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GMA Looking for Member

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Guild of Mute Assassins {GMA} is looking for people to grow our ranks! We currently have a Team Speak 3 Server and a Website thats currently under construction but will be up and running shortly! You can add me on Steam (bigsbeemcbuds) or Xfire (bigsbeemcbuds) ....If you can't reach me on there then send me a PM on here as ill be checking on here and xfire more then steam. We're a Clan that's friendly yet we will KOS if needed or if we just feel like it.


1. Must be 18+ (may take some under the age limit)

2. Respect all members of GMA

I dont want a strict clan with thousands of rules

it's mainly a clan for friend/gamers to have fun

and survive in this horrible world we call home!



-= Our Guild WILL NOT be so crazy structured that you have to take test out, or some crazy thing that takes away from what the game is about... SURVIVING!!! We are a guild by the people and for the people. We will all work together for the greater good of -=GMA=-. We will do the things that it takes to survive and along the way do what it take to help others survive. We will also establish ourselves as mercenaries for good and bad. We plan to work with and/for multiple guild/clan to help us/them accomplish the things necessary to stay alive. We plan to be that light in all this darkness the world has so curly handed to us. We will be the light to guide that way or the blood red light of vengeance. We will be there to do the things that YOU can't do alone. =-

Visit our website to apply:


We now have our very own DayZ server running Lingor Island Visit out website/forums or our facebook page for more info!

Edited by Sir_Smoke_ALot

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-=GMA=- is a US based Guild. We also have full time jobs so we mostly get on after work, 6 to11 cst during week days and different times for the weekend. We are always changing our missions day to day. some days we just loot and other we look for a battle. just depands on how you feel that day. send bigsbee or myself a message and join some new friends in the world of DayZ.


Edited by Later36s

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"looking for member"

" for member"



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