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key not working??

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previously i was banned , for downloading a software from a youtube video and now i have bought a new arma OAH and BAF again then i downloaded it,

i have uninstalled the pervious game and installed a new one but when i open the dayz commander it still says im globally banned ???

its a new key why is it saying im still banned??

please help

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So you tried to hack i think , i think there were some threads that handel this Problem. Your Key is saved somewhere, if you delete it you should be able to paly with the new one.

Edit: Probably your Computer is still infectet and the new key is gone too.

Did you set up your computer new after downloading this software. Scanning it with Virus Scanner.

Edited by Paddy0610

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nup i didnt , i just uninstalled the old game and bought the new one....installed , installed commander again...still banned :S

i did clean the c drive

Edited by wheelspk

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So , you done a mistake again. If its a keylogger Trojan thats steals your key. your new Key will be stolen and Replaced again. Until you totaly removed the Keylogger/trojan. My only advise would be completly wipe your Computer and set it up new. Then Retry to install Arma 2 and play Dayz.

If you want to save data use a system like Linux.

you get what i mean?

Edited by Paddy0610

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but my antivirus saying my computer is clean....can some one help me over team viewer plz....

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Sometimes it isnt, thats the Problem. But further then this i can´t help you. Good Luck :)

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ALSO when i re installed the dayz commander after completely deleting it , it still has my fav's saved and all the history on which i played on with the banned key, its like my commander is still thinking i have the old key ...innit

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i reset my computer after every infection , its the savest way to get it clean, if you got nothing to lose do it. your games can be downlaoded again by Steam so no problem. Your Pictures can be saved on and external device.

Also you wont have the problem commander uses old data and steam doenst do it too.

Edited by Paddy0610

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ok so i think ill re-install windows....will egt back if it still does not work

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okay my abti virus has dectected 2 virus trjon in the c file in common..i have deleted em so lets c what happens

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it didnt work 6updater is saying cd key in use and commander is saying im Globally banned :(

and the most important when the game started it had my old banned user name still

my new used name is not cumming up so i think it thinks im still using old account

how do i change to new account


Edited by wheelspk

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Where do you people come from ?

I have seen this question time and time again, do you have no idea how a computer works ?

Have you never heard of Google ?

Are you even capable of Lôôking through the Forums, here or elsewhere.

The next person that asks this question I will Bannish from these forums for ever and a DayZ.

I will do this once and once only....


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