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Hacker Activity on US 2237

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Server: US 2237

Time: ~10:00 PM PST

Description: I had a truck, lost it to some players in a firefight, logged off for a bit. Logged on, found the truck and the players, sniped them, and grabbed the truck back. A new friend of mine grabs their other vehicle, a van, and we meet in Kamenka. Suddenly a GAZ comes hauling down the road and stops next to the van. He doesn't respond when called to, and I'm too far away to help. I see my new friend (Mato?) unload clip after clip into this guy while he just stands there, taking it, not dying. Absolutely terrified, I decide to run this undying player (logan) over with my truck. I send him flying, but then he runs right back and starts popping off poorly aimed shots everywhere. I think a few hit my friend, though I don't suspect him of anything after he nearly died from a zed swipe not 10 minutes before. I drove away telling him to head north, while he tried to deal with logan, who still showed no signs of dying. As I drove away, my friend's name came across my screen as deceased. Logan was chatting with us in direct the whole time we were trying to kill him, mocking us.

TL;DR player "logan" did not die after emptying numerous clips into him point blank, while he was typing mockingly in chat with us.

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Player David somehow found me in woods, shot me in the head as I was spawning in, I spawned in with a duped corpse. I see him at my camp and approach. He kills me. I wake up at the coast with an AS50 and full gear. Please check the logs. No definite proof, but a pretty big hunch.

Edited by mitchmalloy

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First of all, screenshotting in DayZ is a nightmare. And even if I did have a screenshot, what then? Just some guy in the woods or something? A lot of shit is impossible to screenshot, and not everybody can or should be expected to fraps the whole time they play. Secondly, I don't have access to the logs; the admins do. If admins want evidence, they can just check the logs. If they can't check the logs, or the logs offer insufficient evidence, then why the hell is that an issue not presently being addressed by the admin community? And how would it be my fault in any way, exactly, for attempting to bring it to their attention?

Posting these isn't pointless; asking everybody to magically provide absolutely damning evidence (pretty much only ever video) is, especially when it's in the hands of the admins to check the game logs.

Edited by mitchmalloy

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I think you are actually referring to US 2737 not 2237 to which i am the admin.

I can confirm that logan was indeed a hacker based on the log information i have viewed and was subsequently banned pending additional verification and vetting (if needed by the dayz mod team). For now the ban is temporary assuming he will be vindicated by dayz mod staff however the latest round of grenade rain he dropped on the server is pretty conclusive imo.

As far as david is concerned i will investigate this further as i LOATHE teleporters, unfortunately i am still working out how to identify these types of offenses. I realize alot of players lost their gear to that grenade rain just before he crashed the server and its unfortunate that this even happens. Being the admin of a server doesn't always mean you have the power to stop anything especially with a mod that is still in alpha and that ties the hands of admins to take action against suspected players. Personally i try always to air on the side of caution and fairness as banning a player who is just good and not cheating from what may very well be their favorite server would not be helpful to the community if every admin did this.

I can definitely see both sides of the argument, both by admins and by the DayZ staff that guidelines need be followed but not allowing the admins to unite more often only means the hacker has another 4999 other servers to choose from once he is banned. It's sad that i spend 40+% of my time playing this game reviewing logs for players who are "suspected" of cheating on my server while i am playing and although i am possibly a more active admin than most still havnt been successful at stopping even half of the hacker attacks, only cleaning up after them once they've occured.

Don't be discouraged mitchmalloy and keep posting as much information as possible, the 3 key things to finding a hacker is the time it happened, your time zone, and the server you were on, its also helpful to know a game name of a suspect but this can be just as misleading as helpful if that player is innocent. Regardless keep playing on my server and keep your eye out, i dont want to say anything as corny as, "Together we can make a difference" but then again i just did!.

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I would hope the admin checks the logs as a matter of course, you'd do well to flag it to them directly, rather than hoping they check here.

^ Meh, cross post.

Edited by Gogster

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Lost, it was definitely US 2237--I just triple-checked my history with DayZ Commander--but after seeing your reply I'm feeling fairly confident in you as an admin, and would like to give your server a test run as my new go-to server. :)

I can't be certain David was a teleporter, but the whole thing was terribly suspect. On the off chance he was just running through the woods when he stumbled upon me, though, I don't necessarily want to see him banned. Only if sufficient evidence appears in the logs.

But yeah, logan was definitely hacking. I really appreciate you catching him!

Looking forward to giving 2737 a go in the near future!

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That would explain why i couldn't find David =D. logan however made a pretty negative impression on our server and alot of honest players lost some good loot i'm sure. I tend to drop in and monitor when i'm not playing but its not as regular as when i'm actually in game myself. See you there i'm sure and hope you have a positive experience on my server. I encourage anyone who visits to drop me a line should they discover anything even suspect as looking into it only takes a moment where-as having a hacker destroy your character's current progression can take an hour or more to recover from =P.

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No they are talking about 2237 if they aren't their is still hacking going on in 2237. I play on that server and i find hacked stuff everywhere, recently i found a crashed helicopter with 4 dead bodys, one of em had a golden revolver another had 5 mounatin dew, and one had a m249 saw with a acog sight or something, with 5 green camo m249 ammo for it. and also i found that half the time you diconect you will die. my friend lost his nv pathfinder gullie suit as50 and coyote back pack and me and him were only ones on. In game my name is Wolf 23 im on top of the server scoreboad :). if you do mange to die when disconecting or not sure join another server see if you in same spot and move away from where you just spawned in and go back to us 2237, i did this when my friend said i died when i got back my body was just satnding their and i took some of the stuff i put some stuff in my back pack but when i left the stuff i put in my back pack didn't save only my inventory. i really love this server. unfortunetly roman (Name ingame: roma's alienware) and I keep getting disconected because our ping keeps jumping above 225ping. if want to know more just send me a message. If you can Hellfish fix this hacking problem.Alos if you can, allow higher ping other than 225ping. something like 260ping or 300 would be great. i really love this server.

Edited by Wolf 23

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