dead before I could say anything. I only carry a hatchet as a weapon. Occasionally I'll carry a pistol as well, but it's rare. All I ever need is a hatchet and binoculars for observing. I like to stalk people and watch what they do.


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Sad fact.

You are no threat, they know this by your reaction to them.

But the most geared players will always shoot you even follow you to the end of cherno, because they are sad pandas and have nothing left to do in there mind.

They see a guy be friendly and first thing that comes to mind is "catch em and kil em, catch em and kill em". If you happen to kill them when the yare trying to kill you, well this is how haxors are born kids ;) hahaha.

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Sad fact.

You are no threat, they know this by your reaction to them.

But the most geared players will always shoot you even follow you to the end of cherno, because they are sad pandas and have nothing left to do in there mind.

They see a guy be friendly and first thing that comes to mind is "catch em and kil em, catch em and kill em". If you happen to kill them when the yare trying to kill you, well this is how haxors are born kids ;) hahaha.

Oh well, i will never change. Helping people is so much funner than killing. Maybe its because i already have so many PvP games. Guild wars 2, CoD.

There arent many games out there that genuinely let you help people.

Theres been quite a few times i've given someone my main weapon and left myself with just a pistol. Selflessness over selfishness in my eyes. :)

Edited by Malmortius
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Sure it might be creepy, but this method of survival is effective. Sometimes I try to help someone if I see that they are in desperate need of help. Learning the behavior of other players really helps me out as well, because I can better anticipate what their next move may be.

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Welp, you'll never know the great feeling of helping someone, rather than shooting someone.

Tried it, I just died alot... So Meh.... bandit life for me ^^

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Tried it, I just died alot... So Meh.... bandit life for me ^^

I'm hoping ill at least spark the thought of "maybe i should not shoot this guy" in at least a few people.

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Yeah i see banditry as the way bloodthirsty players fresh from CoD play the game. Day Z is a game about survival, but since it has gotten so popular it has brought a lot of impatient players that shoot anyone on sight. So i try to help people if feel i can trust them. But if there is a guy that is following me even though im repeteadly telling him to stop it i will probably fire a warning shot, or if he shoots first i will shoot back, too bad the game can't recognize self defence unless you actually are hit.

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Stay true to your nature OP, if you're not a sociopath, you don't have to play like one. :)

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Stay true to your nature OP, if you're not a sociopath, you don't have to play like one. :)


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