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Removal of night vision

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I remember the first night i spent on dayz, a time when we spawned with flares. I hung onto those bad boys like my life depended on it, there was a time when i'd have to run across open fields with a chem light in hand just so i could see my fellow survivors five feet in front me, and raiding a town, with only a single flashlight between three of us.

I think that night vision spoils my experience of the game, simply because you can't afford not to use it when you get it, if i don't use it i get shot while i blindly fumble in the dark, if i do use it it takes all the horror out of having to sweep my Remington with a flash light across a field and seeing i've passed too close to a zombie or the tension knowing i'm giving away my position. At the very least i'd love a battery or charge type system to stop them being used so much.

When i own them i can't help but use the damn things. I know i may be alone in this but i really do think night vision should be removed.

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Ive been saying for a long time NVGs should be rare as rocking horse shit within game and ideally require batteries, which in turn should have limited use. If this cant be done then yea remove them as all it's doing is making night time (which is and should be fantatsic in Day Z) and associated items such as flares, chemligts, torches etc, obsolete.

Most players chose not to play at night unless they have NVG. Those of us who do like to play Night time do so at the risk of knowing fine well that most of the other night time users will already have the goggles. So yes, better balance is clearly required.

Edited by Box
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Agreed. Playing when we first started use chem lights and flares was awesome. Getting a G17 was a major win moment ! If nvgs are retained i hope they go with the rocking horse shit and short battery life. Make the battery packs for them rare as too.

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i'm still pretty new, and i can't help but find NVG before a watch or compass, it seems everytime i die, and i get even the slightest bit north (just out of eyesight of the ocean) i find a remington, some Coke, and a fucking NVG...i've almost never been without a pair and it's almost boring at night because i can see everything so well and am more invisible to zombies. i can see clear as day and run through town without even the slightest fear of zombies or even bandit clans...it's way too easy to stock up at night with such security. And let's be honest...how many NVGs would a fictitious Post-Soviet Micronation have in it's miniature army's arsenal? really? :/

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Petition for NVGs according to above comments:

- Make them more rare

- NVG should use some kind of energy source so one can use it

My suggestion:

Make the energy source rare too for difficulty in finding one and using it.

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They were rather rare before.

Due to rampant duping, they are not, just like the AS50.

After the hive wipes, we'll be fine.

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They were rather rare before.

Due to rampant duping, they are not, just like the AS50.

After the hive wipes, we'll be fine.

Problem with these hive wipes everyone is relying on is that until duping is fixed they will do shit all, and some duping methods aren't able to be fixed while using the Arma2 engine. Everyone just looses all their hard earned shit (by everyone I mean the 25% of people who don't partake in this duping/hacking) and then we all go back exactly the same state in within the next few days or even hours.

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yeah, the duping is what has caused this problem, everyone and his mum has a pair of NVG's on him/her now, it makes it so i can't go out without them for fear of just being shot in the back in the dark

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Nothing is going to change with them as long as the engine makes it impossibly dark at night. We used to be able to play at night, until someone thought we should not be able to see our weapon in our hands after 10pm.

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they were rare before the hackers and bug abusers invented one trillion of them into the game.

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Much agreed Biaslemon! i also agree with everyone on this topic, the NVG's are spiraling out of control, the good old days when you spawned with a makarov and flares were awsome! going around in the dark with your buddies 10feet away and not being able to see them was truly great gameplay and make an awsome night of gaming over teamspeak/skype. Nowadays NVG's are common as whiskey bottles and every group or lone survior seems to have a pair, making the night cycle loose its atmosphere and sence of danger. Many a time have i been sniped/shot at playing with buddies even though we're staying low, keeping the lights off and maintaining noise disipline, in total darkness!

I remember seeing a light source in the distance or a lit flare in cherno/electro and instantly the hairs on the back of my neck would stand up and me and the group knew sh#t was going down ^^

I think that the removal of NVG's altogether from the loot list would be a great idea or make some form of power source for them to run off, much like the laser designator takes a battery in the ARMA II game and make this an incredibily low % spawn.

And much like Scavenger said '' And let's be honest...how many NVGs would a fictitious Post-Soviet Micronation have in it's miniature army's arsenal? really? :/ '' EXACTLY! the amount of high grade military hardware is insane! I like the idea of the crashed helis being 'special forces' that have crashed and that makes sence for high-end gear to spawn there.

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Nothing is going to change with them as long as the engine makes it impossibly dark at night. We used to be able to play at night, until someone thought we should not be able to see our weapon in our hands after 10pm.

I understand your point, but arma is a simulation and without any sources of light except the moon, it literally is pitch black at night. I think people forget that arma II is a military simulation, that it is very brutal and unforgiving. This is exactly how I want the DayZ experience to play like! Anyway, it's my opinion but i understand if people want the realism to be dumbed down for accsessibility and playability.

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Yee.. you are kinda right. I use it as much as i can when i have em, but if i don't i like to sneak around in the city with a flash light or so. But then you don't know if a guy with night vision is sitting in the woods and just gonna shot you. Would be awesome if they got removed so you got have to use chemlight/flashlight/flare to just see the zombies & Town :D

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I would love to play at night but know full well if i do it's just asking for me to be shot by somebody with NVGs so i just stick to daytime servers. The experience is fun as all hell and would love to do it more but you're just so much more death prone to players who can see you it's not even worth it. I think seeing the red hue of somebody running through a field/town/village with a flare would make the dayz experience 100x better as it adds another level of excitement to the game.

The other problem we have now is with clans. All it takes is 1 person within a clan to get NVGs and then dupe the shit out of them until 3-20 more people have them, and then every time you die, somebody else gets them, and the clan just dupes another to cover their loss thus, it floods the system with a once extremely rare item.

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I understand your point, but arma is a simulation and without any sources of light except the moon, it literally is pitch black at night. I think people forget that arma II is a military simulation, that it is very brutal and unforgiving. This is exactly how I want the DayZ experience to play like! Anyway, it's my opinion but i understand if people want the realism to be dumbed down for accsessibility and playability.

have you ever actually been outside in a full moon lit open area? you can see quite well. also until duping is fixed all your ideas are invalid as far as more rare or batteries. they will just be duped. all that you can do is wait until they fix duping. if youre going to remove nvg's, then you should remove the 50's as well. just another overpowered thing. and silenced weapons. and hell just all military loot period. then how much fun will it be running around with shotguns. cz550 and a revolver??

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NVG is essential on the Mod for night-time play until DRH implements the Arma 3 version of nighttime in the 'Standalone' with it's infinitely more subtle shades of darkness.

The only reason NVG's don't seem rare - and you've seen the percentage spawn chance so you know they SHOULD be rare - is because hackers and item dupers have multiple copies in their tents, which then get looted.

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It would be cool if you could shine the torch/light source in a nvg user's eyes to blind them temporarily

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I think the best way to sort this out is to make them use batteries, and that the batteries take up 1 bag slot and last for 10 minutes of constant use, or longer if the player uses them only when really needed, the trade off would then be taking a few batteries and having less ammo, possibly make them take up two slots as well to really enforce the trade off.

Even with tent dupes, forcing the player to carry them about, would mean that at some point a players night vision would run out of power and he would not be close enough to his base to get new batteries, so it would bite him in the ass and he would be left blind in the dark like the rest of us.

Personally I LOVE night time play and have been asking our admin to sort out the time for ages so that it actually gets dark before 2am, seems me like 90% of the people who whine about playing at night are the same run n gun cherno types who are in it for the player kills and not the overall survival experience

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I'm really glad people feel this way about it :D i didn't know if i was alone in thinking we need something to be done about it, it really ruins my immersion using the NVGs, it used to scare the sh*t out of my creeping into a barn at night only to discover a big clump of zombies suddenly appearing in my torch light.

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