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Buying a second account... Would it be considered cheating?

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Well Vrael, I will try, but I'm not going to lie, it's tempting to just use this account to get loads of stuff with no risk. But, we'll see, don't think I will abuse it. I mean, I don't really care that much about stuff, as long as I can manage to storage 50 coke bottles in a tent, I'm happy.. lol :P

Also, don't need more than perhaps a sniper and a regular rifle, and an alice backpack. And a car, of course.

More than that seems kinda unnecessary, and only reason to have more stuff than that is if you're going to try to hunt down players regularly.

But I'm a hoarder, if I see something, I take it with me, then when my inventory is full, and I find more stuff, I get frustrated, and use half an hour deciding what to take with me...

I left my tent with around 43 coke bottles earlier today, before I left for Cherno (now I'm in an apartment building with a broken leg, 3k blood). No Pepsi, Just Cola.

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Tents don't work properly? WHY DON'T THEY JUST R4PE ME IN THE A$$ WITH A CHAINSAW!?!?!? :'(

I haven't been at my camp in a couple of days, don't know when server reset is, and all my good stuff is there :S

you might be lucky.. sometimes they do save but only the first time they're saved and only if the person who pitched the tent does it

(urbandict. just told me that pitching a tent also means striking a boner... silly english you :D)

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But I'm a hoarder, if I see something, I take it with me, then when my inventory is full, and I find more stuff, I get frustrated, and use half an hour deciding what to take with me...

I left my tent with around 43 coke bottles earlier today, before I left for Cherno (now I'm in an apartment building with a broken leg, 3k blood). No Pepsi, Just Cola.

Yeah when i think of folks with tents i think of that hoarder tv show my wife is always watching. (how anyone can watch that show more than once is beyond me, yeah im married to a sicko) Anyway ... i am a lone wolf, if i can't carry it i don't need it. Found a tent once, carried it in my alice pack till i found a good stash of food. Tried to deploy it just to see if i could but it wouldnt deploy. My thinking is i would never put anything in a tent i couldnt afford to loose so why bother. Just gimme, a decent firearm, some ammo, food, drink, basic meds and a comfortable pair a boots and im good to go.

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