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Swift Gaming Private HIVE

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Wasn't (or isn't) Pegz part of the administration? I remember he was part of the Colony Security when I was in your server.

Also, funny you say on your next post that there's is no tolerance for hacks and banned HGMReturns for map-hacks when Pegz was using them to troll people not long ago, and he only got 3 day ban...

And on a final note...

So nobody at Swift Gaming has large penises? Good to know I suppose... (totally understand if this deserves a warning, but it was totally worth it).

I am not a part of the server administration what so ever. I play with them sure, but I hold no position within this server. The ban I can't speak to, I was banned for what I was doing and after the ban I stopped using the map.

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^ What he said. If someone is caught doing something, 99% of the time they receive a perm ban for it. Pegz has been a member of this community since close to day one, he was banned for the things he did and hasn't done them since. Hence why he is allowed to play here. He also appealed his ban he correct way, instead of coming on the DayZ forums and attempting to trash talk us.

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Ah John. You cry about hacks, but yet you were using the map hack allllll the time? Yea. Enjoy your perm ban. No hacking is tolerated, but you coming into my teamspeak channel screaming and kicking someone out of the server/channel wasn't called for. Glad your gone.

Yeah I used the map hack on your server. Stopped after the first temp. I'll admit I was a little angry and did kick the man out. It was totally called for. You knew he was hacking and allowed it because it benefited you. My main problem is your hypocritical and childish attitude almost all the time. Sometimes you are a cool dude; but as soon as someone does something you dont like or asks a silly question or calls you on something you flip shit and blame them for everything. I dont even want to appeal my ban so I do what I want and trash talk you. I have no problems with anyone else there except for you and you specifically. PS: You're a cunt.

[user warned. -Max]

Edited by Max Planck
Please state your opinion without resorting to that.

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As for what i could see, nothing changed so far, only hunters name here on the forums.

He still acts like before he is still doing what he want to with the argument that he is paying in the end so he can do what he want.

A few days ago there was a hacker spawning every kind of vehicle and gear for him and due to this, the database was restored for the day before(as they told at least).

So after the restart of the server, i spawned with nothing on the coast again and when i then was asking how the "restoring" works when it is not working as they claimed, i was confronted with the possibility to get banned because of "asking stupid questions all the time, in the forums and in-game".

You, hunter, claim to work for the pleasure of the community but only if they totally agree with you in any terms.

Have fun playing god in your own little world....your real life must be terrible if you act like this in every aspect of your live.


If you guys want footage of hunters behave, just type "us 1040" on youtube and there is plenty of videos for how they actually act in-game.

Edited by Apfelsator

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When you say it, nontheless hunter is still very important at swift-gaming and has every admin-right so...yeah.

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When you say it, nonetheless***** hunter is still very important at swift-gaming and has every admin-right so...yeah.

Hunter is not allowed on the forums yes, but the community wasn't banned from the forums.

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Banned because someone thought I was teleporting. Appeal just sent to gmail. We'll see how this goes.

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Received the following

www.swift-gaming.com forward your Ban Appeal there, it's easier for all the admins to view it at once.



On Wed, Sep 19, 2012 at 9:56 PM, Ed <redacted> wrote:

Wednesday Sept 19th approximately 7:05 pm.

Got Banned for "(Teleport)".

I've never cheated in ANY online game in my life, which goes all the way back to Quake. "If a man's word is no good, he is no good"

My ingame name is "Ed". A guy named Mexicano was stalking a sniper (Mex had just respawned from getting killed by the sniper) on the north side of Cherno. I was creeping along the docks trying to avoid the sniper, on my way to get morphine. I NEVER teleported anywhere. I spawned and came up the coast via the Balota airfield. Hit the store, then the church, then decided to go for morphine. Got to the far side of the docks then booted.

forward your Ban Appeal there, it's easier for all the admins to view it at once.



SInce you can't actually "forward" an email to a web site address I went through the steps to join. Never received verification email and I have triple checked to make sure I used the right address. I get into the forum, go to the Ban Appeals subforum, click on "Appeal Format" and I get this

You do not have permission to access this page. This could be because of one of the following reasons:

  1. Your account has either been suspended or you have been banned from accessing this resource.
  2. You do not have permission to access this page. Are you trying to access administrative pages or a resource that you shouldn't be? Check in the forum rules that you are allowed to perform this action.
  3. Your account may still be awaiting activation or moderation. (Resend Activation Code)
  4. You have accessed this page directly rather than using appropriate forms or link.

You are currently logged in with the username: 'Ed8020'

Click on "Resend activation code" and I get this

It appears your account is already activated or does not require email verification.

Considering that your ban appeals subforum is devoid of any posts other than something about "Job Applications" this is probably a waste of my time.

AND considering that there was only 4 or 5 people on the server at the time, I think it's safe to assume that the sniper in question was probably the one who booted "US". I say "US" because after my boot, there was only one person on the server. This is already more hassle than it's worth. Go ahead and have your own little private "Hogan's Alley", but at least be honest about it. I don't appreciate getting lied to but I REALLY don't appreciate being lied ABOUT. I don't cheat.

So far, this is not going well.

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As you were told on email, you'll have to appeal your ban on our website.

You are automatically registered when you apply on the site, and from there you can post a ban appeal.

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Yeah, I don't see that happening. I've already given this more effort than it's worth. I've already supplied all the info necessary. Oh yeah, PACIFIC time zone. Deal with it, or don't.

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If your not willing to go through the ban appeal process, we're not going through the effort of looking into it.

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Honestly, i enjoy this server and this community, just because other people get butt-hurt and rage that they get banned for hacks or something, doesn't mean that they have to ruin the reputation of a good server.

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Honestly, i enjoy this server and this community, just because other people get butt-hurt and rage that they get banned for hacks or something, doesn't mean that they have to ruin the reputation of a good server.

Hm... Right...

Knowing the founder first hand, I'd have to say reputation from my perspective is already ruined.

;) But we all like to play in imagination land don't we?

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