Zombie Jesus 723 Posted September 5, 2012 (edited) Just kidding, well sort of. I get much of the frustration in the community because I have experienced 99% of the same problems that you have in my four months playing this game. I have sworn to never play again after a hacker death, I have lost a 28 day old character to a rock, have died to snipers, been killed by people I have helped, died to bugs, had gear disappear, lost countless tents, lost countless vehicles, suffered friendly fire, and even crashed on the airfield due to a graphics glitch (more accurately a buddy crashed into my car and both exploded killing four of us). I get the frustration, but some of it is misplaced (Arma 2 update is responsible for graphics bug and being tied to Arma 2 also makes it hard to combat hackers) or fails to see what this game can become if standalone is properly rolled out (think much less hacking and ability to address glitches/bugs in quick fashion).Some of this is lack of communication, but this has been addressed by Rocket himself.http://dayzmod.com/f...-radio-silence/He explains why he has been absent and why it is sometimes hard to provide updates (gets hate for saying working on it without a concrete answer so why say anything). The next patch will be done when the issues that can be fixed are fixed. This is a small development team, so lets all calm down and allow the process to play out bitching is not going to make anything better. Now I am not somebody just being a fanboy, but in some respects I can own that label since I love the concept of this game and that earns respect toward the person who came up with this concept through a mod. I have felt like the open alpha is a double edged sword because it allowed his concept to gain steam but now you have people who expect the game to work in alpha stage or are too impatient to wait a couple of months for a more polished release. If the alpha was closed you would not see this level of whining, but at this point it would be unfair to close the alpha for the mod, so we are stuck with this situation.I actually do not mind if people leave the game and wait for what will hopefully come. If the next patch drops and you continue to see bugs and glitches that would make your experience a bad one wait until those issues are fixed. When the standalone releases read up on the product and buy it if it meets your expectations, if not wait or save your money for something else. We do not all have to like what is currently there, but this culture of entitlement is beyond annoying.Since this is the interweb I expect nice civil responses leading to a rational discourse on the future of this game (nah just do what I do and be a dick).TL;DR, show some patience and quit your bitching. Edited September 5, 2012 by Zombie Jesus 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CM LEGION 29 Posted September 5, 2012 "TL;DR, show some patience and quit your bitching"Cant wait for you to eat those words. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zombie Jesus 723 Posted September 5, 2012 "TL;DR, show some patience and quit your bitching"Cant wait for you to eat those words.Like I said I expected dickish responses and so far I am one for one, show some patience and quit your bitching. If you do not like where the game is now wait until it is fixed and if it is never fixed do not come back, it is really that simple. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Inception. 9443 Posted September 5, 2012 Recently I/we [my group] found and took every vehicle in the game, including a chopper. The server shuttdown the next day. Hours of work gone.I've lost camps, I've lost equipment, I've died hackers countless times. I've died from bugs.I lost a 40 day character who had 11 bandit kills, 3 murderes, 600 exact zombie kills and 523 headshots. I was walking up the factory stairs and it glitched me out, making me fall off the roof.I'm damn well sure I've been through a fuckload more than most people, and yet, I'm still here playing.People need to learn to tolerate--I agree with you. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fraggle (DayZ) 15720 Posted September 5, 2012 Nice post. I too await the civil responses and rational debate the will surely ensue. 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Fitzkrieg 129 Posted September 5, 2012 (edited) You know... at one point I cared about hackers, that they killed my 32 day survivor/part time medic/bandit hunter, that I lost the gear I had accumulated, and blew up the car I had found, repaired, and kept safe from numerous greedy bandits. At one point I also cared about the glitches, oh man the physics too. Now, meh. Not important what so ever, and at the end of the day, it's a mod that will not affect your stand alone guy. QQ won't fix anything.edit: not saying you're QQ'ing. Edited September 5, 2012 by FitzGerald Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sheepdawg 278 Posted September 5, 2012 (edited) I get very hot and cold with this mod simply because the way I want to play I cant. For example. Yesterday I was on day 19 of my character. I apparently logged off in BAF so when i came back I immediately went to loot the hangars. Rounding the corner I saw a guy coming out of the hangar and took a shot cus he scared me. I heard him over voice saying "Woah woah" but for some reason the server i was on had tags to show if someone was a bandit or not. I said sorry you scared me and started to make my way back towards the hangar door when i hear pop pop pop. I was about to lose my shit because I thought he was being a sucker. Turns out there was a 3rd person on the runway and killed him, who I then killed.I made my way off BAF and headed to Cherno when I noticed something in the trees. There was a "debug dot" in som ebushes so I thought it was a person. Turns out it was a parked Dirtbike. So what did I do? I got on the bike and drove around beeping until I got killed. That was fun as hell I have to admit.I then respawn in Cherno, fresh off the beach I try to make my way back to where I was killed. I round the corner of a church and there is a bandit in there. He fires i escape and say "Im friendly and have nothing but your a bandit so I am sure you dont care". I then stopped in my tracks and let that loser shoot me. Congrats on getting nothing.Next spawn, meet a guy with a crossbow and I tell him I'm friendly and unarmed. He decides to NOT kill me and we loot together for a bit. We go our separate ways and then I get killed by some rooftop loser.TL;DR - Point is the game is fun sometimes, and other times its just such a piece of shit that I hate so much I want to slam my keyboard into tiny plastics. People are cool. People suck. Also..see signature. Edited September 5, 2012 by Sheepdawg Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CM LEGION 29 Posted September 5, 2012 Like I said I expected dickish responses and so far I am one for one, show some patience and quit your bitching. If you do not like where the game is now wait until it is fixed and if it is never fixed do not come back, it is really that simple.I give it till what, end of october? December maybe? I'd be surprised if this had 40k Active players. And i call that being a bit too generous.But you said something pretty interesting in here, "If you do not like where the game is now" Do you currently like where this is now? Abandoned for a standalone and the latest and greatest thing is "bandit clofhes!" You even went through a list of all the ways you have died. I think the only legit one in there was the car explosion and a firefight. You enjoy this fully? It has some great qualities, but the rest, the big 80% of this game is absolute garbage. They know it, you know it or i hope you do, and nobody cares. Hes got a month and a half before the big 4th quarter push this year. If he does nothing, this game will just be a one hit wonder. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zombie Jesus 723 Posted September 5, 2012 You know... at one point I cared about hackers, that they killed my 32 day survivor/part time medic/bandit hunter, that I lost the gear I had accumulated, and blew up the car I had found, repaired, and kept safe from numerous greedy bandits. At one point I also cared about the glitches, oh man the physics too. Now, meh. Not important what so ever, and at the end of the day, it's a mod that will not affect your stand alone guy. QQ won't fix anything.edit: not saying you're QQ'ing.Hackers have never really concerned me, sure I hate them but beyond not stooping to their level and not accepting their scripted gear there is nothing I can do so I never let them bug me too much. I have actually tricked a couple into being friendly and since I normally have a satchel charge I try to destroy whatever they have spawned at the funniest point I can think of, otherwise I can live with the occasional hacker death. I laughed when I died on a rock north of the Ural spawn (which is North of the NWAF, so a pain to get back to) and lost my character, shit happens in mods right. I am just tired of the same whine post day after day, if you are tired of the artifacts or hackers join the club, no need to add yet another whine to the forum. Patience with the development of this game is what will solve most of these problems, but we live in a time where patience is a lost virtue. So far some decent responses, maybe my faith in the interweb can be restored. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zombie Jesus 723 Posted September 5, 2012 (edited) I give it till what, end of october? December maybe? I'd be surprised if this had 40k Active players. And i call that being a bit too generous.But you said something pretty interesting in here, "If you do not like where the game is now" Do you currently like where this is now? Abandoned for a standalone and the latest and greatest thing is "bandit clofhes!"You even went through a list of all the ways you have died. I think the only legit one in there was the car explosion and a firefight. You enjoy this fully? It has some great qualities, but the rest, the big 80% of this game is absolute garbage. They know it, you know it or i hope you do, and nobody cares. Hes got a month and a half before the big 4th quarter push this year. If he does nothing, this game will just be a one hit wonder.Facepalm, one of us understands what an alpha is while the other expects the World of a mod that came out for twenty people in May.If you are asking if I still have fun on this mod then the answer is yes, if you are asking if I am aware that this mod is broken right now I have to say no shit. Even Rocket has said the mod is broken, hence the standalone. You are one of those entitled children I was talking about, the game will be fixed when it is fixed, stop being a little baby about a small development team attempting to release an ambitious project in a fairly short amount of time. If the problems are never fixed then the game might be a one hit wonder, but if they are addressed and the game is expanded I get to say I was in on the ground floor testing a buggy alpha that was still fun. Sounds like the bugs are too much for you which is perfectly fine, walk away and check back to see if what you want fixed is fixed.Essentially bitching is for impatient children, so quit yer bitchin.Edit: told you I could be a dick. Edited September 5, 2012 by Zombie Jesus Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SillySil 295 Posted September 5, 2012 I get what you're saying but one pinned thread on the forum listing things they are aware of or are working on (provided those things might not be implemented in next patch) would fix a lot of whining and duplicate threads about the same thing. It would also show that we contribute by giving feedback. That it's not ignored. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zombie Jesus 723 Posted September 5, 2012 I get what you're saying but one pinned thread on the forum listing things they are aware of or are working on (provided those things might not be implemented in next patch) would fix a lot of whining and duplicate threads about the same thing. It would also show that we contribute by giving feedback. That it's not ignored.The one thing I will fault the development team for is poor communication skills to the community, but I can also see why it becomes a pain to discuss anything with any community online. They are perfectly aware of the issues in the mod and what needs to be addressed for a standalone, but they lack the communication skills to get this across to the community. The community also tends to not read relevant posts or interviews from other sources, but once again I get this complaint from community members. Much of the "feedback" at this point is rehashing issues already covered in depth in other posts, or just flat out whining about hackers (seriously that is never going to be 100% fixed and any meaningful fix will not happen until standalone, people really need to get over that fact). If people are being constructive I am fine with reading the same thing over, but when they are whining I tend to not suffer that nonsense. The feedback has turned into 90% whining with few suggestions on features, that is not constructive (and now I have added to this with this post, so yes I am a hypocrite). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 39 Posted September 5, 2012 I can honestly say that, despite the hackers, the glitches, the random events that frustrate you to tears and the bugs, this is still the game (mod) that have brought me the most fun in games for ages (yea, I said ages). Despite all the things that aint perfect yet about this mod, not a second goes by where I would have preferred to be without this game that Rocket has provided us with. I can live with all the things that are wrong with it, because to me its still worth my time. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wiley 49 Posted September 5, 2012 I get what you're saying but one pinned thread on the forum listing things they are aware of or are working on (provided those things might not be implemented in next patch) would fix a lot of whining and duplicate threads about the same thing. It would also show that we contribute by giving feedback. That it's not ignored.Considering the number of repetitive posts, I don't think a pinned thread would do much of anything. If they didn't notice the thread 5 up from them, why would they notice a pinned thread?I just don't understand the mentality that if they don't respond saying, 'Yes, we're aware that roughly 18,000 threads have been posted in the last month regarding hacking, artifacts, and tents.' that people assume the issues are being ignored.One can argue all day that he should've put out a quick patch to fix, but it didn't happen. He chose to roll it into 1.7.3. Personally I don't understand why the server admins didn't revert to once they saw the issues with .5.PAX seems to be the end of the trail for cons for a little while. I'm curious to see what the next month brings and how 1.7.3 works. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spexnax 15 Posted September 5, 2012 OP, You said that the graphical gagfucking, is because of a "bug" in an ARMA update. It is true, that the bugs started to occur when we got to version 1.62., but i read somewhere, that they needed to re-binarize the dead soldiers bodies, those bodies that cause the shit. To me, that is THE biggest thing, that needs fixing. I can wait for dogs, and all the other bullshit, but there is no excuse for not fixing such a glaring thing. Whether it is caused by the DayZ team, or Bohemia. I guess, as a temp. fix, they could just remove the bodies from the game/mod. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheDesigner 1197 Posted September 5, 2012 I do like how everyone opposed to you "hurp, you people need to wait, hurp" are stereotyped as being impatient and irrational. It's a funny thing to do. DayZ, the mod itself, is an awesome idea and really fun. But, Rocket needs to learn that you can't keep 1.3m+ people in the dark for prolonged periods of time. If you don't agree, then you are the irrational one. These threads are becoming more common than the "I am quit" (purposely done) threads. You are just being a hypocrite by crying about people who cry about the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zombie Jesus 723 Posted September 5, 2012 (edited) I do like how everyone opposed to you "hurp, you people need to wait, hurp" are stereotyped as being impatient and irrational. It's a funny thing to do. DayZ, the mod itself, is an awesome idea and really fun. But, Rocket needs to learn that you can't keep 1.3m+ people in the dark for prolonged periods of time. If you don't agree, then you are the irrational one. These threads are becoming more common than the "I am quit" (purposely done) threads. You are just being a hypocrite by crying about people who cry about the game.Fine I am a hypocrite then, but this mod is less than 5 months old and has had some significant updates. I am not saying these problems are minor, I am just saying people have an unrealistic expectation of how quickly games are developed (still waiting for Half Life 3 I bet). If anything this community just reinforces the bad habits by developers to not open up the process to people who have no idea how much time and effort it takes to put out a polished game. You have two options, be a whiny little bitch about things (I see this is the option you picked) or show some motherfucking patience like an adult. One of us will be content for the next couple of months while the other is raging about things outside of their control. One of us will be happy when a decent update gets rolled out (I realize broke the game, I suspect he does not want to make a similar mistake with the next patch) while the other will just rage about how long it took to be released. I would much rather take the adult approach and remain optimistic and happy, but to each his own I guess.Edit: Was way too big of a dick in this post, but really how is showing patience after a month and half being childish. Edited September 5, 2012 by Zombie Jesus Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SillySil 295 Posted September 5, 2012 The one thing I will fault the development team for is poor communication skills to the community, but I can also see why it becomes a pain to discuss anything with any community online. They are perfectly aware of the issues in the mod and what needs to be addressed for a standalone, but they lack the communication skills to get this across to the community. The community also tends to not read relevant posts or interviews from other sources, but once again I get this complaint from community members. Much of the "feedback" at this point is rehashing issues already covered in depth in other posts, or just flat out whining about hackers (seriously that is never going to be 100% fixed and any meaningful fix will not happen until standalone, people really need to get over that fact). If people are being constructive I am fine with reading the same thing over, but when they are whining I tend to not suffer that nonsense.The feedback has turned into 90% whining with few suggestions on features, that is not constructive (and now I have added to this with this post, so yes I am a hypocrite).Considering the number of repetitive posts, I don't think a pinned thread would do much of anything. If they didn't notice the thread 5 up from them, why would they notice a pinned thread?One can argue all day that he should've put out a quick patch to fix, but it didn't happen. He chose to roll it into 1.7.3. Personally I don't understand why the server admins didn't revert to once they saw the issues with .5.PAX seems to be the end of the trail for cons for a little while. I'm curious to see what the next month brings and how 1.7.3 works.If you'd have the list pinned somewhere on the forum and someone would make a thread about something they already know, they could be just directed there and people would either stop bumping the thread discussing the same thing again or maybe even lock the thread since it's useless. Seriously there are only benefits of a list like that.I just don't understand the mentality that if they don't respond saying, 'Yes, we're aware that roughly 18,000 threads have been posted in the last month regarding hacking, artifacts, and tents.' that people assume the issues are being ignored.How don't you understand it? It makes perfect sense. If you report the same thing 18,000 times and there is not a single "yeah we know" you assume they don't give a fuck. Because people are not going to listen to twenty 1 hour long interviews (that are mostly about standalone) to get that information. Making a thread on this forum with all the issues they are aware of wouldn't even take 1/3 of the time it takes for one of those interviews. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wiley 49 Posted September 5, 2012 How don't you understand it? It makes perfect sense. If you report the same thing 18,000 times and there is not a single "yeah we know" you assume they don't give a fuck.They've got a 'bug report' forum, and you assume that unless they're posting in it constantly they're ignoring it? Why? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
spexnax 15 Posted September 5, 2012 You are a tad delusional. Adult, sure...Do not call people bitches, and use the word "adult", in the same sentence. And threads like these are now what keep the forum going. People with legitimate complaints, and people like you, who say ALPHA FFS!, It´s a mod, you did not pay for this, etc... You are doing nothing new with this thread, in fact, i dare say you are part of the problem. Not the solution. I think YOU are immature, for jumping on a bandwagon. But to each his own, I guess. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SillySil 295 Posted September 5, 2012 (edited) They've got a 'bug report' forum, and you assume that unless they're posting in it constantly they're ignoring it? Why?I just fucking love how you people twist what I said when I bring the list up. Last time a mod did it. He said I want a red phone in the corner of my room calling every time rocket farts.I don't want them to constantly post. I just would like to see that the feedback doesn't fall on deaf ears. A list of known issues updated once a week or 2 weeks would really let people know that the devs are listening and it would clean this forum up.And why do people think devs are ignoring it all? Because even with all those duplicate threads all we hear is dogs and standalone. If you'd keep telling someone you know about something he does wrong for a month and he would never say that he's gonna change it, would you think he's going to change or that he stopped listening to you a long time ago?The BF3 had it right. In their suggestion forum they had "not planned", "considered", "planned" and "implemented" labels. And in their bug report forum they had "known issue" and "fixed" labels. It really helped. But yeah they had the manpower. So instead of that, a list that takes 10 minutes to updated every week or two would be great. Edited September 5, 2012 by SillySil Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wiley 49 Posted September 5, 2012 That still doesn't answer my question. Why do you assume the feedback falls on deaf ears? Is the default assumption that he's not going to fix the bugs out of spite, or what? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SillySil 295 Posted September 5, 2012 That still doesn't answer my question. Why do you assume the feedback falls on deaf ears? Is the default assumption that he's not going to fix the bugs out of spite, or what?Why do you assume he does? It's not like he's obliged to fix bugs.If there is no indication that he does know about the issues why would I assume he does? He can be ignoring all the issues and just working on dogs and standalone and doing interviews for all I know. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Double_Back 36 Posted September 5, 2012 We were spoiled early by Rocket and now, like spoiled children, we're accustomed to a ridiculous standard and pout and throw a fit when it's not met.We were spoiled over the summer by almost weekly (sometimes daily!) patches and regular feedback and interaction from Rocket.How many mods and games offer that? I've played games that went years between patches with barely a word from the devs other than "Here's the new patch" when it's released. No feedback, no engaging of the player base directly at all, no word of future patches, and no support at all.We've gone a few weeks(!) with no update and relatively little feedback (think he might be busy with something???) and the forums are full of rage. Rage over something they didn't and haven't paid a penny for. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zombie Jesus 723 Posted September 5, 2012 You are a tad delusional. Adult, sure...Do not call people bitches, and use the word "adult", in the same sentence. And threads like these are now what keep the forum going. People with legitimate complaints, and people like you, who say ALPHA FFS!, It´s a mod, you did not pay for this, etc... You are doing nothing new with this thread, in fact, i dare say you are part of the problem. Not the solution. I think YOU are immature, for jumping on a bandwagon. But to each his own, I guess.I did not make either argument, I just said one of us can deal with this in a reasonable fashion while the other feels entitled, end of story. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites