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Oaks Clan - Brand new server on Vilayer's Hive!

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We at Oaks Clan are looking for active players to make our new server their home. Server is monitored by Admins almost 24/7 and server restarts every 5-6 hours to keep a smooth gameplay at all times.

We are running Vilayer.com private HIVE, which means the folllowing advantages:

- works properly with no vehicle/tent saving issues.

- Vehicles will save properly

- Tent duping will no longer happen

- Item duping will no longer be possible

- Fresh server: All vehicles are to be repaired and there are 30 vehicles instead of 15

- More Admin Control over hackers

- Bigger player base than official hive right now!

- Server is daytime 24/7 for now

You can easily find our server by typing "Oaks" in the filter:

DayZChernarus - ( (Regular|3D:ON|CH:ON) - [24H DAYTIME!] [2X VEHICLES] [NEW SERVER] Oaks Clan - Vilayer.com

The server is located in Luxembourg (Europe) and has a great ping all across Europe and even people from America and Asia. Ping kick is set at 200 so anyone with a ping below that is welcomed!

Any problems or suggestions, feel free to post them here or feel free to add me on Steam, my username is the same as on this forum. B)

Edited by kcuestag
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Cool, what's the average survivor population?

The server has just opened and it already has 16 players, so we'll see about that later in the evening, I have a good feeling people will enjoy the server! :lol:

Forgot to mention people outside Europe are welcomed too, ping kick is set to 200 so most they should be able to join us as well if they'd like!

Edited by kcuestag

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I just searched for this server (using "oaks") through the "multiplayer" search in Armra II... it isn't showing it.

You need to have DayZ enabled in Expansion, shows fine for me and any clan members.

very off topic but do you really keep your i7 @ 5ghz while you are doing everyday tasks?

Yes I do, and I just watercooled the GTX680's today:


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It runs flawlessly smoothly compared to many others, and serverwide chat is enabled. I've met some cool friendlies through serverwide chat, today acouple of guys were running toward me and we got chatting, rather than shooting eachother.

That and admins are always helpful, would recommend.

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It runs flawlessly smoothly compared to many others, and serverwide chat is enabled. I've met some cool friendlies through serverwide chat, today acouple of guys were running toward me and we got chatting, rather than shooting eachother.

That and admins are always helpful, would recommend.

Thank you for the support, looking forward to see you around Chernarus!

I wasn't expecting this much of a success, it's over 2:30AM and we still have 35/40 players, amazing!

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will you be updating to soon?

We will as soon as Vilayer pushes the update!

We had 40/40 players tonight until a hacker joined us and teleported everyone, good thing I caught him fast and he's banned already, but now we're just 10-12, which is also normal considering it's like 4AM.

So yeah, we will update to as soon as we can, meanwhile is doing great on our server, only 1 day old and it's been full most of the day!

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So yeah, we will update to as soon as we can, meanwhile is doing great on our server, only 1 day old and it's been full most of the day!

That's good to hear, i will be joining u as soon as the update is on, meenwhile i added you on steam, i've been looking for a decent server with guys who like to coop once in a while, not just camp and snipe (wich can be fun but not all the time)...

so hope to see you soon on your server!

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I remember the Oaks Clan, you had a bf3 server did you not?

I was friends with one of your leaders (From what i can remember) i believe his name was Polak

I'll be sure to come by soon and see if i can find him. (Woot 500th Post)

Edited by Auzzii

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That's good to hear, i will be joining u as soon as the update is on, meenwhile i added you on steam, i've been looking for a decent server with guys who like to coop once in a while, not just camp and snipe (wich can be fun but not all the time)...

so hope to see you soon on your server!


I remember the Oaks Clan, you had a bf3 server did you not?

I was friends with one of your leaders (From what i can remember) i believe his name was Polak

I'll be sure to come by soon and see if i can find him. (Woot 500th Post)

We still have the server, still ranked #1 in Spain. :D

And yes, you will be able to find Polak there too, we both play DayZ mainly right now! :P

Edited by kcuestag

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We still have the server, still ranked #1 in Spain. :D

And yes, you will be able to find Polak there too, we both play DayZ mainly right now! :P


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Server is offline as it's on maintenance. The update will be pushed immediately.

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Morning to everyone!

Going into the server, if anyone wants a friendly in Elektro. :D

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Seems like there's a friendly party going on in Elektro right now, feel free to join us! :D

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Some hacker joined and teleported me and killed me, immediately restarted the server to prevent anyone else from dying.

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Seems like the BattleEye has done a massive ban wave of hackers!

Server just restarted and updated Battleye, enjoy it!

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