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How to get Lingor to run when you're always kicked for content that has been deleted, like brg_africa or chn_crocodile - Six Updater Tutorial

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Short version of the original post: If, like me, you just can't get Lingor to work (getting kicked with a complaint about missing/deleted content) despite following all the tutorials to the letter, you CAN get it to work if you use SIx Updater to find and download some additional mods. Specifically, the things that are being complained about being missing or deleted. The video shows how. Hopefully this'll help a few people that are still having problems..

Edited by Brew78
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1. Download the full version from http://dayzlingor.tk (direct link: http://dayzlingor.tk/files/dayz_lingor/DayZ_Lingor_1725_034.torrent)

2. Unzip (via WinRAR) into your Arma II directory. (now alongside your @DayZ folder you will have an @Lingor and @DayZ_Lingor folder or something with very similar names)

3. Create a duplicate of your DayZ shortcut and name it DayZ - Lingor or whatever you want. Add the @DayZ_Lingor and @Lingor flags on the shorcut and that's it.

No more messing with enabling/disabling add-ons in game or using the silly Six updater.

How would you all have figured it out in the beginning without these external apps to baby you along? :P Good luck!

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Maybe I wasn't clear...


I don't know if its related to it being a Steam installation or what, but following ANY of those directions inevitably results in being kicked from a the server, with a message complaining about missing content.

Like I said, when I finally did get on, the message stream on the bottom left of the screen was filled with nothing but spam of people having the exact same problem, with the exact same files missing.

Maybe one of the download files is missing important content, I don't know. I downloaded the 7zip file, not the torrent. Maybe that's it.

But I've been trying for days and finally got on last night, and that's what finally worked. I had to enable multiple other expansions, or else get kicked for missing content.

I appreciate that you'd assume I hadn't tried your suggestion, but believe me I have. And your instructions don't work.

(edit for no-need-to-be-so-angry)

Edited by Brew78

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ok mate. let me try.

HOW TO INSTALL LINGOR ON STEAM IN 5 EASY STEPS (asuming you have a working dayz installation already)

1 > Download the above mentioned Lingor FULL, NOT UPDATE, version required (torrent or download) 500+ mb size

2 > Extract the two folder in the downloaded file (@dayz_lingor & @dayz_lingor_island), to your Arma II OA folder (if you havent already, copy the AddOns folder from Arma II to Arma II OA folder)

3 > Make sure DayZ, Arma II OA beta & Lingor is the correct version, according to server requirements, else update them or downgrade beta proberly

4 > Create a .bat file in Arma II OA folder containing:

start Expansion\beta\arma2oa.exe -mod=@DayZ_lingor;@dayz_lingor_island; -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -nosplash -world=emtpy

(if you dont know how to create .bat = create a text dokument, paste the code in and save it as "DayZ Lingor.bat" remeber .bat and not .txt, should show as a small cogwheel icon)

5 > Execute the .bat file and you should get into the DayZ Lingor menu, now double check all versions before going to multiplayer and connecting

Done, have fun and die in paradise :D

I really hope it helps you, as it has helped alot of people before :) one very important thing is the possition of the folders and to make sure you got the AddOns folder from Arma II copied to Arma II OA folder *VERY IMPORTANT* else you will get a million errors.

Your Arma II OA folder on steam should look like this, folderwise:






Just realized you fixed it :facepalm:

Edited by Byrgesen

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Heh.. actually, it was your set of instructions that I last tried before getting it to work using the six updater and enabling the extra expansions :D

(and after the global-kill hacker that was going nutty on the server I was on last night, was going to try yours when next I play, if that's ok)

Seriously, I have no idea what the problem is. My best guess is that its either Steam related, or that the 7zip doesn't match the torrent.

Edited by Brew78

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no idea mate.

on steam you always have the option to "verify chace integrity" or what its called :)

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Had trouble with the Steam version too, key is to go to the Launch options of Arma2 OA, add -mod=@DayZ_lingor;@dayz_lingor_island. Now right click Arma2 OA and "Launch Arma2 Combined Operations".

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Had trouble with the Steam version too, key is to go to the Launch options of Arma2 OA, add -mod=@DayZ_lingor;@dayz_lingor_island. Now right click Arma2 OA and "Launch Arma2 Combined Operations".

or just create the .bat file and dont ever use steam anymore :)

Edited by Byrgesen

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I was having trouble with the Steam install, the Launch line i got off the Internet was wrong. It didn't include @dayz_lingor_island, you see loads of players having the same problem. I was lucky I realised, other than that DayZcommander worked a treat. :)

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I never really had problems setting the Steam command line parameters, but yeah I'm just using the Launch Beta shortcut for now.

This way, launching OA through Steam I can keep the overlay. Might set up a Lingor shortcut too, add it to Steam as an external application or something.

Either way, I got the initial draft made and have some edits to make but it should go up tonight.

(Lesson learned - if you're monitoring the Aero desktop to record video, it just records the desktop and not any application launched on top of it.)

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Ok, got the tutorial uploaded and edited the OP.

I guess its also a general "How to use Six Updater to install Lingor" video, but my intent was to address the specific issue I couldn't find any info about, and which I saw lots of other people have - getting kicked for similar errors about missing/deleted content!

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