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Unique Zombies

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No no no, not zombies that explode or tongue rape you from 20 meters away.

It's clear that there's three types of zombies. Ankle-biters, Hoppers, and Walkers... But they're all the same technically. (Adults, mid-weight)

First of all, ARE there female zombies? I haven't noticed, but if there aren't maybe there should should be.

Other than that, what about children? The game is brutal right? I can imagine 15 little zombie boys and girls running out of the school and turning my face into a salad. Besides, smaller targets right?

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I don't see why not. Should be this way. But then I guess they'd have to make playable children as well to make sense' date=' no?


Wow, a child shooting someone in the back with a DMR

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Kid players? Come one, too easy to hide, and would get caught while running :p

Chernarus is kind of rural. Assuming the outbreak happened during the week, it's mostly possible for the kids to get stuck (and eaten) at school, away from the island. Having very few of these would be interesting though.

Females, I don't see why they shouldn't be in. Except if someone was going all GTA hate and say "But you see, we can kill CHILDREN and WOMEN before they kill you! The horror!".

A few cop skins would be fun too.

But no "BOOMER, HUNTER, JOKEY" and stupid things like that;

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A few cop skins would be fun too.

i think i've seen zombie cops at deer stands sometimes.

i like the idea of women and children zombie models. this is kinda simulation so... why not? infection won't spare them.

for women player models i guess this is gonna get fixed in future updates, we've already been able to choose which gender we wanna play.

playable kids, in contrast, i wouldn't include as a feature. seems kinda strange when they'd be able to use some heavy weapons.

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a few 'survivor suit' zombies wouldn't go amiss, ideally 1 for every character death(after the 'suicide to get a better spawn' is stopped). maybe..... MAYBE a chance of 1 or 2 good-ish loot items, but i'd be as happy with no loot drop.

just want them for atmosphere.

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Their are zombie nuns, I have seen so female zombies do exist, just in vary small numbers.

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True, I forgot about the nuns. Crazy bitches too...

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First time i've read the topic,i thought u wanted an unique zombie (bigger one,like in Left for dead) which has nice lewtz.like 5-6 @ the whole map. or every mob spawn with 1-5% of spawning

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Nah I just want some more variety that adds more complications to combat with zombies.

Tiny man-eating children would be psychologically and physically effective.

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Yeah, this is something to worry about for the final version of the game...not in the Alpha... it'd be nice to have some variety though, yeah.

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The kid zombies in No More Room In Hell are the scariest as they always run and are hard to hit because they are so small D:

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